Game Of Thrones Season 3 Episode 5: The Kiss of Fire


And it’s that time again new Game of Thrones episode now lets review. As always have not watch the episode then steer clear will be talking about spoilers.

The first scene we start out right with the fight with Beric and The Hound. I now pass the crown of Jamie and Ned’s fight scene to this one it was an awesome fight also no douche who stabs anybody in the foot. Fight pretty cool i mean he has flaming sword that’s gotta be scary for the hound including the fact since he is scared of fire we saw that in season 2 episode 9 at blackwater when he see’s a flaming man charging he’s like im out. But the Hound kept his composure and killed Berric. Right no more brotherhood right oh wait he’s a zombie. Zombie Donaldson. Or vampire since he got stab in the eye. Also we see Arya trying kill hound i mean he’s in her prayer after all. But lord of light likes the hound for some reason.

The next scene we are beyond the wall. In this scene Orell is questing Jon’s loyalty because he thinks he is crow. But thinking about it Orell is our audience character where is Jon Snow still a spy for the nights watch or has he become a wildling i know but won’t say anything else about it. Also Jon lost his virginity to ygirite in hot springs in icy wasteland doesn’t seem that miserable for Jon snow.

The next scene is at Harenhall with Roose Bolton and Jamie. I like Roose Bolton i really should not  people will see what i mean after the season finale but he is just like tywin. The whole your sister is alive psyche.

Next scene is at kings landing where we see Tyrion looking to save money for the royal wedding. Talking with Olenna Tyrell or the Queen of thrones. If have not said this yet i will now she is my favorite new character of Season 3. Her dominating Tyrion showing that she is not just a typical woman but a smart woman. Great scene between them two.

The next scene is with Gendry deciding to become a brother of the BWB(Brotherhood Without Banners). This happens at a worst time first Hot Pie leaves, Gendry is leaving she’s got abandonment issues i mean she lost everyone she has care for in between season 1- season 3.

Next scene is famous scene in books when Lord Karstark takes supposed Justice. Robb has his men hanged and kills lord karstark himself. Great scene in books his second mistake. Robb is told from his adviser keep him as hostage to keep his subordinates with the Northern army. In end he follows his fathers advice which is justice. Robb has not learn from his fathers mistakes. Reason why he is in this mess to begin with was he did not do what renly told him to do, he didn’t follow littlefingers advice. But he’s a stark its to be expected.

Next scene is with BWB where Arya learns about Berics zombie powers. This cool discussion of how every time he comes back he loses a bit of himself. But its cool. Last season we saw Millisandre use shadow monster to kill renly now we learn it can bring people back to life. Also see Arya show that she misses her dad and wants him back showing no matter how much she has grown up she is still a kid.

Next scene is a crazy scene at Dragonstone. We see Stannis trying talk to his wife and she is pretty crazy i knew she wasn’t all there in books but don’t believe she is as mad as TV show has portrayed her to be. Also we see their daughter. Let me say what great kid actor she was good. Also we got see Davos; Davos one of my favorite characters of the show.

Next scene is the Jamie scene. This is when people realize who Jamie really is. Like he said in season 2 protect king, obey your father, protect the weak the children and women but what if king kills the children; what if your father hates the king. Jamie was in no win situation he knew he would never be same once he slew the mad king. In end you see Jamie is hero.

Next scene is somewhere between astapor and yunkai. Where Jorah and Barristian are talking about war stories reminds me of season 1 the war stories with Robert. Also see how Dany treats her former slaves as equal.

Next scene is at Riverunn where Robb is frustrated. He then realizes the only way to win war is have a momentum victory realizing that Castely Rock the home of the lanisters is pretty much defensless. But he must negotiate with Walder Frey the father of the daughter he was suppose to marry.

Next scene we are back at Kingslanding where we see Littlefinger being littlefinger. Though  not really needing a gay sex scene with Lorras. Cersi earlier in episode had asked  littlefinger to find out what tyrells are planning. He finds out through his own spy network. He then goes tell sansa that he be leaving the city pretty shortly but she dose not want him to get involve cause she a good person. Which will blow up in her face in next episode.

Next scene is final scene. Where Tywin tells Tyrion he will marry sansa. Once again we see Tywin as cruel to his children as ever. Getting cersi to marry loras and Tyrion marrying sansa. Showing his one true weakness as a character.

In end good episode keeps building up toward episode 9 which is going be amazing hopefully they can do it right.

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