Survivor Caramoan Finale and little more


So here is gameplan for this review i had not update the survivor side since before Andrea was voted off so i will go over each tribal counsel and why i thought it was a good move and then for so lets begin.

First Episode 12. Malcolm just being voted off we see the 2 amigos trying to stay alive by trying to win the immunity challenge. Well Reynolds and Eddie could not win then we see Andrea winning the challenge. Afterwards its pretty clear who is going home Reynold. Poor Reynold he was good player and i would give him my recommendation to return for a future season. Well this episode was double tribal council. After we see Andrea really pushing hard to get Brenda go home but looks like our good buddy Cochran decided to go with dawn and Cochran. Also Erik found the immunity idol but gave it to Andrea. Don’t be suprise this is guy who gave up immunity necklace away. So Andrea wants to get rid of Brenda through a blindside while Cochran decides to blindside Andrea. In end Andrea goes home laughing literally.

Now Episode 13 going to skip the family things for its waste of time. Only thing i will say is Brenda wins challenge she gives it up to other people. In end it was kind of her downfall. When you get so much good will it just makes you a target. Cochran convinced Dawn to get rid of Brenda. You know Dawn in my opinion wins the award for Biggest Villian. She does it and Brenda leaves crying

Now season finale first thing that happens is that Erik is pulled from the game due to low blood pressure. Sucks hate to see anybody go home like that. Now my boy Cochran just destroys in the last 2 challenges. Its funny seeing this transition after his first season with ozzy and rest of his players telling him he was challenge liability but now we see Cochran owing this season. Winning final 2 challenges making his way to the Final 3. And in the end Eddie goes home. Now Cochran owns the final 3 and Cochran wins. Great see that Cochran win just like in Big Brother 14 seeing somebody who loves game and doesn’t seem type to win the game its awesome.


How I Met Your Mother Season 8 Episode 24 Something New


And it has happen.

First we’ll talk episode then at the end of the episode i will talk about the mother and what i hope i see during season 9.

The Barney and Robin part of the episode. Barney and Robin just trying to relax but see couple who try ruin their night so they try to ruin theirs that’s all im going say about that.

Lilly and Marshall are preparing to leave to Rome after wedding but Marshall never told his mom and now Marshall goes home to Minnesota before wedding to spend sometime with his family. So lets talk about the Marshall part of the episode. Lilly kept calling telling Marshall not to give in to any demands that his mother makes about not leaving for Rome. Earlier this season Marshall applies to become a judge he now gets opportunity but that would mean canceling the Rome job for Lilly. I was thinking how is it going be interesting for Lilly and Marshall over the last few seasons they grasping at straws to make us want care for the Marshall and Lilly story but now we have it. Going be interesting what happens next.

Now the Ted part of the episode. Ted shows the house he bought couple years ago to Lilly fully restored telling Lilly that he is selling the house. Because he is moving to Chicago. Ted tells her that he can’t find his love in New York so Chicago. But the real reason is that his dream girl is getting married to another guy. So Ted decides to run away. Which is better than moping around them all time. But as we know that’s not going to happen. The final scene we see all characters going to farhampton for the wedding and the last scene we see the mother.

Now Season 9 is going to be all at the wedding. In end we saw it was 54 hours until the wedding. But also count the actual wedding after party then other things. But i do not believe it will all be at the wedding. I think it be like when they were first showing the wedding but instead of going back we go into the future with flash forwards to get to know the mother a little better. Thats what i think they are going to do.

On funny note i made a deal with a friend that if mother wasn’t revealed this season then we would do this HIMYM style a slap bet and now i get to slap him across the face. 🙂 But anyways looking forward to season 9 of How I Met Your Mother

For more reviews come back here also follow me on twitter andrewfist02.


How I Met Your Mother Season 8 Episode Episode 23


Another funny episode. This weeks episode shows that Ted has not moved on from Robin. But lets talk about everything. First we have Marshall and Lilly packing up the apartment for their trip to Rome for year. We see Ted trying to make them keep anything all 3 of them use to have together because he doesn’t want to let go and thinks his friendship be over with Marshall and Lilly. The other part of this episode was we saw Barney and Robins dad bonding over one of Barney’s favorite activities Laser tag. Hilarious where we keep seeing from stories Robin had told from past season’s just how scary Robins dad truly is also we see Barney earn his respect from beating him in “Battle”. Most important thing going on in this episode was the Something old. Robin had buried a necklace when she was traveling from Canada to New York and wanted to have it on for her something old at the wedding. Ted comes to her rescue to snap Robin out of thinking that she has marry Robin saying mistake going after her. It just shows that ted still has not moved on and something we will see as wedding gets going in Season 9

For more reviews check back here also follow me on twitter andrewfist02

How I Met Your Mother Season 8 Episode 22 The Bro’s Mitsva


Sorry for delay but I’ve been busy… just kidding i’ve been really lazy but hey better late than never.

A funny episode; where we see Ted and Marshall kidnapping Barney for his BroMitsva.The episode was another play out of the playbook; kinda. The gang knew it would be hard to give Barney a awesome night so they decided to do the complete opposite by giving him the worst night possible. By having the wrong Karate Kid, staying in a hotel with a bad view, then losing a lot of money in a Japanese card game, having his ex fiancee being striping at his party, then him believing that his wedding is over. But by end he is happy about it for it truly is a night Barney will never forget.

For more reviews come back here and follow me on twitter Andrewfist02