Samurai Champloo Review

Samurai Champloo

wicka wicka wicka Samurai Champloo review yo… There’s my attempt at rap lets review this.

The night i actually finished Cowboy Beebop i heard that the guy who created that made Samurai Champloo so i decided to give it a shot. Was it as good as Beebop no but not many things are but it was still good. Alright now that’s out of the way lets talk about it. ALSO IF HAVE WATCHED NOT WATCHED SAMURAI CHAMPLOO THEN CLICK AWAY NOW I WILL TALK SPOILERS FOR THE SHOW YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Lets talk about the main characters. We have 3 characters who are in the show. First we have Mugen a samurai who swordsmanship is similar to someone street dancing. Very unpredictable and cool to watch. Then we have Jin a samurai who had killed his master now wandering Japan ready to die, his swordsmanship is more of a traditional samurai would of fight during the era. Then we have Fuu who a girl who is a waitress who goes on quest with both Mugen and Jin to find the samurai who smells like sunflowers. Now lets talk a little about these characters. Mugen character is as said a unpredictable guy but also really cocky thinks he best in the world. He’s also a former pirate which i thought was pretty cool. His pirate friends stab him in back leaving him for dead. So he just wanders the area. I thought his story was really interesting. Then we have Jin, his backstory isn’t really revealed untill the end of the show. Where the main antagonist tells him he told Jin’s master too kill Jin. In my opinion Jin’s story was really the best part of the show. Also he’s calm character who uses logic other than his companion’s. Then we have Fuu, She was a good character in the show, she gave us laugh’s also funny how she gets taken capture in a lot of the episodes. Similar to Arya in game of thrones where Arya gets taken by every person in show. But fuu is really a little fatty but on mission to make her father pay. Now lets talk about faults. To be honest i don’t really like Mugen. The problem i have with Mugen is he is voiced by the same character who plays spike in beebop and for me the voice just did not fit character. Like i said earlier though i like Jin and his story. I like fuu but i did not like her character’s story. Though it is the main story line of the show. I felt it was too predictable I pretty much figured that it was going to be her father. But just like Beebop it’s not about the story or villains its about the characters and their journey.

Now lets talk about the setting of the anime. Now it happens in Japan; but whats cool about Japan is their so many eras you can do. There’s the Meiji era which is covered in Rurouni Kensin expect that review once i re watch series. The era in the Last samurai movie. But this happens during the edo period which was peace time along with weird ideals reentering the world. But also has a rap influence blend so makes it very unique.

In the end Samurai champloo is good anime not as good as beebop but defiantly still solid. I’ll Samurai Champloo is worth watching once.

Have you seen Champloo if have comment below let me know what you thought of it. Follow me on twitter for more updates. @andrewfist02

The Big Bang Theory Review

The Big Bang Theory

This review will be from season 1 to season 6. When season 7 starts I’ll review episodes on regular basis but for now lets get this started with a BANG.

Ha sorry I couldn’t resist. The Big Bang Theory is a great TV show. Premise of this show is you got all these nerds who like science, comic books, and video games. But their trying to do things like us have job pay rent have fun but their conversations are sometime a little over my head most of the times. Only problem i had with the show is there really is no story in the show. Now you could say the storyline is Penny and Leonard falling in love is story, or Amy and Sheldon getting together.

Now lets talk a little about the characters of the show. First we have Sheldon. Now Sheldon would be a person i would hate to live with. I mean i have had some pretty bad roommates in my day and hes the guy i would probably punch in face at least 5 times until he learned better. Sheldon is hilarious he makes me laugh every time he’s on screen. But also his routines always eating the same food on the same day, wearing certain kind of shirt everyday, even plans when he uses bathroom. Now one friend hates Sheldon because he thinks he become a phrase person. I disagree with that, i do he does it a little but don’t think that’s his whole gimmick. Sheldon is what makes the big bang theory. Next we have Leonard. Leonard give that man props. Him not shooting Leonard after all those years being his roommate is quite a miracle. Then we have Howard, Howard is a goofball but as the show goes on and meets Bernadette he gets better, then we Raj. Raj was funny thorough the show for he could not speak to a girl without being drunk. Then we have Penny. She is one of my favorite; whenever the characters are talking about something scientific i feel the same way as penny im like huh.

In end Big Bang Theory has great cast and funny references to comics, movies, and science. I’ll say Big Bang Theory is worth owning on DVD. Good show.

Have you seen Big Theory, if have comment below let me know. And follow me on twitter for blog updates. @andrewfist02

Yu-Gi-Oh Series Review


Now that movies are done i can start reviewing some shows I have recently re watched or watched first and its now my move ha get it.

Okay Yu-Gi-Oh stars a kid named Yugi Muto who recently finished completing the millennium puzzle this big puzzle he had to figured out. Living inside the puzzle is an ancient pharaoh who lived in Egypt 5,000 years before the start of the series. Then we have Joey this funny character who’s trying to figure out how to play the game but truly is heart of the show. Tristan this guy who doesn’t even really game but supports his friends. And Tiea who is pretty much love interest for Yugi or pharaoh. Now Yugi, the pharaoh or atem which is his name you find out later, and joey are really the best parts of the show. Their good but the other two characters of the show aren’t any good. Now lets talk a little about an awesome character. Seto Kaiba. Kaiba is the anti hero of the show. He is the vegeta of the Yu-Gi-Oh universe. He has this awesome card called the Blue Eyes White Dragon which is his trump card through the whole show. But kaiba is awesome character.

Now lets talk about the story of Yu-Gi-Oh. In my opinion there are few story’s of the show. First story was Pegasus the first villain of show I’ll talk a little more about him later but he steals Yugi’s grandfathers soul and they have to join a duel monster tournament to get his grandfather back. But really the show follows the Pharaoh Atem to try and discover who he is so he can rest. But story is quite repetitive always an evil in way from reaching their destiny.

Now lets talk about the villains. First villain was Maximilian Pegasus who is trying to revive his dead girlfriend or wife. So can’t say he’s too evil of a villain but hes doing bad things for good things. Its an the end justify the means of doing it. Then we have Marek. Didn’t even know he doing cause evil spirit was telling him do it making him evil. Marek other Yugi is probably most kind person in show but has an evil spirit which makes him do evil things. Then we have Darts. Darts was my favorite villain in Yu-Gi-Oh. Main reason its got nothing to do with the millennium items or any of that. All its about is Atlantis and that’s awesome. And Atem’s greatest enemy Bakura or Zork the creature that is within Bakura. But show has its good villains.

Now lets talk about the card game. There are 3 categories there is Monster, Magic, Trap. You have 2000 later 4000 life points and if you lose those then the game is over. Duels was the best part of the show. Now duels got really good after Battle City started became a lot more enjoyable. The best duels was the duel between Yugi and Seto Kaiba. And final duel with Yugi vs Atem.

Overall Yu-Gi-Oh is good show. A little kiddy, but hey its kid show helps me go back when i was younger when i used to collect Yugioh cards. Yu-Gi-Oh is i say worth watching once.

Thanks for reading have you seen Yu-Gi-Oh if have comment below let me know what you think. Also like and follow me here and on twitter on more updates. @andrewfist02

TV Show series rating system


Since i recently did a movie rating system i think its time for TV show rating system. Now there won’t be a meh rating cause I’ll probably not make it through a show if i don’t like it.

Top rating is Legendary

2nd rating worth owning on DVD

3rd worth watching once

4th series kind of dragged out

5th and finally it was ok.

Thats it follow me on twitter as always @andrewfist02

The Wolverine Review

The Wolverine Review

Just got back from seeing The Wolverine so lets review this.

Movie takes place after X-Men 3. Logan is in bad shape in this movie. His hair long lives like a caveman except with a radio a modern day caveman or someone with no money. In trailer you hear Japanese man saying that eternity can be a curse. And he has a point. In last movie we see Wolverine was alive a little before the American civil war. So hes been alive if my math is right a really long time. But not just that he’s feeling guilty from killing Jean or the phoenix in the last movie.

This was a pretty awesome movie. We got cool Japanese actors one who was in Lost and the last samurai. Who was one of the main villains, the girl actors were pretty good. Also only reason not saying their names is because I’ll probably misspell it. But anyways all actors were good. Hugh Jackman was also awesome as wolverine. Him Robert Downy Jr i feel are the only characters that can’t be replaced for their role in the marvel universe.

The story of this movie was pretty good. When i was kid i always liked the X-Men cartoon shows. So i always give x men movies a chance. The x men trilogy i hated, the x men origins i thought it was ok, x men first class i loved my favorite marvel movie of all time. And this one is good too. Pretty much the story is the japaneese guy that Logan saved in nuking of Nagasaki is dying and he wants wolverines immortality.


Thought it was cool who the main villian was. At first i thought it was viper but then big suit armor guy loses his head and turns out to be the old man i was like what. Good approach cause i had thought he had died in the movie. The action was also good.

Now lets talk about the end scene. Logan getting ready to board a plane where all metal starts moving. I was like no, turns out Magneto is back and also Dr. X them recruiting wolverine to take down a new evil in next year’s x men movie Days of future past. Where Tyrion Lannister will be playing the main villian now making me pumped up for a x men movie next year.

In end wolverine had good actors had great action, good story also left it up for sequel not really sequel but next x men movie. I say I’ll buy wolverine on DVD. Also the best wolverine is best marvel movie of the year.

Have you seen wolverine if have comment below let me know. Also here’s a question which X men movie is best of them all my favorite is X men first. Also follow me on twitter @andrewfist02

Batman Under The Red Hood

Batman Under the Red Hood

Caught up with Summer movies so lets do a movie been wanting to review.

So movie starts with Batman trying to rescue the Jason Todd Robin. Well Batman doesn’t get there in time similar to Dark Knight. So they have funeral, and its all handy. A little time later a new vigilante has arrived in Gotham the Red Hood. Batman does what hes known for doing detective work. He goes to the only other red hood the Joker. Batman eventually finds out who he is spoiler alert Robin. After observing his move his friend, the kid he saved turned into what they had fought against. Thats when you realize this is a good movie.

The story of the movie was really interesting. It was about a hero as Jason Todd getting killed and his mentor not doing anything to set it right after he death and rebirth. Also we saw the Black Mask as a villain in this one. Which i had no idea who he was since he an antagonist in Batman Arkham origin game. It was cool seeing villains like Joker, Ra’s Al Ghul, and Black Mask playing more of a side show then the main show for the red hood.

In end Batman under the red hood was a good movie had cool animations. Good villains. And I say i would buy Batman under the red hood on DVD. I love DC Animated films such good genre of cool films.

Have you seen it if you have comment below let me know what you thought.

Also follow me on twitter for more updates. @andrewfist02




Big Brother 15 Week 4 Review

Big Brother #1

Yes i like Big Brother too, now lets get this started. I’m going to do the Big Brother reviews by weeks since it comes out week by week.

So we start the week with Judd winning HOH. First off yeah that’s good i like Judd he’s my favorite player in the game as of right now. The funny part is that he was trying to throw the competition. Hey who wants to win HOH you get all the blame and stuff. In end he decides to nominate Aaren and Kaitlyn. Now i don’t like Aaren she might be pretty hot but shes no nice person. She’s a girl i would stay away from if i was in that house. Also she is pretty racist. But i feel if she goes home the show would get pretty boring just like when Rachel Riley left BB12 then it got really boring.

We later see Howard and Spencer trying to get a new alliance since the plans with the moving company fell apart last week. Howard made this funny pitch about talking about Amanda, McCray, Elissa, and Helen be grasshoppers while everyone else is Ants. Now i love that cause he’s pretty much talking about Bugs life which is hilarious and has great comparison for the game. We see America nominate Elissa. First off i think that was all production to get a little more drama into the house and get things a little more interesting. Though does not work she wins the veto and Gina Marie goes up and MVP renom.

With the eviction every thing goes crazy. Judd blows up the Grasshopper alliance which pretty much sealed the deal for Kaitlin sending her home. Also having a cat fight between her and Kaitlyn. Which was funny as most cat fights are in the Big Brother game.

Now HOH Aaren winning the HOH. I was like great another week of her.

Prediction for nominations.

The smartest move would be to nominate Amanda and McCray. Amanda is pretty much Queen of the house.

The stupidest move would be to nominate Elissa and Helen. Mainly be a petty nomination.

The house move would be to nominate Howard and Spencer.

Who’s playing the best game. To win you have be pretty invisible in my opinion the person playing the best game is Andy.

Thats it for this week in Big Brother come back next Friday for more Big Brother week reviews. Also follow me on twitter for more reviews. @Andrewfist02

Pacific Rim Review

Pacific Rim


Okay sorry about that now its review time. Pacific Rim. When i first saw the trailer to this movie i was like that looks stupid looked like a power ranger movie. But a friend thought it looked awesome and i said i would go see it with him and now im questioning that decision. First I’ll tell you what i liked about it then I’ll you what i hated.

Alright the first 5 minutes you have a little prologue of these monsters coming to earth causing havoc. I was like that’s pretty cool i mean it reminded me of Lord of the ring prologue. Which is like one of my favorite movie of all times so when somebody copies that then I’m like yeah that’s cool. Next the fights scenes were pretty good. I mean it was monsters fighting robots its going be cool. 3rd and last thing i liked were only 2 good actors  Idris Elba playing the military guy who was the director of the fighting robot program. He killed it he had this speech which reminded me of one of commander shepherds speeches you see in Mass Effect. Him screaming we are canceling the apocalypse. I was like yeah he’s awesome. Next good actor was Charlie Day. He was hilarious in movie gave us a lot of comedy. Every time he was on screen it was good, every time he wasn’t on screen and there were no robots fighting it was bad.

Now lets talks about what i hated. Other than the 2 actors i mentioned the rest of the cast was terrible felt like they took chance with actors for they didn’t have the money to get a better cast. A lot of the fight scenes were there to just to have a stupid fight scene. Moment where guy in robot said hey lets look for a pulse then just blows him up 5 times. I was thinking why didn’t they do that to begin with. Also the alien and robot were space and Chinese girl said no i have a sword. Which kill the alien in 1 second. Just stupid excuses  to have a ten minute fight scene. Also the story was complete garbage. Movie could of wrapped up sooner but had to be longer. Also the 3d wasn’t that good either so a waste of 13 dollars

In the end Pacific Rim had 2 good actors, decent fight scenes. So Pacific Rim is MEH. First meh review I’ve had.

What did you think of pacific rim have you seen it if have comment below let me know. Also for more reviews follow me on twitter @Andrewfist02

The Man Of Steel Review

Man Of Steel

Superman Returns no not that garbage a new superman; and im here to review it lets go.

What an awesome movie this was. This movie did so many things right which made me pumped for a Justice League Movie. First cool part was them being on Krypton and all the Kryptonians dealing with their world getting ready to blow up. Whats going on at Krypton last maybe 20 minutes but loved every moment of it. Russel Crow made an awesome Jor El thought he did the role really well. Now im not a huge Superman fan so don’t know all logistics of the superman history but krypton getting ready to blow up for abusing their world the way they did. So Jor El sends his son Kal El to Earth to try and advice the earthlings teaching them their mistakes so they don’t repeat them and end up like Krypton. So cool seeing all things at Krypton. I’ll talk little more when i get to Zod.

Also i liked they didn’t do what they did for Krypton for Kal El or Clarks backstory. I’ve always said that using Flashbacks is easy way to tell a characters background. Just like Lost you learn the characters motivation. The one thing i did not like was how Johnathan Kent died. I like it where he dies from a heart attack showing that not even Superman can save everyone. But interesting how Clark learns he’s an alien and must find his path. Getting jobs on Deadliest Catch and Ice bergs to find the ship his dad sent him. Also we meet Lois Lane played by Amy Adams. I like Amy Adams though does not say true to comic books. One thing you have to get when its been touched by Christopher Nolan is that you throw the comic book at the wall because it is not relevant anymore it is its own story now. Only thing i did not like was Lois Lane knowing who Superman is. Also i have say Henry Cavil played an awesome Superman. Thats a hard role to play course said same thing about Chris Evans as Captain America. Their golden boys and hard to their characters justice Cavil nailed the role down. Cool seeing when Superman first flys and see joy on his face just awesome.

Now lets get to the antagonist General Zod. Now can i say Michael Shannon did good job yes. But do i think if you found another actor to play him it would of been just as good absolutely. But cool seeing General Zod cause i had no idea who he was really. When heard he was the villain i looked him up and learned. I felt it was the right call can’t start out with Lex Luther even though they had that funny cameo of lex corp and Wayne enterprise satellite. But good villain in the movie.

My only gripe about the movie was the fight scene’s dragged out a little much. But it wasn’t too bad.


I liked it when Superman killed Zod. I mean if he didn’t kill him just shows that superman has no resolve and won’t do anything that corrupts him he does what was necessary. People probably didn’t like that but hey Batman killed Harvey Dent in Dark Knight. Yeah someone say actually he just pushed him. Yeah off a building not like you push someone off building expecting them not to die. So cool.

In end great movie, great story, action cool little over the top sometimes but still enjoyable great cast. In the end this movie is Legend wait for it…. DARY LEGENDARY

Thanks for reading have a opinion comment below let me now. Also follow me on twitter @andrewfist02.

World War Z Review

World War Z

When Zombies invade now time to tell you what i thought.

World War Z first surprised this movie came out at all. Had problems finding money few years ago but im so glad it came out. I own book by Max Brooks but have not got around too reading it been procrastinating on that but i have read about a quarter of the book. Some people did not like them diverging from Book but i like it for there is no way that it could of been a good movie. In book  Brad Pitts character interviews people who were at the Zombie Invasion and telling their story trying to trace how it began. Now in books the zombies are traditional zombies the zombies you see in the walking dead and most zombie movies. But i think reason they went with fast zombies is because they didn’t want to be compared to the walking dead. They wanted to be their own thing now lets talk about the movie and stop talking about comparison between book and movie.

First we see that Brad Pitt’s Character had quit his job at the U.N to be able to spend more time with his family. The problem with the movie is that it follows a simple formula. Brad Pitt goes somewhere thinking their safe, then everything goes wrong, then having to escape trouble and follow that formula throughout the movie. Another thing wrong with the movie is that it really didn’t know where they wanted to go. The movie was written by 3 different people so did not know what direction the movie wanted to go. Another thing i didn’t like was the family. If the family was not in the movie then it would of change the movie in no fashion. But no i guess wanted Brad Pitt to have something to fight for.  What i really hated was the Zombie Ladder i was like NO bad movie no ladders. Just stupid.

Now i told you what i didn’t like now lets talk about what i liked. First Brad Pitt. Brad Pitt is probably my favorite actor just like Morgan freeman no matter what their in their going to kill it in their roles. And Brad Pitt nails if anybody else was lead it probably would not have been as good. The Zombies was interesting it was cool seeing something different. They were actually a threat not like in most zombie stories where their slow. I also like how Brad Pitt trying to figure out how to survive putting all the puzzle pieces together and finding way to survive the zombies. Also cool is every zombie movie the world is ended were just trying to make a life out of it. Uh no not this one their still trying to save the world and its awesome.

In end of day cool movie things i didn’t like about it but the positive defiantly outweighs the negative. I say this movie is worth seeing in Theaters/ a rent. Though that’s my rating I’m probably going to be buying this movie on DVD cause i enjoyed so much

Have you seen World War Z if you have comment below tell me what you thought.

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