Star Wars The Old Republic Review

Star Wars The Old Republic

Happy 50th review everybody, lets review SWTOR.

Recently beaten Star Wars The Old Republic again. Technically i did not beat it, i beat the main storyline because its MMO there’s stuff you can always do.

SWTOR is the sequel to KOTOR. Story takes place few hundred years after revan. Main premise is that the sith empire has returned and here to get revenge against the republic and the Jedi. You have this long war which eventually ends with corrucant getting sacked by sith, and a cold war beginning. Been a while but 10 years or so later your story begins.


There not too many characters. You have characters you create, the crew of the characters. You have Masters, Jedi Council, the dark council. But that’s it.

– The world

The world, well its star wars do i really need to explain star wars.


similar to Dragon Age origins. Without tactics, but shoot, use lightsaber whatever you feel like doing.

-The Story

The story to swtor is complicated. Heres what im going do when i beat a different class story i will tell you about it review similar to a movie, but story for all classes is tension building up between sith and republic trying to get ready for next war so they start preparing for it getting hutts on their side, finding tec left behind by revan and more.

In end swtor is great game,don’t really care for mmo’s but hey its star wars.

And Star Wars the old republic is Legendary.

Have you played SWTOR if have comment below let me know. Also follow me here or on twitter for more movie, tv show, anime, and video game reviews.Andrew blog

Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl Review

Pirates of the caribbean curse of the black pearl

Now Summer movie season is over, lets talk about Pirates of the Caribbean.

Pirates of the Caribbean is good movie. It stars Johnny Depp, Orlando Bloom, and Keira Knightly. Now lets talk about the story of Pirates. Captain Jack Sparrow arrives in port royal  to steal a ship. Around same time Elizabeth falls in water and Jack has to save her. He gets arrested by British and gets away for time. Then Zombie pirates show up and steal Elizabeth who they believe is bootstrap turners kid. Barbarossa the main antagonist in pirates tells that the medallion is Aztec gold which Aztec gods stole, whoever steals it is cursed neither living or dead. So Jack and Will have go save Elizabeth, but Jack really wants his ship back. He used to be captain of the black pearl before he was mutiny on. In end Jack gets all he wants.

What makes Pirates good the first one was that it was original, it was also a stand alone movie. Also you have cast who is really awesome. Johnny Deep is awesome as Jack Sparrow I’ll say the only saving grace of the 2nd or 3rd pirates movies is that he is in it, if he wasn’t it be even worst. But love the first pirates movie.

Its good movie, got your action, comedy, and great cast. And Pirates of the Caribbean curse of the black pearl is… Legendary.

Have you see Pirates of the Caribbean what you think comment below let me know. Follow me here or on twitter.                                       Andrew blog

The Worlds End Review

The Worlds End

Be my last movie review for a while. Well since Murray decided not to play Kick Ass 2 in theaters, I won’t be watching that till my brother is in town around christmas time. And no movie i really want to see until Thor 2 comes out. I’ll still be reviewing older movies, episodes of TV shows when Fall season starts. But for now lets talk about the worlds end.

The worlds end is a funny movie. Made by the same people who brought you Shaun of the dead, and hot fuzz. Now I’ve never seen Hot Fuzz, but i have seen shaun of the dead. Lets talk about it. Movies with these people have a simple formula, you got the guys who enjoy drinking or to go drinking, then some supernatural thing happens and to make a break for the pub.

In worlds end we have Simon Peg’s character who is a broken man. He used to be king of the world. In beginning of the movie he tells the story of the worlds end the ultimate bar crawl, 12 pints, 12 pubs to finish the golden line. But he’s trying to remember the golden days with his best friends. Now lets look at the other characters Nick Frost who been in Shaun and Fuzz. He doesn’t drink anymore, trying to get his wife back. He was a complete  bad-ass in movie. He is the only reason they did not get killed by robots. He went into hulk mode. Next we had Martin Freeman, at first i didn’t know who he was but then i was like hey its Bilbo Baggins. Then theres 2 other guys but i didn’t know who they were but they were pretty funny. The cast of the movie was really good.

The supernatural thing in this one was cool. If you seen movie the Host, or don’t see that movie because I had heard it was terrible. But Aliens came and used the Humans as host and became kind of robotic.

NOW SPOILER IF NOT BE SPOILED THEN CLICK AWAY. When Aliens leave all technology is taken from the world. The aliens had been improving the worlds technology with cars, phones. When they leave that all leave’s too. In end Simon Peg character becomes the Lone Wanderer from the worlds end.

In end Worlds end was good movie, had great cast, great comedy, ending is pretty weird. I say I’ll buy Worlds End on DVD.

Have you seen the  worlds end if have comment bellow let me know. Also be poll of which movie you like better. Also like, follow me here.

Andrew blog

Mulan Review


Thats right im reviewing a Disney animated movie and I’m not ashamed, okay I’m little a shame.

Alright Mulan, Mulan is about a girl in china. The mongols have invaded china, so the emperor has put draft in china to help defend the country. Mulan father is drafted, and Mulan knows if he goes he will die, so she disguise herself as man and takes her fathers place. So we have our movie. Mulan is actually my 3rd favorite Disney film, it reminds me of back when Disney used to make awesome animated movies. Mulan her character she very confused she doesn’t really fit in with anybody shes not a typical movie. Though in end you realize that mulan doesn’t really just take her fathers place she goes maybe thinking she belongs as a solider. Looks like she was right. I love the themes of Mulan break out of what society tells you what do, and follow what your heart tells you what to do. Also good about the movie is that has some cool music.

In end mulan is a great movie, my 3rd favorite Disney film. And Mulan is Legendary.Andrew blog

As always like, comment, follow me on twitter same name as this blog.

The Hunger Games Review

The Hunger Games

3 reviews in one day wow that’s weird guess im either really bored or more focused. Lets talk Hunger Games.

Before i start reviewing this let me say I have not read the Hunger Game Books, so will not be able to compare and contrast. Anyways lets continue.

Lets talk a little more about the world of Hunger games. First we have the Empire these people are these suck up people. They look like they live in 2170’s like in Mass Effect. Then we have the colonies or other people. These people look like they live on 17th century colonel cities. That was very interesting when you were rich you were rich, but when you were poor, you were poor. History 74 years before the events of the movie the 13 colonies rebelled against the empire. They lost. So to make sure they didn’t do it again, they would offer up 1 boy and 1 girl so with 12 colonies that means 23 people die every year. So that means they have killed 1610 kids off. Whoa that’s too many. Better ways or better yet feels try to forgive make them feel included in the empire.But hey just my opinion.

Now lets talk about the movie. Jennifer Lawrence i think is awesome in it. I believe she owns the role. That doesn’t happen often like Craig as Bond, or Ledger as Joker. What was pretty cool was peter and Cabness actors were both from Kentucky i thought that was pretty cool. Like i said i like the world of the hunger games. I like them playing politics to try and get support. Also i love the commentary in game. Well in books i heard its first person to tell you what cabness is thinking, but instead in movie we have Stanley Tucci who commentates making it awesome. I feel if it was in our world we see Commentators like Dick Vitale or Clark Kellogg in there saying spurtabilly or something.

What i don’t like. I felt like they forced a lot of things the romance between cabness and peter. The little black kid sorry to sound racist but don’t know her name doesn’t make me racist. But really i felt the Hunger games the actual competition was pretty boring.

In end Hunger games is a good movie, has cool things hopefully they improve in the sequel. I say Hunger Games is worth a rent.

Have you seen Hunger games are you looking forward for the sequel. Also since doesn’t really have to do with anything. But Hunger Games feels a lot star wars. You have an Empire Rebels are trying to rebel. Feels like a little more realistic star wars. Or is just me just wondering.

President in Hunger GamesChancelor Palpatine

The Dark Knight Rises Review

The Dark Knight Rises

Lets end this trilogy, well its been ended but lets end the reviews of the trilogy.

Alright Dark Knight Rises. One thing i like credit to Christopher Nolan he knows how to start out a movie. Movie starts out similar to the DK(Dark Knight) we introduce the villain. Bane. It was cool seeing Bane battle littlefinger. For anyone who watches Game of Thrones he was the CIA agent who was interrogating Bane and his men. But it was a really cool scene.

Now lets get to Gotham. Its all peaceful in Gotham, Its been 8 years since the event of DK. But our main characters Gordon is divorced with his wife and took the kids, also we have Bruce wayne he got injured how when he fell off that building pushing Harvey Dent off a building. But he’s a broken man, i mean he did what he sought out to do he stopped crime in Gotham, but he never really hung up the cape and started living his life. Lets be honest Batman might be protector of Gotham but Bruce hates Gotham. I mean you can’t really blame the guy he saw both his parents die in front of him. The love of his life died in the city. I mean really the only thing left in Gotham is his house, and Alfred. Okay i might stay in Gotham to if Alfred was there.

Now crazy things happen Bane sets the scene and Bruce takes up being Batman again. Also introduce our anti hero. When i say Anti hero means people that are not good people but sometimes do good things. Cause i do not consider Selena Kyle or Catwoman a villain she’s really as i said a anti hero. But Anne Hathaway kills it as Catwoman. She did good job. One of my favorite scenes is when Batman talking and catwoman dissapears. He says So that’s how it feels. It was quite hilarious.

Bane is good villain for batman. I mean Joker might challenge him mentally a little more intellectual battle, but bane is batman’s physical threat. In movie, and comics Bane breaks Batman’s Back.

One thing i also liked was the hole giving people hope. But thought it was cool cause remember back in Batman Begins Bruce fell in cave first being scared of bats. Thought quite symbolic for DKR. Another thing i liked was how DKR connected to both BB, and DKR. The league of shadows Bane use to be part of, then to how much chaos Joker left on Main Characters. Also like Tail al ghul as the true villain.

Now a little I’ll talk about what i don’t like. Ill try to say this as calmly as possible. HOW IN HELL IS BRUCE WAYNE GET BACK TO GOTHAM CITY WHEN HE IS ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE WORLD. AHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!! Other that good movie.

In end Dark Knight rises is a good movie, good actors, a good conclusion to a great trilogy. And Dark Knight rises is Legendary.

Its my 3rd favorite trilogy.

Have you seen Dark Knight Rises if have comment below let me know. Also have a poll which of the 3 Christopher Nolan Batman movies do you like the best. I feel each movie has its own tone. BB more orgin, DK more of Joker plan, then DKR was a lot more darker. For me i chose Batman Begins. But hey follow me on twitter or follow me here.

Andrew blog

The Dark Knight Review

The Dark Knight

Alright been few days of school so lets review the Dark Knight.

Alright so we have the sequel of Batman Begins. The Dark Knight, first lets talk about that name. The Dark Knight didn’t know when i saw Batman i didn’t know he was also known as the dark knight. When people refer to the Christopher Nolan Batman trilogy its known as the Dark Knight Trilogy. Now lets talk about the movie.

Movie has an great opening scene. To begin lets start out with our villian. Bunch these goons are robbing bank all are wondering who the joker truly is their boss. Whats cool is the joker had each of them kill off each member in their gang. Less split in money. But one thing was really cool was Joker was there with guys making sure nobody came back alive.  The joker is an awesome villain. He is the best villain in the DC universe. The story of Dark Knight is that the city is still corrupt but not as corrupt as we saw in BB(Batman Begins). Due to new DA Harvey Dent. Batman, Dent, and Gordon work together to take down the mob. Mob running scared in Gotham. They give their money to a Chinese guy to hide away. Then we have Joker make his real opening scene. He comes does magic trick in a way the pencil does dissapear. Joker offers them he will kill the batman. If they work with him. Batman takes the Chinese guy. Mob goes down, now time for joker come to work. Joker has a plan. His plan is take over all the mobs under his name as he says “This  city deserves good villain, and im going to give it to them.” But that’s not his only plan he wants Batman to kill him, for if Batman kills the joker then the Joker wins. But also to turn gotham’s white knight into criminal. And he is successful. Creating two face.

Joker is Batman’s best villain, just like Star wars its Darth Vader, Harry Potter Voldemort, and Star Trek Khan. Joker could even be the best villain in all those people. Him saying he doesn’t have a plan that’s bull-crap hes got plan to let Gotham burn.

The only thing i did not like about the dark knight is that they don’t focus a lot on batman/ Bruce Wayne. I mean yes its about the Joker but i like christian bale as batman. Also i know  im awful saying this but i feel that if Heath Ledger had not died then people woudent feel so bad about it. But i feel its a tad overrated.

In the end Dark Knight is good movie, good sequel to Batman Begins, and an awesome villain of the Joker. And the Dark Knight is Legendary.

Have you seen Dark Knight if you haven’t whattt that’s weird. But comment below let me know as always follow me, like this page, come back for more updates.Andrew blog

Batman Begins Review

Batman Begins

And it begins the beginning of talking about an epic trilogy.

Batman Begins. Alright lets talk. So the movie begins we got Bruce Wayne/ Batman origin story. Key to start any Superhero movie is you have to have a good origin.  First we see Bruce Wayne when he is a Kid. Everybody knows the story of Bruce Wayne. He’s scared of Bats and sees his Dad and Mom get shot. Then growing up very sad kid. I mean who wouldn’t grow up a very sad kid seeing his mom and dad get killed. So Bruce travels world trying to understand the mind of the criminal, eventually becoming a criminal and is sent to a east Asia jail. Where he meets Liam Neeson who plays Ra’s Al Ghul. Ghul tells Bruce if you make yourself more than a man if you devote yourself to an ideal then you become something more a legend mister Wayne. Bruce trains to become a ninja that’s right Batman a ninja. Eventually destroying Ra’s Al Ghuls home. Bruce decides to return home and fight crime

The origin of Batman is my favorite origin in any superhero movie. Bruce knows he needs alies he takes on the mask and becomes the Batman. Batman stop criminals and gets alies like Jim Gordon. Lets talk about Jim Gordon. Jim Gordon is bad ass, Gary Oldman is like the perfect actor to play him. He’s trying to making Gotham a safer place so his children can grow up. Then we meet our villain Scarecrow. I didn’t know who scarecrow was when i saw him. A doctor wearing a mask who uses a fear smoke to make people scared to death. He takes Batman down mainly out of surprise.

Then we meet true villian Ra’s Al Ghul. Thing about this is that in comics he is immortal. But in here its more but is Ra’s Al Ghul immortal or his teaching everlasting. I thought that was cool way of doing. One thing you have realize when watch any DC movie with Christopher Nolan directing/ Producing you throw the comic book at the wall completely forget about it. Their plan take out Gotham by letting Gotham tear itself apart with the fear attack.

Also Batman begins shares my quote from senior year. “It’s not what i am underneath, but its what i do that defines me.

In end Batman Begins, its my favorite superhero movie period and Batman Begins is Legend wait for it…..


Have you seen Batman Begins if have comment below let me know what you thought of it. Also like this review, and follow me here or on twitter.

Kingdom Hearts 2 Review

[Kingdom Heats 2

Alright back at school so lets talk about Kingdom Hearts 2.

The game starts out with another awesome intro. Here it is right here.


Lets talk about the gameplay. The gameplay is pretty much the same as Kingdom Hearts. But it runs a lot more smoother. You have a lot of the same mechanics you had in the first Kingdom Hearts. You still have magic, though i will say i like the magic in the first game a lot better. The summon magic is not that great in KH2 either. Back in the first one you could summon Simba, or Mushu. But since they had their own planets you got other people. Like Chicken Little really, then you have sitch. Actually the sitch summon is actually pretty cool. But my favorite part of KH2 gameplay is to use the drive ability. Its form  which allows sora to wield 2 keyblades. There 5 forms. First is valor where he absorbs goofy and becomes a lot more aggressive in attacks. Then you have wisdom where sora absorbs Donald and focuses more on ranged attacks and using magic. Then there is master where Sora absorbs his 2 teammates making a bridge between wisdom and valor. Then there is his bad form the Anti form which is if you over use the drive ability eventually get the anti form. It is an image of sora being an heartless. Cause if you remember back in KH Sora became heartless to set Kairi’s heart free. This is an image of that form he’s in. Then we have the coolest form. The finale form Sora levitates or he fly’s while levitating his keyblades at his enemy’s pretty awesome if i say so. I enjoyed the KH2 gameplay a lot more than Kingdom Hearts.


Here come’s the tricky part of the game. The first story of Kingdom Hearts was pretty simple. Sora got stop the darkness point blank and simple. This gets a little more complicated. The game begins and your playing as Roxas. Roxas is sora’s nobody. First what is a nobody. If somebody becomes a heartless then they leave behind a nobody. A nobody has about half the power left behind by the person. Roxas has been given these false memories of him in twilight town hanging out with friends. But really Roxas is getting ready to be absorbed or however become one with Sora. For Sora has been sleeping. Why i don’t know, there was a prequel to KH2 called Chain of memories which explains what happens after sora defeats ansem. But story is Sora gets put sleep everybody who ever knew sora, Donald, or goofy or their adventures had forgotten. Roxas was an member of an Nobody organization called Organization XIII. The group is trying use Kingdom Hearts to become complete. Makes sense. So they use Sora to kill heartless so their hearts will go to Kingdom hearts. Thats pretty much the story.


In this one you start out as Sora’s nobody Roxas. Roxas is sora but a bit darker. Roxas has a lot more hate inside him than Sora does. I actually like Roxas i felt bad for him in the end, but his conclusion with Namine was a good ending for him. Since i mentioned Namine is Kairi nobody. Makes her difficult for Kairi is a princess of heart which means they have no darkness in heart. So when Kairi heart was absorb into soras body as an vessel Namine was born. Now lets get to the gang. We have Sora, Donald, and Goofy. As i  said in last review i really like Sora. I think he’s a cool character. Also he is a mix of a Disney character and a final fantasy character. Now lets talk about Mickey. That was one thing that was cool in this one. Was that King Mickey finally reveal himself to Sora, Donald, and Goofy. That was pretty cool. And Mickey was awesome as always.

World/ Enviroment

Now lets talk about the worlds you visit in Kingdom Hearts 2. In this one you revisit or return to planets as Hollow Bastion, Agrabar, Halloween Town, Olympus. What was cool of returning was had a new story for these worlds. Olympus you went into the underworld. Halloween town we got to experience the Christmas part of Halloween town movie, Agrabar was trying not to allow Jafar to destroy or conquer Agrabar. New worlds we go to are the land of dragon which is mulans world. Which is cool that is one of my favorite Disney films. Then you have the Pride lands which is lion king another of my favorite Disney movies. Also what was really interesting is them going to port royal otherwise the world of pirates of the Caribbean. I didn’t see them doing live action movies, which is great for the future of the Kingdom Hearts series.


In end Kingdom Hearts 2 good game, a great sequel awesome gameplay story is confusing but hey i like confusing story’s, and ended in kind of a cliffhanger. And Kingdom Hearts 2 is Legend Wait for it DARY LEGENDARY.

This year at e3 they announced that Kingdom Hearts 3 would come out on next gen. I like to see more live action movie worlds. Like the Avengers maybe have iron man as a companion, or star wars world like having the death star or something. A lot of possibilities.

Have you play Kingdom Hearts 2 if have comment below let me know. Also like and follow this blog or follow me on twitter for more updates.Andrew blog

Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts

A historic day in Andrewfist blog we have our first video game review only right its Kingdom Hearts lets talk about it. Also reason I have been slow on review lately cause i have been playing this and the 2nd one. Anyways lets go. ALSO WILL TALK ABOUT SPOILERS SO IF NOT WANT TO BE SPOILED TO DO NOT READ THIS REVIEW YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Kingdom Hearts, what an awesome game this is. This game came out in 2002 don’t know if that was japan or if U.S came out later. I played Kingdom Hearts can’t even remember when. When i was kid i was watching T.V one day and saw the intro and was like i have to have it if you haven’t seen then here it is right here.

But i saw the intro and was like yep i got to play it, and me playing just this week was very nostalgic i love Kingdom Hearts. And to be honest its not the gameplay, its the Disney element. It reminds me back when Disney used to be good with good animations.

Alright lets get talking about the game.

1. The Gameplay

It’s not the most important part but its a good foundation to begin. The combat is pretty straight forward just push the x button a lot it and you win right. Now gameplay is different then most Square Enix games. I have never played any of the final fantasy games. But as i have heard from a crazed fan that its very tactical. Well to be honest I’m glad it is the way it is. I’m a very simple man when it comes to video games. I want to run at them with a keyblade and hope something good happens. In end i hate tactics. But gameplay is you have your keyblade to use melee attacks but also can you magic to attack or to heal you or your teammates as Donald Duck or Goofy. Also you can use summon magic to call Simba, Genie or Mushu to come and help you out in tight spot. In all i really enjoy the gameplay of Kingdom hearts.

2. Story

Lets get to story. The story is evil is trying to rule the universe. There are these creatures called Heartless who are dark creatures born from the darkness of peoples hearts. When somebody loses their heart then they are turned into a heartless. Now lets look at main character Sora he is the Keyblades chosen one. The keyblade is the only weapon that can truly defeat the heartless. When heartless is defeated by the Keyblade then its heart is released. The story of game is Sora’s world is destroyed by the Heartless and is exploring other worlds looking for his friends Riku and Kairi. While he partners up with Goofy and Donald who are looking for King Mickey.They adventure across many worlds stopping heartless and looking for Riku, Kairi, and the king. But also we have villains, but not any villains the true bad guys of most Disney movies. You have Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty, Jafar from Aladdin, Oogie Boogie from Halloween Town, Ursula from the little mermaid, Hades from Hercules, and Captain Hook from Peter Pan. Their trying to rule the universe by stealing the princesses of heart. The princesses who have the purest of hearts in all worlds. You have Snow White, Belle, Cinderella, Aurora, Alice, Jasmine, and Kairi. If they get all the princesses together it opens a door to darkness which will cause the end of world. Thats the story. Also though the true villain is playing all of them Ansem the wise. The true villain been getting Maleficent to do his work. But that’s the story the classic good vs. evil story.

3. Characters.

For me whats more important is characters. You could have the coolest story and have the worst story. But both depend on each other to be good. You could have good characters and have horrible story. First look at Sora. I like Sora he’s this funny guy who all he really wants to do all day is lay on beach and hang out with his friends. Nothing wrong with that i say. But he also cares a lot about his friends. Especility about Riku and Kairi the 2 friends he trys to get back the entire game. Riku tells sora if we sacrifice Pinocchio we can get kairi back sora like no this isn’t right. Showing a lot of character there. Next lets talk about his chemistry with Donald and Goofy. Odd right but when Sora is around them he is hilarious. And Goofy and Donald are funny i mean its Donald and goofy enough said. 2 other characters. Riku a bad-ass character who thinks he is awesome at everything he does. Which he pretty much is but he will do anything to get the job done. You could say Riku thinks the end justifies the means, where sora won’t do anything if it hurts his morality. Then we have Kairi. I really like Kairi when she there she makes you laugh. You feel for Sora always trying to get Kairi’s attention. Also we have characters from the Disney worlds they go to, and you feel as if their same as they are in their movies.

4. World/ Enviroment

Every time you go to a new world it has its own feel. When your in traverse town its like your in a mini final fantasy town, but when got worlds of Tarzan, Aladdin, and more. Each world does a good job having its own feel making you go back to Disney films that we all enjoyed. But its cool that go to Agrabar you feel like cool, go to Colosseum im like yeah greek the feelings of each world make it stand out. And that is really what puts kingdom heart at edge for me. Cause i enjoy the classic Disney movies.


In end Kingdom Hearts is a good games good game play, the story is simple, got great characters and always cool see Disney worlds. Don’t have rating system for video games but Kingdom Hearts is Legend wait for it. DARY LEGENDARY.

Thanks for reading enjoyed, click the like button and follow me here. Also follow me on twitter to stay updated.

Andrew blog