Big Brother Top 20 Players of All Time

Big Brother 11

Time for me to update this list. Also thanks to all who read this; this has become my most popular post on the blog so thank you all.

#20- Nakomis: Big Brother 5/ Big Brother 7 All Stars

Nakomis played a decent game her first time out. She played good challenge competitor. Her downfall was not planning for the future.

#19- Enzo: Big Brother 12


Enzo did play a good physical game no but he had arguably one of the best social games in history. When you don’t have win competitions and know your still going to be in the game, that’s a gamer. He be higher if he had made it to the final 2, but still good player i expect to see him on the next All-Star season. Also he is the godfather of the Bragade one of the greatest alliance’s in Big Brother history.

#18- Daniele Donato: Big Brother 8/ Big Brother 13

In her season of BB8, her and her dad dominated the game. A twist which put someone you had a bad relationship into the game as well. They worked together so well they made it to the final 2. The first alliance to make it to the final 2. Daniele is a great competitor in her first season she won 2 HOH and won 5 POV the only other person to win 5 POV is Janielle. Reason she is down low is because of her Individual gameplay. You saw it in BB8 her plan to take out Eric. Then in Season 13, she tried force Brendan and Rachel to take out Jeff, she got called out forcing her to play a very mediocre game where she didn’t do anything. Still a great player but no where near as good as her Dad.

#17- Russel: Big Brother 11

Russel played a good game in his season. He started out in a dominating alliance with the athlete and brain alliance team. Then Russel got rid of Ronnie then they tried to take him out. Russel was a mix of different players. He tried to play like a hybrid player. Mixing strategies from Dick, Dan, Boogie. He did good job. He yell at people’s face to get in their head. Great  idea, but is down the list because he got saved by Jeff and his Cudetah.

#16-Jeff: Big Brother 11/ Big Brother 13

Alright Big Jeff. Jeff plays a very simple game nothing too complicated. Get my team take out the other-side and win the game. It’s a very exciting way to play the game when the other side is just as good if you look back at Season 6. Jeff also one of the most popular house guest of all time. His problem is he kind of stands out too much because he is such a physical threat.

#15- James: Big Brother 6/ Big Brother All-Stars

James is a great player in BB6 and BB7. James became known as the Veto King in BB6 he won 4 official vetoes and 1 unofficial. Only why unofficial was because it was his girlfriends button instead of his. His alliance mates turned against him because Maggie forcing him to be the only floater in BB6. But he could tell a good lie, made it far even after the whole house after him in BB6, and did well in BB7.

#14- Ian: Big Brother 14

Our first winner on the list. Ian played a good game, but he did not deserve to win. Ian won because it meant that Dan did not win. He was a member of the quake pack, could win a few competitions but hard to say he deserved to win the game over one of the greatest.

#13- Memphis: Big Brother 10

Renegade. Memphis though he lost in the Final 2 to a 7-0 vote he played a great game. He was physical but just could not win a competition, played a good social game. Also he won a car at the beginning of the game putting a huge target on his back but still makes it to the final 2. Also formed the Renegades the first secret alliance to make it to the final 2 intact.

#12- Andy: Big Brother 15

A floater kill it with fire. All kidding aside, he played a very floater game by playing both sides against each other. Did i like Andy’s gameplay no really boring, Did he play the best game in his season Yes but that’s not saying much. But i think if he was in season with a Jeff, or a Russel they would hear all this paranoia call a house meeting Andy be outed he would have be like Daniele Donato to make it any further, but you didn’t have that so he played a good game for the season he was in.

#11- Jun: Big Brother 4



Now we are getting to top 10 this gets tough. Start out with Jun. Jun is the ultimate floater in my opinion. But really its the only way i think Jun could play she is not a threat in any shape or form so she has play both sides, she has to float in order to survive.

#10- Rachel: Big Brother 12/ Big Brother 13

In her first season she did not play a good game. She won competitions but got in a showmance with her future husband Brendan. She was a great competitor in her season but gets taken out at the final 9. She returns a year later in Big Brother 13 with same strategy but loses Brendan at final 10, takes her a week but she was over it, and she started to play the game. She talked the people becoming a bit of floater but still played the Rachel game winning competitions. And winning BB13 a big shock after hating her in her first season but liking her gameplay the next season.

#9- Mike Boogie: Big Brother 2/ Big Brother All-Stars/ Big Brother 14

One of the original members of Chill Town Mike Boogie. First season played a game with his heart. Came back probably when he didn’t deserve to come back but thanks to Dr. Will he returned. And he and will dominated the game. Is he as good as Dr. Will no but he is still a great game-player. He is one of those players you don’t see anymore. In BB14 he said so we didn’t win the veto i never relied on competition’s to make it far in this game it’s time to get to work. He did a great job talking his way out of trouble still something you don’t see anymore.

#8- Hayden: Big Brother 12

One of the founding members of the Bragade codenamed the animal played a great game. Manipulating people, winning competitions and more. He won 4 HOH and a great winner. If he wins or makes it far in this season of survivor some could say he is greatest reality show player ever.

#7- Danielle: Big Brother 3/ Big Brother All Stars

The greatest player to never win. She played like a female Dr. Will. She had an alliance with Jason and made it to the final 3 the first secret alliance. The reason she did not win was because of the jury watched the show so they saw her diary room entry’s about her housemates the first bitter jury but still played a great game. If i ever play Big Brother that be the strategy i copy off of or based off of.

#6- Jordan: Big Brother 11/ Big Brother 13

I don’t think she played the greatest game but she is kind of like Sandra from Survivor. She is really terrible at competition’s you don’t have to worry about her winning too many. She also really likable and makes good relationships with her housemates. She plays a very social game, and could do good on any season. Also she has a bullet shield with Jeff cause Jeff will get taken out before her.


#5- Janielle: Big Brother 6/ Big Brother All Stars/ Big Brother 14

She made not had the strajey of some of the other people but she had the competitions that others don’t. In season 6 nobody liked her she was a target every week, Season 6 became known as one of the great seasons to watch for it was back and forth both sides of the house trying to take each other out. In BB7 she won 9 competitions she is the best competor in big brother.

#4- Dick Donato: Big Brother 8

Dick played a great game. I covered a little about it during the other donato. But he reeked terror on the house-guest getting it in their heads not making them think straight. Reason he is not 3 is because i think he got bailed out thanks to America with the Americas player twist that season.

#3- Derrick: Big Brother 16


A great game Derrick played. First off never being nominated. His gameplay reminded me the most of Danielle from BB3. He manipulated everyone but always stayed off the radar. Also good competitor.

#2- Dan: Big Brother 10/ Big Brother 14

Really to be honest my number 1 and number 2 are reallychangeable at a top of the hat. Dan played a low key game his first time sliding by but also forming the Renegade alliance. In BB14 he played a ruthless game doing of the greatest moves of all time by hosting his own funeral convincing a guy to take out one of his allies in order to save himself. Arguably one of the greatest players to ever play the game.

#1- Dr. Will

The reason will is number 1 over Dan is because Dan based a lot of his game off of Dr. Wills game. Even Rob Cesternino based his game off of Dr. Will.Dr. Will is the Godfather of Big Brother. He intentionally lose every challenge so people don’t perceive him as a threat. He always said usually people stab you in the back chill-town stabs you in the front. He played a great game twice and is number 1 on my top 20 big brother players of all time.

Thats the updated list really only person to add was Derrick. Who would you add to this list comment below let me know. And did you like what your read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Grand Theft Auto V Review

Grand Theft Auto V

Probably the last good game on the 360/PS3 its only right that its GTA V lets talk about it so shall we begin.

Now GTA has a great opening scene. Lets start out by talking about that, the game begins as your starting a heist. That is just a awesome way to begin a game. You do the heist but things don’t go as planned but do they. Now lets get into video game review format.

– The World

Now first lets look at the world. Its San Andreas. We have been here before. You have the city Los Santos sounds familiar doesn’t it, doesn’t it. Then you have the outskirts to Los Santos its like your in the wild west or something a place that is just a lot more ruff. Los Santos is the cool city where everybody wants to live in its Hollywood baby, then there is the outskirts where no one wants be no really no one wants to be.

– Gameplay

Now lets talk about the gameplay of GTA V. About the same as the other gameplay of the other Grand Theft Auto games. You got the ability to steal cars, shoot people, and have good time. But how you play is up to you, most of time.

-The Characters

Now lets talk about the characters of the game. In this one you have 3 characters who are the main character. First you got Michael the family man who got out of crime when he can  and made a life for himself. I like Michael he’s funny, and the family issues i thought was pretty funny as well it was cool seeing the repercussions of having a family in a criminal life. Then you have Trevor, he’s a crazy guy. He owns a meth dealing business and trying to become famous in this dealings. I don’t really like Trevor his craziness is hilarious but other than that a very meh character, then you have Franklin he is my favorite character in GTA V. He’s a guy trying to find a way out of the hood, trying to become a good business man. He cool character reminds me a lot of main guy from GTA San Andreas. Other than that there really isn’t any stand out characters. I like Lamar but other than that there really is not any cool character. Another thing wrong is i feel there is no good antagonist in this one.

-The Story

The story of the game is the trio becomes the puppet of the FIB to take down the games person of the CIA called the agency. Not much say other that, they rob banks in heist which is the best part of the game.

– The End

Now im going talk about the end so if you don’t want to be spoiled click away right now you have been warned.

There are 3 endings chosen by the perspective of Franklin. You can work with the FIB and kill Trevor for he is not useful as Michael and Franklin. You choose the rich guy ending to kill Michael. Or go with the death wish and make a final stand against everybody. I chose the kill Trevor ending. The reason i did that was i thought if i chose death wise it would of killed Franklin, and since he was my favorite character i didn’t want him to die so i killed Trevor cause i didn’t really like him anyway. But looking back i wish i had done the death wish ending oh well.

-Comparing it to GTA IV

This is new to me, but i feel i should do this. I felt GTA IV was a better game. Maybe not a better game, i think GTA V has good gameplay, good customization to your characters but other than that GTA V kind of lacked for me. First none of these characters are near to as good as Niko Bellic. Niko was awesome as a protagonist. But not just Niko i like the supporting characters in GTA IV. Roman, Little Jacob, and Packie all awesome when their on screen they steal the scene. I didn’t feel about that with that many characters in GTA V. Then we look at story or the antagonist. I like the new york scene better for you got the Italian mafia, where in V you just got the ballers the gangster. Where in IV you had all the immigrant gangs and violence. But i get where they are going, they were going more for the government corruption with the private army, the agency, and the FIB.

In the end GTA V was a fun game, looking forward to multiplayer. Not as good as GTA IV but still a good game. And GTA V is Legendary. Odds are GTA V will win game of the year. Main reason of how many it sold, and how much fun it is to keep playing where last of us does not have much replay ability in my opinion.

Now ANONCEMENT. I’m going to be doing a video game Oscar type awards for best video games of the 360, and PS3 generation. Comment below tell me what you think.

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Survivor Blood Vs. Water: Episode 2 Rule is Chaous

Survivor Blood vs Water

I know i promised i would do a power ranking of the contestants but got lazy you people know how life is so lets talk about it.

The episode began with the duel. Challenge stupid. I hate redemption island do not see a point in it but what can you do about it, I’m a viewer not a producer. Well Rupert leaves. How shock am i, not much. I figured he would lose but i thought it would be a little further down the road. But really i don’t think its bad for him. He wasn’t going to make it far anyways and he kind of redeems himself and wins a husband of the year award. What else happened was whoever comes in first on redemption island duel gives them the power to give a hidden immunity clue to anybody. Thats stupid. First there is no suspense of who their going to give it to. For 1 their just going to give it to their love one which takes all away. It be better if they were forbidden to give the immunity idol to their love one instead have to give it someone else. But also that makes the person a target. For example John was a complete idiot the way he handled getting the clue. He should of gone to the Bragade and told them the clue, that would elevate him in game and allow the alliance to be closer. But now there is no trust among John. Then at the returning player tribe what is going on is their all singing with timone and pumba a hakuna matata their just not carring and for the first time of ever watching survivor, i get where colton is coming from. His end is coming close. In the immunity challenge the returning players won again but not by much.

Now we get some strategy meeting. This was pretty smart of the family tribe. They decided to vote out Rachel, not cause she is the weakest but to weaken the other tribe. They believe  Tyson will go to Redemption Island and take Rachel’s place. This was a great move and i believe Tyson will go to redemption island. So good strategy by the family. Still about the same, the family tribe is awesome where the returning players are boring. Next week should be more exciting.

Have you seen Survivor if you have comment bellow let me know. Also follow me to get more review updates. Thanks for reading.

Person of Interest Season 3 Episode 1 Liberty


Got to love the fall tv season get some awesome shows, and a new night so now i don’t have to wait till thursday watch Person of Interest now i can watch on Tuesday hell yeah lets review.

The more things change the more they stay the same. Reese and Harold are still at it helping people out with numbers that the machine is doing. Then we have Shaw Harold now has her on team but is less trusting. But thing she awesome, i said this when i first saw her but she is a great character. Even after 3 season’s though Reese still got it. He’s still make the 1 liners and everything. The shocking thing was that Carter had been demoted after what happened last season. Ellias is free I’m sure we will see the meltdown of that decision in a couple episodes.

This episode dealt with a navy guy who was a criminal join the navy or he would go to jail. His buddy made a mistake and was trying to smuggle diamonds. These guys try to get diamonds and we have our episode. It was cool as always. Cool part of the episode was we learned why Reese joined the military in the first place.

After all great episode, awesome to have person of interest back.

Have you seen the season premier if you have comment below let me know. As always follow me to get the latest new on my reviews. Thanks for reading.

Agents of Shield: Episode 1- Pilot Review

Agents of Shield

I was actually not planning on watching this show did not think it would be any good but I’m so glad i was wrong. This was awesome lets talk about it.

It starts out with a interview. Robin not really but Maria Hall is interviewing a guy talking about the avengers and everything that happened afterwards. She said after New York the world ended, now were just trying to pick up the shatter pieces. First i was glad to see her in at least the first episode i doubt we will see much of her in rest of the show or season since How I Met your mother ends so she’ll probably be able to do more with show after she gets more time. But good to have her. She is shield she is loyal to shield and doesn’t diverge from that path. I see why you don’t have Nick Fury do it for he kinda does own thing  doesn’t really care what people in suits tell him what to do. But hopefully we do get an appearance out of Samuel Jackson.

Lets talk about some of the characters in this episode. First you had the not dead Agent Colson. He is awesome, now we get to see how much cooler he is since this is focused on him and his team. Next you had the Asian girl who is the pilot but also a bad-ass she is okay we will see more and get more of an opinion of her. Then you the IT people who are really smart trying to stop bad things happening to good people. Then you guy who was considered a little under Black Widow. At first i was like don’t like him, but then i liked him he is a good character. Then you had one of my early favorites the computer girl. Main reason she’s hot you can never go wrong with a sexy computer girl just saying.

Episode you see the team trying to stop a good guy from doing a bad thing after corrupt people did their thing. Cool seeing this gang trying to get along and be teammates. But good start for agents of shield.

Have you seen Agents of Shield if you have comment bellow let me know. As always follow me to get the latest reviews of TV shows and other things. Thanks for reading.

Castle Season 6 Episode 1 Valkyrie


Lets get talking about this episode of castle.

It was a good season premier. We left off from last season. For those who don’t remember Castle proposes to Becket, end of season. Becket says yes she moves to D.C to start her job as a federal agent. It was weird not having Becket and Castle working together as always. But the thing is it probably won’t last she will probably go back to new york be cop that’s just what im thinking.

She working a case to stop a threat to national security. So a little more at sake, and castle decides to come up for a visit after their weekend got canceled. Castle being castle gets involved and gets into some trouble. Castle decides to be a good boyfriend and not get involved. But the assassin involves castle.

In end of the episode we find out the guy we thought was the bad guy was being set up and was poison. Castle also poison due to being in the same car as the guy. So episode leaves off with a cliffhanger we will find out next week. Will castle survive. Probably cause the show is called castle.

But it was a cool case curious if we will see more of it or will we see Becket move back to New york and take back her job as a detective. We will see. But if you like what you read click like follow, for more reviews.

How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Episode 2 Coming Back


Good thing about comedy premiers is you get two episodes instead of just 1 now lets talk about the 2nd episode.

Here we get to Barneys brother. This is really all the episode is about. Barney we learn is inspired that there is hope for marriage after his Brother got married. But we find out that he is getting a divorce. Robin trys to hold it together, but nothing really she can do. Barney surprises Robin and shows how much Barney as a character as grown.

On other side we had Marshal trying to get to New York. Course we know Marshal gets to New York due to flash forward back in Season 6, so not much of a spoiler there. Then you had Lilly trying not to get depressed so she gets drunk by 2 p.m.

Cool part of the episode. Barney stuff was cool and everything but we see the first scene with Ted and the mother. It was cool to see them on same scene for the first time. I mean Ted talked about the mother the whole series and now we finally see them face to face. It was a cool episode.

In end another good episode of How I met your mother. Look forward to next week hopefully see more mother things and other cool stuff. For more reviews follow me / like me here. Thanks for reading.

How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Episode 1 The Locket


The final season is here lets talk about this episode.

Now the episode begins with 3 different groups. First you have Ted and Lilly driving to farhampton, Barney and Robin in limo heading there, and Marshal on a plane. Now first you see Ted drive Lilly nuts being his Ted self so Lilly gets out the car and onto the train. And who is on the train the mother. Let me say the mother was hilarious. If im doing a character Analise of her of just this episode she reminds me a lot of Lilly but has a lot of the same interest of Ted. But she was awesome and hilarious great casting choice done for her.

Then we had the Ted and Robin part. Where they find out they might be cousins. I wasn’t crazy about that. The only thing i liked about it was he referenced Game of Thrones where he sayd that King Joffrey parents were brother and sister and he grew up to be a wise leader. That makes the reference where Barney always roots for the bad guy. That was it for them.

Next you had Marshal trying to delete the picture. I’m curious of what the fallout is going be of Marshal’s decision to become a judge and see what happens.

Then we see Ted. Ted getting locket from L.A. Still showing he had feeling’s for Robin. I’m a little tired of Robin and Ted thing but its a hurdle he has to go through to get to the mother.

Great season opener and we still have 1 more episode to review. The long anticipated season is back. If you like what you read like follow comment for more reviews at andrewfistblogs.

Legend of Korra Book 2 Spirits: Chapter 3 Civil Wars pt.1

Legend of Korra Book 2

As Batman once said in TDKR get ready WAR.

In this episode of legend of korra we have uneasiness at the southern water tribe. Chaos been going on. North wants to reunite the tribes, while the south wants to stay their own people so we have talks of a civil war in the water tribe. Course I never saw the water tribe people all as one people I would consider them 2 separate people. Guess you look at it the water tribe people argue that too. You have the north the superior tribe who is more spiritual while you have the south who is less spiritual and likes more economic things like money.

It was decent episode. I’m still not sure where their going with the show. I mean last season was really good but this season is just ok. You see Korra trying to stay neutral and trying not to let the tribes tear themselves apart. Hear is how the season gone so far. Starts out with Korra being kind of of like a brat and yelling at people takes her the whole episode to figure out she is wrong, she admits her mistakes, then something bad happens and roll credits. That’s how its going so far. Also we see the Tenzin and his family on vacation. It was cool to see how Aang kind of played favorites toward his kids showing strain of being the avatar takes on someone.

In end Korra is ok next episode we get the pt. 2 of the civil war then probably more dark spirits… yay.

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Big Brother 15 Season Review

How do you move on from a season that had some of the best players all time, a guy who hosted his own funeral, you don’t you try your best and they tried miserably. Lets talk about Big Brother 15

Now lets talk about the cast. When i first saw the cast of Big Brother 15 i was like this is a great cast, looking back at it i wish i could go back in time and slap past Andrew silly. Because it wasn’t a great cast. Okay that’s not true, the cast was there but the way the producers set game up it sets some people to fail.

Okay lets talk about the twist of the summer. The MVP twist America votes to see who gets a power to nominate someone. Alright it was a cool idea but it was not executed at all the way it should be. One thing i don’t think they counted on was the Breachel fans. To any who watched Big Brother 12 and 13 Breachel was a couple Brendan and Rachel Riley hence being called Breachel a great couple. Rachel won season 13. Her sister Elissa was  in game so they all rallied behind her. So the game was already rigged in her favor. The 1 move that completely ruined it was week 2. A guy called Nick my favorite Houseguest of the season that’s sad. He was this cool guy trying to pull a Bragade sequel but got nominated and people took him out. Because it was overpowered screwing someone over like that. But after Nick left, and then Jeremy left the season got really boring. So they switched it up to where America nominates house-guest which is stupid too, but made it a little more interesting. The way i think it should of been done, is you have a competition where they have guess something and they get the power been a lot more fair. But its all about getting the right viewer stars. Just like in All-Stars where Mike Boogie won the Cu-De-Ta that’s how it should be done. Ever since Big Brother 8 with America’s player it feels like they just want to give America more of say. It needs be more like survivor  and don’t mess with the flow of the game. Let them play, don’t interrupt them.

Now gameplay this season was terrible. It was a season where a Andy can win. Let me say Andy played a good game. It’s a game i do not like, i hate floaters. That was another disappointment of this season was at beginning it said this would not be a season where you can float you have play the game. Bull Crap everybody floated. There’s nothing wrong with floating but as a viewer of the show it something i hate the most. But Andy was a rat floater he ratted people out and played both sides he said he’s not a floater he is doing what the definition of a floater does in Big Brother. In any other season he would of been called out on it. If Big Jeff, was on this season they been like House Meeting called everybody out on everything. But you miss that when you get rid of the big personalities of Nick, Jeremy, and Howard.

The best game move of the season in my opinion was the move to take out Nick in week 2. But here was something of the gameplay this season. It looked like a woman was going to win this season. But it didn’t happen. They took out all these men, and then women turned on each other and then you had men out number the women. It was a strange turn of the events.

Now close we have talk about the controversial thing of the season. The racist comments. The comments made by Aaryn, Gina Marie, Spencer, and Amanda is terrible. Sucks to be them they made so many they didn’t even know they did it. Spencer i like and i kinda like Amanda not for gameplay but i think she made good tv. Let me throw this out there about Amanda since i forgot to talk about her. She reminded me of Evel Dick in female form, that’s probably an insult to evel dick but that’s the way i saw her gameplay. Amanda is not bad at the game and it won’t surprise me if she returns for another season. Aaryn and Gina marrie both lost their jobs. Sucks be them its a reality shocker for them at least GM won 50,000 for coming in 2nd. But Aaryn crazy girl, she is pretty hot too though. Also i think she could possibly return for another season.

In conclusion lets wrap up. Andy’s gameplay good but not original. His gameplay was a Jun Song gameplay. She won BB4 is known as the ultimate floater. And also say this about Andy. This isn’t suppose to sound anti gay or anything. But Andy is the first gay person in Big Brother to win. I’m not saying anything against him cause i don’t care what you believe in, in a game stand point. Some of my favorite survivor players were gay like Richard Hatch and Todd from china. Not comparing those 2 to Andy but he’s the first.

All-Stars or people i think they will bring back for a 2nd chance. I could see them bringing back only 3 house-guest that be Helen, Amanda, and Andy. Maybe Elissa but she was not as entertaining as her sister was.

In end it was a terrible season, i was telling few friends today and their like why you still watching it, i say because i already committed half a summer watching it so i have to finish it. But yeah that’s my review of Big Brother 15.

Tomorrow since i have nothing upcoming to review until Friday im going to have a Top 20 Big Brother players of all time. From BB2 to BB15. Should be fun. Thanks for reading, comment, subscribe, share, whatever you like.