X-Men Days of Future Past Trailer 1 Anaylys

X-Men Days of Future Past

Thats not an official poster for movie had to find something right heh. Man this time of year is great holiday season getting ready to begin great movies, great video games being released, and we get a glimpse of movies for next year now lets talk about X men days of future past.

Trailer begins with it being in the future or the present. All the X-Men have assembled to try to stop a evil. Good thing about this trailer was it felt like it was covered in mystery you don’t really know nothing about whats wiping them out. All i know is from the comic con where its the sentinel program course thought the sentinel program was just a bunch of robots attacking mutants guess im wrong about that. But they send wolverine subconscious back into the past to take down the head of sentinel program who is none other than Tyrion Lannister for a lannister always pays his debts. But hes got this wicked mustache. Interesting their going back to a normal person as the antagonist. I like it though. Wolverine goes in the past and Dr. X is damaged it looks and Magneto is evil trying to take over the world. But looks like its going be awesome movie.

Well that’s my anaylis of X-Men Days of Future past. Have you seen trailer if have comment below let me know. Did you like what you read if did click that like button and follow my channel. Thanks for reading.

Captain America The Winter Solidier Trailer 1 Anayls

Captain America the winter solidier

Hey history in making at andrewfist blogs this first trailer im going talk about. Might be I’m bored, or just really looking forward to this movie whatever the case might be lets talk about this trailer.

So in the beginning we see Capt jumping out of plane widow is asking him if he is doing anything on his days off hes like too busy. Then we see him meet some old guy looks like he could be the main antagonist looks like a corrupt senator or something. Also in this trailer we get to see the falcon one of the next avengers. But also we meet the winter solider not what i expected him to look like. Course i don’t read comics so don’t know if that stays true to comics or not. But action looked good. Cool in the elevator where he asks anybody if they want to get out. Then he just whoops some but as captain America usually does. Also we had Nick fury and Steve argue about how shield does things. Where Captain America believes in freedom where he doesn’t like this because its not freedom its fear. But looks good, shaping up to be a good sequel to captain America movie. Captain America 2 i was looking forward to out of all the avengers stage 2. We’ll have Thor out in couple weeks and then we will have Captain America 2 in march or April don’t know when. But going be awesome one of in my opinion one of the most anticipated movies of 2014.

Have you seen Captain America the winter solider trailer if have what you think about it comment below let me know. Did you like what i had to stay then click that like button and follow this channel. Thanks for reading.

Andrewfist T.V Recap October 20th- October 24th

Week 3 of Andrew TV Show recap. Also no Legend of Korra this week so plan is to have this published on Thursday instead of Friday.

-October 20th

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 2: Infection

Walking Dead

Did this episode make up for the horribleness of last week season premier. Yes, yes it did. First lets talk about what happened. In the beginning of the episode it shows the nerd kid eating other people so we have outbreak in prison cells. We later learn that he had the flu and drop dead. I actually liked that but is it a flu or is it the serial killer poising people. We have someone among the people there causing chaos. Some people probably speculate that its the governor i don’t think it is. I think its the new black character sorry if that sounds racist i don’t trust him. Also we have Rick putting his gun belt on him i was like oh man Rick is back. But good episode.

-October 21st

How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Episode 6 Knight Vision


Still no mother in this episode. You know thats becoming a common theme in this review i first say no mother then talk about the episode oh well lets talk about it. It was a funny episode. Instead of doing their vows robin and barney help ted find a girl to have sex with. He has 3 options and barney tells ted to remember the holy grail from indiana jones and the knight saying you chose poorly or you choose wisely. Well Ted as we have seen past 9 season’s he chose poorly but as he said if i did choose someone else i might have never met your mother so maybe he chose wisely. Also in this episode we had Barney and Robin kill a preacher dang it man.

Castle Season 6 Episode 5 Time will Tell


A awesome episode this week. In the episode they catch a suspect who says he’s from the future, as usual Castle looks and sees hey maybe hes right but then you had Beckett tell him something logical something we have seen in all seasons of castle. But it was funny at the end when Becket spills coffee on the letter and it looking just like the letter in the copy of letter the killer had and castle following guy and him dissapering im pretty sure the TV show castle just accepted time traveling.

-October 22nd 2013

Agents of Shield Season 1 Episode 5 Girl in the Dragon Dress

Agents of Shield

Good episode this week. First there was a fire bender in this weeks episode. Okay he wasn’t a firebender cause he exploded in the end unless all firebenders explode if they take bad meds so go with the other 3 elements. Also we learned more the Rising Tide Organization and more of sky’s past. Good episode little more serious not as humorous but still a good episode.

Person of Interest Season 3 Episode 5 Razgovor Pa3robop


A good episode this week. We got to learn a little more about shaw. Cause i mean really we know our characters from the first 2 seasons so its only right to have flashback of shaw. Also episode dealing carters investigation of H.R. You all saw my reaction of carter’s partner being for H.R but knowing now how they knew the whole time and now he’s working for H.R thats awesome. Also the ending i was like dang it root what are you planning this time.

-October 23rd

Survivor Blood Vs. Water Episode 6 One Armed Wrecking Ball

Survivor Blood vs Water

It was a really funny episode this week. First we had the redemption island duel first off where do they come up with all these stupid duel challenges. They untied bags then counted to a 100. Well oh Brad Culpepper went home sad one of the few people i actually liked. Then Jeff had a twist that they were mixing the tribes. All the guys and Cierra were on 1 tribe while the other tribe was all the girls except for vytas. Challenge was funny the girls were really behind and they came back almost winning where they thought they had won the challenge and were celebrating but Jeff was like no not done, so the guys won. Also the red tribe was cool. Had Tyson making so many 1 linners where he said you know you got aras over there believing in all these things; that’s good cause i don’t believe in anything well except for magic. At tribal counsel plan was to vote out vytas but old Kat open up her mouth and she went home. Also me and friend while watching the episode was screaming at the TV but where did Katie and those glasses come from i was like dang it probst address the glasses. I think be 1 more episode of mix tribes then they will merge also i think they will bring 2 people back this time instead since there are 3 but guess wait and see.

Revolution Season 2 Episode 5 One Riot, One Ranger


Good episode this week. This episode we have Miles trying to start a rebellion and the whole Texas rangers show up in town so good away get allies is to have a nation on your side i mean that’s what America did we the french. Also in this episode you have Monroe and miles teaming up again. Man they are a bad-ass combo they say a city of something they did as the Monroe republic and they get to work awesome team. Fun episode to watch.

-October 24th

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 6 The Romance Resonance

The Big Bang Theory

A good episode we had this week lets talk about it. Begins with Sheldon in the zone trying to do research. Finds out he discovers a new element but he doesn’t know how for he did it in the wrong metric system so he goes in to how could he make a mistake. Also we had Penny trying to do something romantic for Leonard. That was ok. But then you had the song for Bernadette reminds me of how i met your mother some songs in those. But it catchy and at end made me say awwww. Good episode. Also heres a link to song i was talking about.

Elementary Season 2 Episode 5 Ancient History


A good episode this week. What happens when Sherlock and watson are bored and got no murders to investigates. Well watson helps out friends, and Sherlock goes to morgue. And we find someone who is dead who killed somebody what. Good episode a former hit man taking back what he did by repenting using nursing home. In end his wife kill him cause she was a former porn star and he was divorcing him. The world you live in where a hit man will divorce a wife cause she had sex on camera just no morals for someone who got paid to kill people that’s kind of ironic.

Well that’s a week of TV. The best episode of the week goes to…Survivor Blood vs water. Good episode but really was because of Tyson all his 1 linners and causing chaos in camp also good tribal. Have you seen any of these episodes of the week if so comment below let me know. If you like what you read click that like button and follow me here. Thanks for reading.

Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope

Been re-watching some movies lately so hey lets review star wars. Oh yeah be talking spoilers so if not watch star wars… you know what don’t know why i put that there cause your just not American if you haven’t seen star wars.

Star Wars Episode IV a new hope. What a great movie this was. Came out in 1977 nobody really knew it would change way people saw the stars. Okay there was Star Trek but in my personal opinion we have one of those awesome things. Alright story of the first one is that Leila ship is taking fire from a imperial ship she gives the plans of the empires death star to R2D2 to find Obi-Wan kenobi. But they get captured by Jawas and get stolen to our hero Luke Skywalker. Luke is this kid who wants adventure in his life wants join the rebellion and fight the empire wants more out of his life than just be a farmer as his aunt says he is too much like his father. R2D2 decides to escape or try find obi wan but Luke finds him and Luke is saved from the sand people by old Ben kenobi. Ben tells Luke the history of the Jedi order and its downfall. And offers to teach him the ways of the Jedi but Luke can’t just abandon his family he has to be a farmer well don’t worry Luke the empires got your back… by that destroy your home and give you no choice. But Luke joins Obi Wan as his padawan. They head ride to Mos Eisley they need ride to alderan where they meet Mr. Han Solo. The reason i think the prequel star wars didn’t go so good was because there was no character like Han Solo in it. He is that charming gunslinger trying make a living out of the universe. Inspiring a lot of other characters like him in other movies. Like Malcolm Reynolds in Firefly. They head to alderan but guess what alderan not there because they blew up. Millennium falcon gets caught now they have to rescue the princess. Also we get our first lightsaber battle in star wars history. Movie ends with battle of death-star and Luke destroying it by using the force.

I mean whats not to like about star wars. You have awesome space battle especially for the effects of that time in 1977. Like in How I Met Your Mother where Marshall tells Ted if Stella doesn’t like Star Wars then he can’t marry her. Funny things like that and i always said if i ever found girl who likes star wars thats a keeper. But Star wars is a classic good vs evil story. You have Luke who wears white, and Darth Vader the one who wears black. Also the acting is good, also voice work of James Earl Jones who voices Vader and Mufassa as Lion King. So next time you watch Lion King know that king of the lions is Darth Vader.

In end Star Wars is great movie, 2nd best star wars movie of all time. And Star Wars A New Hope is Legendary..

Did you like this review if did, click that like button and follow my channel. Thanks for reading.

Andrewfist T.V Show Recap October 13th- October 18th

Week 2 of tv show reviews from me, so hey lets talk some t.v

-October 13th

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 1 30 Days Without an incident

Walking Dead

Alright to kick the week off we got Walking Dead. Was it a tad disappointing yes, but hopefully it will get better. I hope it doesn’t become the odd season’s of walking dead are awesome, then the even season’s are just ok. But in this episode its been a while since a incident. All the old people who arrived last season took some youth potion now their young again. Everybody is trying to resume their life’s as best as they can. Their fence people who get paid 7.50 hour to kill zombies at the fences also have a lot of romances bloom. There was guy Hershel’s daughter Beth was making out with who was the guy who voices Phineas from Phineas and ferb. I was thinking that’s awesome cause guy who plays Jojen reed in game of thrones voices ferb. I was thinking 2 voice character are in 2 of my favorite shows until he gets eaten hence title of the episode called 30 Days without incident. Then there was this whole Rick finds girl in wild shes crazy kind of pointless to story but there you go. Also at end kind of ended with cliffhanger with glasses guy getting killed and turning into zombie so we get one of my favorite parts of the comic the serial killer part course who knows who that’s going be. Also samurai girl is looking for the governor and she is going to Macon. Macon is where they went in the walking dead video game. Only thing i don’t like was the time skip. It was just like in the 3rd season of falling skies where they skipped a lot of time. I feel they could of just clicked paused at the end of season 3 and push the resume button when season 4 began. But descent start should get better.

-October 14th

How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Episode 5 The Poker Game


Still no mother in the episode but one of the funniest episodes i have seen in a while. The episode is continuation of the poker game last episode. James keeps making references to being married. Where Robin tells Barney to support her and he just doesn’t want take sides so being America during WW1 and WW2. Robin bets her ring against James ring and James tells his mom. Barney still not taking sides. But by end Barney said he took her side then said to James your not my brother anymore taking it to the extreme i swear it was  hilarious. Then at end of episode Barneys mom tells ted that you won battle but you’ll lose the war. Reigniting the whole the in laws hate each other henceforth this show example Marshall’s mom vs. Lilly. Also episode dealt with wedding gift with ted, Lilly, and Marshall felt out of place. Probably just there to have the 3 of them be involved in the episode but still funny.

Castle Season 6 Episode 4 Number One Fan


Man what good episode this one was. Becket faces unemployment at the end of the episode but due to budget cuts she can’t get her job back. In morning castle gets a call from one of his crazed fan who is holding people hostage. She quizzes him to make sure he is Richard Castle. But episode was castle talking her also his writer bullet vest got shot after 5 seasons of having it he can now frame it. It was really well done episode i thought had its comedy, it serious and a good ending with Becket rejoining the team. Best episode of the week so far. Also when i write these im watching them on the day it will be uploaded on Friday. But this is fresh view of how i thought of each episode.

-October 15th

Agents of Shield. Season 1 Episode 4 Eye-Spy

Agents of Shield

Great episode we had tonight. Episode dealt with a former shield agent who has stolen a lot of money so the team got to stop her. Thing is though is that colson trained her. You find out later that she has a cyborg eye which will explode it don’t listen to the person in command. So a lot of deception and get more into colson giving people a 2nd chance. Funny part was one controlling the former shield agent also had a eye thing so some mystery organization controlling people why guess we will have to wait and see.

Person of Interest Season 3 Episode 4 Reasonable Doubt


What a good episode this was. The person of interest of this episode was a defense attorney her husband drowns and somebody frames her for killing her husband. It was a interesting episode cause its one of those rare episode where the person is a victim and a perpetrator. Also in this episode we find out that Carters partner works for H.R. I was like dang it H.R somebody needs to destroy them. But good episode.

-October 16th

Survivor Blood Vs. Water Episode 5 The Dead Can still Talk

Survivor Blood vs Water

Good episode. It begins as always with the redemption island duel. And who loses Can dance think god now don’t have to put up with watching her play survivor now. If you can’t tell i don’t like Candace. We see more of the family tribe being at peace and gross things with toe nails uh gross no thank you. Then we have the challenge the returning players lose so their off to tribal council. Thought it was bad move on the returning players get Laura out. Okay maybe not get her out but in a situation like this i don’t feel there was a reason to blindside her. You cool of been honest and up front yeah your going home cause you knew she didn’t have the idol. Cause Monica keeps destroying the clues. Other than that good episode. Next week looks good with a little switch. As long as Vytas and Hayden are fine i don’t care.

Revolution Season 2 Episode 4 Patriot Games


Good episode this week. Goes into this whole no one can be trusted. Feels as if the Patriots are becoming Great Britain where people like Miles, Neville, and more are the resistance to take them out. Good episode also got to see the firefly’s light a guy on fire how i don’t know. Also best part of the episode was Neville overdosing the solider with heroin good episode.

-October 17th

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 5 The Workplace Proximity

The Big Bang Theory

Episode begins with Amy telling Sheldon that she will be working at the school Sheldon works at. But then he tells the gang and Howard tells him that is a bad thing and then all hell breaks loose. Though for most time Sheldon doesn’t know whats going on cause hes Sheldon. Funny.

Elementary Season 2 Episode 4 Poison Pen


A cool episode this week. It dealt with a little of Sherlock past. Sherlock sees someone be poisoned knowing he has seen this before from a girl he wrote to when he was 15 and that’s when he learned what he wanted to do with his life. Was good episode saw some humanity of Holmes.

-October 18th

Legend Of Korra Book 2 Spirits Chapter 7-8 Beginnings

Legend of Korra Book 2

What a cool episodes this week. Alright catch up Korra got eaten by a dark spirit and lost all her memory and is muttering a word Raava. So korra gets taken to a fire healer yes that’s a thing. But korra through her past life’s so we see Aang, and the other past avatars telling them to find the first avatar Wan. It was interesting to learn at beginning of the season  they said that the spirits used to live side by side to the humans. But they hated each other. All the humans live on those lion turtles we saw at the end of avatar the last airbender thought it was cool how that’s where the humans lived and the turtles were ones to  give the humans bending. Wan gets firebending and leaves the turtle after that he lives with spirits becomes friends to the spirits. Wan sees 2 big light and dark spirits fighting and Wan saves dark one not knowing he was lying to wan. So wan along with Rava have to master all 4 elements hence becoming the first avatar. The avatar learn gets his power from rava. So really avatar is a spirit rava mixed with wan. So makes more since now. But wan beats the dark creature and separates the human and spirit world. Hence being called the bridge between the two worlds. As also job of avatar to bring peace wan tries but says doesn’t have enough time, where rava says we will keep trying through all your lifetimes. But end the dark thing happens every 10,000 years so Korra must seal the spirit world before darkness engulfs the world.

Well thats a week of tv. Now my favorite episode of the week was the Legend of korra beginnings episode. Cool seeing the first avatar and why there is even a avatar.

Have you seen any episodes i talked about if have comment below let me know. Did you like what i had to say if so click that like button or follow me. Thanks for reading.

Mass Effect 3 Review


Mass Effect 3 an awesome game, when reapers invade there’s only 1 man you call. Cause you can fight like a krogan, run like a leopard but you will never be better than Commander Shepherd.

Mass Effect is an awesome trilogy similar to star trek but humans aren’t as popular as they are in star trek. In mass effect they discover a ancient alien station which jumps their technology by a 1000 years pushing them into space time. They discover all the aliens of mass effect. Each race of aliens are awesome some of the better aliens in all space things related.

-The World

Covered a little about the world of mass effect. But you have all these alien species. All the galactic species work together and work together at the citadel. First you have the asari a all blue female species who are great biotics they live up to a 1000 years. Then you have the salarians who are these amphibian creatures who are really smart only live up to 30 years. Then you have the turians which are very military group and awesome. Then you have the krogan who are awesome warriors remind me of mandelorians in star wars universe. But have a lot more species. But main enemy species is the Reapers. The Reapers are a synthetic/ organic creatures who wipe out all advanced civilization in the galaxy every 50,000 years.


The gameplay of Mass Effect 3 is awesome. A 3rd person shooter feels similar to gears of war. Really fun to play. Depending on how you play different strageys. Be a solider carry all kinds of weapons and deal damage. Or be a biotic who is pretty much a Jedi without the lightsaber. The enemy’s you fight are Reaper forces so husk forms of different aliens. Cerberus a terrorist human cell. Then the Geth for a brief period of time.


Cool thing about a trilogy is you have had 3 games to get to know your companions. Lets talk about some of the companions. First we have Kaiden or Ashley. Depending on your decision in Mass Effect 1 depends on who lives or who dies. In mass effect 1 i liked Ash but in Mass Effect 3 didn’t like her. Now Kaiden he is OK. Next character is Liara. Liara is a asari alien who i like her most people don’t. Each game she gets more ruthless. Then we have Garrus. Garrus is one of the best parts of Mass Effect. He is hilarious and just awesome. Tallii is a quarian a people sucked living in a suit Barney Stinson would love that. But she wants whats best for her people. Cool about her and Garrus is their there through the whole game.

– The Story

First 2 mass effects it was building up to the reapers coming, and in 3 reapers come completely destroying everybody. Story is Shepherd must unite the galaxy in order to take earth back from the reapers. But getting all the alien species together might be just as tough as fighting the reapers. There the whole feud of Krogan and Turian; then there is Geth and Quarians. But story is they found a ancient weapon at the mars outpost which can destroy the reapers. But have problems with Cerberus who the illusive man is trying to control the reapers for humanity he says. Story is good until the end. I won’t talk about the end but really the only bad part of mass effect 3 is the terrible ending.

But other that its an awesome game. And Mass Effect 3 is Legendary.

Have you played Mass Effect 3 if have comment below let me know. Did you like this post if did then click that like button and follow this channel. Thanks for reading.

Andrewfist TV show recap October 7th – October 12th

Been complaining about all these TV show reviews but friend said why not just do a big recap at the end of the week, i was like what a great idea. So expect to see this every week now.

-October 7th

How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Episode 4 The Broken code


This week episode of How I met your mother was pretty hilarious. We have repercussions of the Something Old episode from Season 8. Recap Ted goes to Robin in park to look for her something old, what we didn’t know is that Barney showed up them two holding hands. It was funny how Barney saying he wasn’t mad but kind of screwed over ted every moment making him do odd jobs in order to punish him. So they skype Marshall to be a mediator in that pillow we saw back in Season 6. Good quote is that Ted says that “I will do everything i can to move on and live with it. The question is… can you? Good question will see if barney can accept ted. Also we had Robin trying to find another girlfriend since all she has is Lilly. I was hoping that it was going to have the mother show up and them clicing thought been good moment saying. And that is true story of your Aunt Robin met your mother. Other than that good episode.

Castle Season 6 Episode 3 Need to Know


What i expected to happen finally happened. Anyway we see Castle sick of life in his home with his daughters boyfriend so he goes out to the case. Where he works with Ryan and Esposito. But then Beckett and her partner show up. Apparently this case has something to do with National Security. Episode death with a former TV star gets killed. The whole National security dealt with he was working with the CIA on intelligence with a Russian gang. But finds out he fell in love with girl in Russian gang. So a Romeo and Juliet story. At end we see Beckett get fired to try and protect girl so as said in previous review i was right. Knew she would quit or get fired always repercussions of doing the right thing right Ned Stark. Ha ha Game of thrones pun.

-October 8th

Agents of Shield Season 1 Episode 3 The Asset

Agents of Shield

This week episode was a great episode. A scientist gets kidnapped by a bad guy so the shield people have to rescue him. Only problem he is in the one place shield can’t get to, so they do something a little more creative. They use Sky’s connections the Rising Tide and to sneak into party and rescue the Dr. Only problem was he wasn’t kidnapped or he was but he was one to give information to him. Tec was thing alter gravity cool science fiction stuff. Cool episode loving me Agents of Shield best new show so far.

Person Of Interest Season 3 Episode 3 Lady Killer


This week episode was awesome. Believing to deal with a psychopath who kills women they get the women of person of interest. Carter, Shaw, and Zoey. Good mix of characters this episode. Also see bit of Shaw being jealous. But then you find out that he isn’t psychopath he puts all these characters to understand women and the reason he does it because he lost the love of his life. It was like what the hell. The rich father kept him away from his daughter telling him she got an abortion and keeping him from his kid. Tragic episode. But awesome seeing.

-October 9th

Survivor Blood vs. Water Episode 4 One Armed dude and three moms

Survivor Blood vs Water

This week episode of survivor was awesome. Was it good as hyped up to believe no but still a great episode. There were some funny bits. One was the Coconut Bandits where Tyson and gervase sneak away to have some coconuts they open them in different away to conceal their doing it, funny seeing. Then on redemption island we see Marissa go home.  For me yay didn’t really like Marrissa but be honest i don’t like anyone on redemption island don’t like Candace or john. Then we get to tribal counsel we have Brad telling girls its Caleb where he gets the bragade saying ciera. Caleb calls culpepper out and gets girls vote with him they vote brad they guys vote out ciera. Good move by Caleb yes; but i think you could waited on this move. Maybe he thought this was his only chance so he took it. Also i believe the only reason Vytas change his vote was because he didn’t want to draw rocks. In rules if its a tie a 2nd time then they will draw rocks unless final 4. 2 people who got tied are safe so 4 draw a rock the one with the purple rock is one who goes home can’t say i blame him for voting out brad. Now I’ll be rooting for culpeper to take out the stupid couple on redemption island.

Revolution Season 2 Episode 3 Love Story


This week episode was interesting. First we have Charlie and Monroe talking about the American government and why they are searching her mom. Odds are miles be following charlie find out where Rachel is get to know whats going on around D.C. Then we have Miles escaping the place with Rachel and people and people from the town. Guy threatens to kill the whole town but looks like a big propaganda to get the Americans on the people’s side.

October 10th

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 4 The Raiders Mimimization

The Big Bang Theory

Well got Indiana Jones ruined for me thanks a lot Big Bang. Funny though how Amy simplifies the story saying Indiana Jones involvement in movie so completely ruining it for the gang. Funny seeing Sheldon looking for revenge on Amy by finding something she likes and crushing it. Also have Penny taking class and getting book written by Leonard mom. Leonard uses it for penny for him acting sad and she giving him a lot of sex. Bernadette tells penny after Howard told Bernadette. Where Penny gets hold of his mom which makes Leonard really upset. Pretty funny.

Elementary Season 2 Episode 3 We Are Everyone


Cool social media site episode. In this weeks elementary Sherlock deals with a intelligence who knows unknown field agents in constant countries. Who also destroy Sherlock and watson ability to do anything with the internet. Getting suck into a cell for threats of killing president guys calling to come over for the train set. Cool episode, it was cool to see how better Watson as gotten in being a detective. Also get a scene with Sherlock facing his 1 love Moryjaryty so hear voice of Natalie Dormer.

Legend Of Korra Book 2 Chapter 6 The Sting

Legend of Korra Book 2

An episode of Legend of Korra without Korra who is the legend odd but hey lets talk about that. This was actually a real good episode. We see Mako and Asasmi trying to save future industry but also find out who is stealing all the ships from varric. Turns out its Varric himself him being funny using Bolin turn him against his brother great conspiracy now just asking what happen to avatar. She in end of episode ends up on the fire sage island i think you know from that episode back in book 1 water in last airbender. But she has lost all memory of who she is; other words she has amnesia we will see what happens as next week we learn of the first avatar.

Well that’s a week recap might be long but better than not getting it. Also I’ll put this in hear the best episode of the week goes to… Person Of Interest good episode also deals with more of the root and what in heck is the machine planning.

Have you seen any of the episodes of the week if have comment below let me know. Did you like it if did click that like/ follow button to stay update on andrewfist blogs. Thanks for reading. Also next week we have the season premier of Walking Dead.

Captain Phillips Review

Captain Phillips

Turns out that the fall of 2013 movies is better than summer of 2013 movies. But lets review Captain Phillips Savy.

Captain Phillips is the true story of what happened in 2010. I really liked this movie. Tom Hanks does a great job as playing Captain Phillips. But the surprise actor was the leader of the Somali Pirates. One thing i really like was it showed that they really didn’t have a choice. Scene in the trailer where Phillips said you don’t have to do this, and he says maybe in America. Showing that really if you want to survive in that world you have to do bad things.

Good movie, great actors, little long but still a good movie. In end i say Captain Phillips is worth owning on DVD.

Have you seen Captain Phillips if have comment below let me know. Did you liked this review if did click that like button and follow my channel. Thanks for reading.

Breaking Bad Series Review

Breaking Bad

Yes the show ended 2 weeks ago but just started watching the show 2 weeks ago irony of that. So lets talk some Breaking Bad.

Breaking Bad is an awesome show. The show stars Bryan Crayston as Walter White. Walter White is a old man when the show begins it is his 50th birthday. He is a teacher at the high school a chemistry teacher this guy is extremely smart, if he put his mind to it he could of cured cancer but he decided to sell meth. The whole premise of the show is that Walter gets cancer from working in labs during the early parts of his career when he actually was more of a chemist. But he goes to a surprise birthday party of his and their watching tv of his brother in law who works for the DEA and how the last meth dealing was worth 700,000 dollars and Walter was like i can do that but i can do it better cause im awesome. So he goes along with his brother in law to a meth lab invasion or whatever you call that. And he sees one of his former students there Jessie. He later tells Jessie we’ll partner up and make some money together. Jessie i really like Jessie most things you will laugh at in the show will be about something that Jessie did. But Jessie and Walter team up and start dealing meth. The meth they make is the purest meth in world it is 99% pure. Don’t know much about meth but 99 a big number so im going say that’s pretty good. Let me also say the show does have meth in it but it does not advertise the do drugs or be drug dealer to make money. If it does anything i think it shows the negatives of what drugs do on somebody’s body. But really is the show is about the good old man father breaking bad.

Lets talk about some of the characters in the show not Jessie or Walter. First we have the annoying wife Skylar. I’ll be honest i don’t like her, she is annoying and the funny part of it is she right about everything but hey you don’t mess with the Heisenberg. Also if you don’t know Heisenberg is Walters alias; Heisenberg was a Nazi scientist during Hitlers time. Also don’t like Hanks wife; whenever she is stealing stuff in Season 1 i was i don’t care move on. Now Hank; i like Hank it was cool seeing him trying to investigate Heisenberg not knowing it was his brother in law. Also he was really funny. Then there was Saul Goodman. He is the lawyer to Jessie and Walter. He was awesome one of the better characters in the show. One thing i like about him is he isn’t fake about anything he does hes a dirty lawyer and he knows it. Also i heard they were talking about a Saul show a prequel to Breaking Bad. I think that be good show; cause really it woudent have anything to do with breaking bad just the character Saul. Next character got Mike. Mike cool bad-ass character. Then you have Gus. Gus is just Gus i mean awesome character. Gus is played by the guy who plays Neville in Revolution. Awesome villain a great actor.

Now overall the show has its good moments and bad moments. Season 1 is not that good until Walter shaves his head and becomes Hesinburg that is when Breaking Bad becomes an awesome show.

In end Breaking Bad is a amazing show. And of course Breaking Bad is Legendary.

Have you seen Breaking Bad if have comment below let me know. And if you like this review click the like button and follow me. Thanks for reading.

The Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 1 The Hofstadier Insufficiency

The Big Bang Theory

Finished Big Bang theory now im a viewer. If you haven’t read my thoughts of Big Bang theory as series go to search on my page search Big Bang theory and it will show up. Now lets talk about this recent episode.

Episode starts out with Sheldon and Penny bonding about missing penny. Them playing 3d chess, eventually calling Leonard who is having a good old time on the ship for as lonely island once said IM ON A BOAT. But yeah you get some funny sheldon and penny funnys.

Then we have both Amy and Bernadett going to a biology banquet or something sceincey like that. They talk about the people they saw who were hitting on them and they were describing the others boyfriend as Daniele Donato always said in Big Brother awkward. Then you have raj and howard going to physics bowl or whatever they call this. Raj trying to pick a lady but is not successful.

In end good episode of Big Bang theory.

Thanks for reading.