Andrewfist T.V Recap November 24th- November 27

Week 8 of TV recaps lets talk some TV. Short week no shows on Thursday.

-November 24th

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 7 Dead Weight

Walking Dead

Alright we have a great episode this week. This weeks episode once again dealt with the governor. Well that’s OK cause it was so much better. Governor and his girls are becoming part of Martinezville. Governor goes on runs with him and the army buds looks like hes adjusting but has governor change or has he gone back to his roots. Gone back to roots. He killed off everyone who was a threat for him to become the leader and did very game of thrones of him. Also saw the tank which anyone who has read the comics will know why that’s important. Next week we got war will prison fall, who will die or will we have to wait next year find out. Either way I’m looking forward to it.

-November 25th

How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Episode 11 Bedtime Stories


So much rhyming. It was a okay episode. Funny. The Robin part of the episode was stupid, the ted part was ok. But the Barney part was hilarious. The scene with Barney having 4 other barneys as head of player gangster and him killing them like Gus in breaking bad. Episode was kinda of pointless didn’t really progress the story along. Also no mother.

Castle Season 6 Episode 10 The Good, the Bad, and the Baby


A good episode. A lottery heist, that’s different. A crew rigged the lottery which is if you think a great crime. Also we get Castle and Beckett taking care of a baby. Good episode. No more castle until next year aw man.

Almost Human Season 1 Episode 3 Are You Receiving?

Almost Human

A cool episode. This episode we had a heist prevention. Criminals use tec to make them look like a terrorist organization and to act like their going to blow a building up but instead their using the polices jamming the communication to their advantage and robbing some kind of future tec quite cleaver. Also saw Dorian get fixed with some gum. Good episode.

November 26th

Agents of Shield Season 1 Episode 9 Repairs

Agents of Shield

A good episode this week. We had another connection to the Thor the Dark World. Had a guy who kept teleporting from 1 world  to the other trying to protect a girl he liked thinking god was doing it against them. Also had Sky showing be the next colson that’s why Phil is keeping her around i think. Also learn more about may the Calvary.

Person of Interest Season 3 Episode 10 The Devil Snare

Person of Interest

A good episode this week. This week episode dealt with Reese trying to kill Simmons but is suffering from wounds. Also had flashbacks of all main characters being interviewed. Shaw getting flashback of her disability of not showing emotion, Reese interviewed for join the CIA, Finch being talked to therapist about survivor guilt, then fusco being vigilante. Also they freed Root who help them save Reese. Fusco beat the crap out of Simmons saying im not killing you cause carter taught me to be a better man than that. In end Elias says were not part of civilization carter she was but this is for her. So we have Elias back. Also we have Root hinting at a danger coming to them. Who is it going be i wonder. Now that H.R is gone who will step up to take role of the main bad guy. Will Decima return, will Vigilance be main bad guy, maybe Elias, or it could be someone new guess we’ll have to wait and find out.

-November 27

Survivor Blood vs Water Episode 11 Gloves Come Off

Survivor Blood vs Water

A good episode this week. The newbies have a plan blindside Tyson but Ciera has to ruin that so that doesn’t go down. Instead we have her tell Tyson the plan so it was ruined. She should of gone with haydens plan for when they go to the final 4 shes not getting taken to the final 3. Final 3 would be Monica, Tyson, and Gervase. But Hayden would take ciera over Katie for Tina would get aras, and vytas vote for Katie so that’s 3 votes only takes 5 to win big threat. But in end Caleb goes home hate to see him go he was a good survivor player though did not get much screen time his 1 shinning moment would be taking out Brad. Looks like my preseason pick is in trouble next week lets see if he can pull off a miracle. As Russel Hantz once said Keep Hope Alive.

Thats a week of TV short one with no more Friday shows and its Thanksgiving this week. My best episode of week goes to The Walking Dead. Kind of shocked but loved the Governor killing his way to the iron throne i mean the governor chair whatever great episode.

Have you seen any of these episodes this week if have comment below tell me what you thought about them. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and click that follow me button. Thanks for reading, and Happy Thanksgiving.

Serenity Review


The conclusion of the Firefly tv series lets talk about some serenity.

If you haven’t check my firefly review check that out also if you haven’t seen serenity you should click away i will talk spoilers you have been warned.

Serenity is story about River. River being a psychic you find out at the end series focus story on that. River read a member of Parliament and found out how the reavers were born. Movie is Malcolm Reynolds trying to expose what the alliance is. Just like Jane says in movie that you have to let go from the war. Everyone tells him war is over. Now the assassin he is awesome. He tells people you know what your sin is pride or something like that. Problem with movie is they do kill a few characters. First they kill Book. Then they kill Wash. Wash was wait for it boba fetted.

In end Serenity was a great movie a good conclusion to the firefly show. And Serenity is Legendary.

Hope to see sequel one day or a prequel something about war with the independents and the alliance.

Have you seen Serenity if so comment below tell me what you thought. Did you like this review if so click that like button and follow this channel.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Review

The Hunger Games Catching Fire

How did i feel after watching this well i felt hungry so afterward time for me play my own version of the hunger games. Lets review 2nd part of the hunger games movies.

Takes place about year after the first games. Katness is suffering from PDS seeing faces of people who were in the last hunger games. She still has to keep up the front that her and peter are still in love. Then we have the emperor or President Snow telling Katness to play nice or its not going to end well. Her and Peter go throughout the 12 districts and rebellion is on the verge. So to shut them up they have 1 more hunger games this time made from all champions. Some the champions are pretty familiar. Guy from District 1 was in Blue Mountain State, girl from revolution, girl from Iron Man 3 i think, also famous black guy i remember from casino royal. One who i liked was the guy who played Finnick. Tell you what i think he make a awesome aqua man if they make a aqua man movie.

Movie was good a lot better than the last movie. Also a big cliffhanger at end for winter is coming to the districts.

In end was a good movie had its flaws but still a good movie. I say Hunger Games: Catching Fire is worth seeing in theaters.

Have you seen Hunger Games 2 if have comment below let me know. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and follow the channel. Thanks for reading.

Firefly Review


First milestone at the Andrewfist Blog. This is the 100th blog, so this is a shout out to all my followers people who view on twitter or Facebook thanks for reading this is thanks to you. I was going to do my 100th review on the new hungers game but what if i don’t like the new hunger games so lets review the cult show firefly.

Firefly is a show directed by Josh Whedon. You don’t know who Josh Whedon he is one of the 3 great directors in my opinion in Hollywood. First its whedon then J.J Abrams, then Christopher Nolan those are my  big 3. Firefly is the most realistic space show you will see on tv. I covered a little about it during my cowboy beebop review as i said these 2 shows are so similar. One thing i love about firefly is there are no aliens this is a realistic view of space. As cool it would be for aliens like in Star Trek or Mass be out there i feel this is as grounded in reality as possible. But really Firefly is not a Sci Fi its a western. Someone would say but its got spaceships yes it does but it feels like a western movie, with mix of Chinese culture and space also tell with music as music sets the tone for the show as well mixes in different cultures music into firefly.

The main story of firefly well similar to cowboy beebop it doesn’t have a main story. Firefly is about the crew of firefly as they do missions to keep floating out in space. Malcolm Reynolds is smuggler formerly Sgt. Malcolm Reynolds fought with bunch of independents to stay free from the government a noble goal. But he hates the alliance. All he wants do is get money and just keep on flying. If story focused on anything then it would be the story of River Tam. The alliance wants her and you know there’s more to her than just this damage girl.

Now lets talk about the characters of firefly. First we have Malcolm Reynolds he is a former independent who lost his faith in god after his side lost the war. Nathan Fillion who plays him is awesome as Malcolm Reynolds. Hes damage character who is trying find the bridge between solider and smuggler. For he won’t abandon any of his crew due to solider code leave no man behind. Then we have Zoey. Zoey is Malcolm CO. Shes good in her role shes quite funny and quite a bad-ass. Next we have Was the pilot. Was is there as the comic relief guy he is also married to Zoey. Then we have Kaylee she is the mechanic. A cute mechanic let me say. She a engineer nerd loves serenity that’s the name of the ship. Next you have Jane. Jane is a mercenary and by mercenary hes a mercenary. All he cares about is his paycheck. Next you have Inara. Inara is the respectful one around the ship. She is a companion that’s right prostitution is legal in the future. Then we have Shepherd Book hes a preacher but you know he has secret. Don’t know his info because of stupid fox but he has some kind of connection to the Alliance. Odds are he could of been a general or something. Then we have the Tams. First Simon. Simon was a doctor who spent all his money to bust his sister out of the academy. Then river touch on little about he but she is hilarious with her crazy things she does. The cast of firefly is probably best cast in all of TV history the shame it could of been the best tv show of all time but fox had to screw it up. Fox did everything they could to make sure firefly would fail. They broadcast episodes out of order. Shame is that Firefly became cult to fans, won a enmmy, Josh Whedon refused to ever work for fox ever again.

In the end Firefly is a awesome show. A great cast which makes the show. A mix between western, and sci fi. And Firefly is Legend Wait for it


Have you seen Firefly if have comment below let me know. Did you like what you read if so  click that like button and follow my channel. Thanks for reading. Keep on reading for the next 100 legendary reviews coming soon to a webpage near you.

Andrewfist T.V Recap November 17th-November 22nd

Week 7 of Andrewfist T.V recap lets talk some tv.

-November 17th

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 6 Dead Weight

Walking Dead

A decent episode. This episode along with next week episode will be shown as what has happened to the governor. Begins with him not caring about life looking to wanting to die then his crew decided to leave him and what he decides do next when your crew abandoned him he burns the city to the ground of course. Then he starts traveling deciding to live in a apartment when he meets bunch of girls and their dying father. One thing is how have they survived so long they be dead after couple weeks at most i mean screw ricks plan to stay in the prison my as well just find a apartment thats much safer apparently. I like the episode for we had the governor show some hummanity in him showing him to be a descent man or not all evil. I liked that he and the girl connected. Thats what makes a good villian is they have good in them just like hitler. Hitler was evil man but he liked dogs. In end good episode.

-November 18th

How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Episode 10 Mom and Dad


A funny episode but as tradition stands i will begin with the usual. Where is the mother. Anyways lets talk of the episode. Funny episode both Barney and James are trying to get their parents back with their mother. Also had Karate Kids rival learn of his tough times being a villain always getting booed guess that be the life of actor who plays Joffrey. Also get Detective Moseby trying find out what happened to robins picture also get reference back to the pineapple incident back from season 1. Wonder if we will ever know what actually happened about that.

Castle Season 6 Episode 9 Disciple


He’s back. Feels like all these episodes this week have Serial Killers. Episode had to do with everyone’s favorite killer 3xk or his padawan. The 3xk storyline is the 2nd most interested storyline in castle show. 1st of course is the Bracken story with Beckett mom but 3xk is awesome as well for this one is more personal toward castle. 3XK believe be dead but really he has disappeared well his padawan is causing stir. If i had to compare her to anyone it would be Harley Quinn from the DC universe. Where 3XK is the Joker. But end what creepy with music playing saying we will meet again. Awesome episode.

Almost Human Season 1 Episode 2 Skin

Almost Human

A good follow up to Sundays episode lets talk about almost human. This episode deals with yes sexbots. Yes if there’s robots then that means there has to be sexbots. But on the bright side the prostitution rate is really down. Episode find out that these Albanians use skin from people to create the best sex bots on market. Also see john see his partners kid at end of episode trying to move on and do what is right good episode.

-November 19th

Agents of Shield Season 1 Episode 8 The Well

Agents of Shield

Been waiting for this since i saw Thor but hey lets talk of the episode. Thats what makes Agents of Shield awesome it ties in the marvel movies. My problem though is i feel that they should of had someone from the Thor movie to come in. But hey their janitors not the marvel movie but hey anyways. They find a Asgard weapon that was left 1000 years ago, turns out there is a asgardian who decided to live a normal life on earth. It was cool episode.

Person of Interest Season 3 Episode 9 The Crossing

Person of Interest

Wow just wow. Episode was amazing. I knew someone was going to die but did not expect it to happen the way it did. The episode Reese is the person of interest H.R has put a hit on Reese. You could tell thorough the whole season the chemistry between Reese and carter and this episode it finally blooms. But then we have Fusco getting caught. Shaw saving his kid saying sorry but then he breaks whole hand to choke guy to death. Finch is tempted to free Root but deciding against it. In end i was like hey happy ending then police guy shows up shoots both carter and Reese killing carter i was like that’s crazy why they kill her but kinda of respect preview to next week looks Reese has lost it. But man can’t believe they killed carter kind doesn’t put anyone safe.

-November 20th

Survivor Blood vs Water Episode 10 Big Bad Wolf

Survivor Blood vs Water

This weeks episode was the most boring episode we have had in a long time. First it focused on the redemption duel, well aras goes home. Who cares moving on. Then we had ciera thinking of getting rid of Laura. Then Tyson plans to blindside Laura good move get rid of the last couple now its no longer blood vs water its just survivor. Monica won the immunity challenge and tell you what ciera surprised me she told Katie she had idol just to find out if Katie had idol or not. In end Tyson gets rid of Laura now next week we have a potential blindside of Tyson will it happen a 3rd time that will be funny if it does. Also saw a love one vote out a love one something i really wanted to see.

Revolution Season 2 Episode 9 Everyone Says I Love You


Good episode. This week episode we had Aaron learn who is controlling the flames. It seems  this may sound stupid. When Aaron turn on the power he turn on the nano bites he talks with kid they like Aaron for their his creator. Also had funny moment with Monroe saying I’m Batman which was hilarious. Good episode. Last new episode of the year be back on in 2014.

-November 21st

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 9 The Thanksgiving Decoupling

The Big Bang Theory

Funny episode this week. In this weeks episode it is 1st thanksgiving episode. Where How I Met your mother gets the thanksgiving episodes big bang theory usually does the Halloween episodes probably cause of the superhero part. Funny moments of the episode. Was Raj fixing dinner him staying only makes sense that a Indian makes dinner so racist or wrong Indian but so funny. Then we have Sheldon go back to his Texan roots. Bernadette dad similar to Sheldon dad him staying yeah he made me watch the game or i couldn’t do my homework. Also have the annulment of penny and her old boyfriend. Good episode, funny.

Elementary Season 2 Episode 9 On the Line


A great episode. This weeks episode dealt with a serial killer. This is the 3rd tv show this week that has dealt with a serial killer. First was Walking dead then castle now elementary. First begins with a girl committing suicide to frame her sisters killer. But then Sherlock screws that up with his deduction. This was good for Holmes got to see he is not a good guy but the only reason he puts on the show is for watson. What i like about killer was he was so cleaver. In end great episode.

-November 22nd

Legend of Korra Book 2 Episode 13 Darkness Falls

Legend of Korra Book 2

Episode came out online why i don’t know but awesome 2 episodes. Episode begins with the battle between Vaatu and Korra. It was a good fight episode. Also episode had Tenzin trying to find his daughter. Kind of cool saw General from the 1st season of airbender who got eaten by the moon spirit kind of cool. But tenzin frees his daughter. Also we korra lose Rava and not be the avatar anymore also they kind of killed off all the past avatar spirit.

Legend of Korra Book 2 Episode 14 Light in the Dark

Legend of Korra Book 2

Episode with Korra getting really sad from losing rava thinking she lost her soul. Tenzin advises the avatar saying that Wan wasn’t avatar he was a regular man. So korra goes in tree and gets a spirit giant to attack vaatu who has attacked republic city. Korra wins and frees rava her becoming the avatar again. Also korra decides to keep spirit portals saying spirits and humans need to learn how to live together again. Also mako and korra decided to stay separated. Have problem with them killing all past avatars kind of kill having a episode dealing with one of the past avatars but oh well it did set it up better for the next season which i heard won’t be as long of wait like book 1 was. Anyways good episode looking forward to book 3. Also i will have a review of Book 2 Spirits.

Thats another week of tv. The best episode of week goes to, this is hard because there was so many good episodes this week but it has to go to Person of Interest. Week of serial killers doesn’t even go to a serial killer episode goes to most interesting show ha get it. But with Carters death its a game changer makes you look at the show from a different perspective.

Have you seen any of the episodes this week if so comment below let me know. Did you like what you read click that like button and follow this channel. Thanks for reading.

Almost Human Pilot Review

Almost Human

Recently just watch the pilot of the new show Almost Human thought i give you a review of a pilot. Info though all other Almost Human will be in the Andrewfist T.V recap at the end of week so hey lets talk about this new J.J Abrams tv show.

Almost human takes place 40 years from today. World got so advance that people started using it for crime causing the world to become very unstable, so the government decided create androids to help beat the crime gangs. So everyone in the police force was teamed up with a android. Well these androids are well their androids got no emotions well except for the older models.

First lets look at characters now. First we got John played by Karl Urban. Hes a great actor  he played eomer in lord of the rings and Dr. bones in star trek so hes used to this fantasy world. Also i think Karl Urban would make a great Batman. Anyway he was on a raid and he lost his team and his leg so this guy is damaged. A love damage characters also they have android legs if you lose it that’s kind of cool. Now lets look at the android Dorian. Dorian is a older model of the androids. Newer models are the basic robot have no emotion or anything well older models were designed to be almost human ha get it that’s the title. But hes cool cause john hates androids for they don’t have emotional. Funny in episode where he pushes his first android partner out of the car cause he was pissing him off. But Dorian not as of robot but a lot cooler than others. There are other characters but didn’t see much of them.

Wells that’s it for the pilot as said the 2nd episode will be in the tv recap at end of week but defiantly will continue watching this since korra ends this week i can add another slot.

Have you seen almost human if have comment below tell me what you thought about it. Did you like this post if so click that like button and follow this channel and follow my channel.



Heroes Series Review

Heroes Season 1

Finished rematching Heroes why did i re-watch this i was bored man cut me some slake anyways here is the review of show heroes.

Show reminds of anything is a mix between X men and DC super hero show where you have all these people who one day discover they have powers some just want to bury their powers and try to live a normal life while others accept their powers and want to become heroes. Lets talk about some of the characters in show here are few of my favorite i will talk about it. First we have Peter and his brother Nathan. Their the brothers who 1 takes advantage of the other their not the same age and Nathan is running for senate while peter wants to do something with powers Nathan just wants to act like they don’t exist. Then we have Claire. Claire can’t get hurt and the actor who play her is pretty dang hot. Then you have her dad Noah Bennett or known as the guy with big rim glasses. Noah works for a thing called the company which is a more extreme version of Shield probably a mix between shield and cabness. Now my favorite characters are Hiro and Ando these two Japanese characters who come save world but their hilarious. What makes Hiro awesome is most characters in show don’t want their powers just want to live a normal life where hiro loves his powers loves being a hero like in comic books he reads. Theres more characters there’s Parkman who is a telepathic and Mohinder who a scientist who has found out about that. And the ultimate villain Skylar. Skylar is a awesome villain. He has a power to fix anything he knows how the brain works and knows how to steal powers from people.

Story usually follow same storyline they go to future doesn’t look good have to save the world. The first season of heroes was really good the thing people will always remember is  Save the cheerleader, Save the world. Also one of my favorite quotes comes from linderman. Him saying you can either have a life of fulfillment or life of happiness you can’t have both. Which means if you want to be president it means you won’t have the family life  you have always wanted.

In end a great show sad see it get canceled i heard from comic con their continuing it through a comic but would love to see them finish it. It was just a really enjoyable show.

Have you seen heroes if have comment below let me know. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and follow this channel for more. Thanks for reading.

Andrewfist T.V Recap November 10th-November 15th

Week 6 of Andrewfist T.V reviews lets talk some t.v

-November 10th

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 5 Internment

Walking Dead

Wow a awesome episode. Lets talk about it. In this episode we had 2 different stories. 1 we had Hershel trying to take care of all the sick people and preventing them from becoming Walkers. We see Hershel still difficulty of still killing walkers but he handled it quite well. Also in this episode the other storyline was the fence falling apart. So have Rick taking care of Carl and them bonding by killing some zombies. In end great episode at end we see our favorite villain The Governor he’s back. Also had Daryl them come back with a cure to the illness so at least that’s taken care of. Also next week guess we will see the Daryl’s reaction or it will be the governor flashback of the past few months. Awesome episode.

-November 11th

How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Episode 9 Platonish


This week episode was awesome. It is a flashback episode which was odd but in this episode we have Marshal trying to convince Ted to go after robin. Then we have Lilly and Robin giving Barney a bunch of challenges and then we see the mother who he tries to pick up. The mother tells Barney it will be okay. She telling him go after robin, and ted realizes he still loves robin but take his time, and Barney starts writing the Robin play. Also we have Walter white offering Ted a job to work in Chicago so we now know why hes going to Chicago to become the new Jessie. Legendary episode.

Castle Season 6 Episode 8 A Murder is Forever


A great episode. A therapist who clients were usually the rich top clients like Bill Gates or Bill Clinton. She gets killed and we see a guy in a car. He looks for peoples dirty secrets and helps out rich people. But guy awesome.

-November 12th

Agents of Shield Season 1 Episode 7 The Hub

Agents of Shield

A great episode. The gang go to the hub the place of intelligence. Where they have a level 8 mission where only level 8 people can know the mission. Ward and Fitz go into a country to take down a device which can stop all nuclear fire or bombs attacking. Then have Sky trying to find out and colson keeps saying trust the system well just as Sky i don’t trust the system. Good episode also have future episodes teased with Sky mother and Colson not getting clearance learn what brought him back to life.

Person of Interest Season 3 Episode 8


Wow a great episode i mean a really great episode. The episode we had Carter full plan to take H.R. Course time time one of the main cast is the perpetrator and is the one who is causing the numbers. Carter has decided to take down h.r she has a elaborate plan which is to get the Russians angry at H.R then to frame the Russians against H.R. Then the crew takes out H.R. 3 episode story next week Reese is the person of interest so should be awesome.

-November 13th

Survivor Blood vs Water Episode 9 My Brother’s Keeper

Survivor Blood vs Water

Fallout from last week episode means no fallout cause the returning players are stupid lets talk some survivor. Beginning of the episode you had Tina going crazy saying they lost jury votes then we have the immunity challenges. First immunity monica wins eating contest ok congratulation you won challenge where you eat. Then first one out is vytas sad to see him go. Next immunity it was between Tina and Monica. Personally i wanted monica to go cause shes annoying but tina went home so goes all the survivor winners. Right now i think Gervase is in the best spot to make it far.

Revolution Season 2 Episode 8 Come Blow your Horn


This week episode was awesome. First we had Aaron get captured by merica. Ok that’s not what happens first Monroe ditching them cause he knows he will die again if they get caught so he makes a break for it. Where then we see miles and the gang trying blow up base of merica in the city but Aaron shows up so they cancel that plan. On the eastern front Neville goes to that woman’s husband and convinces him to kill her. Also in end of episode i swear revolution made a x men reference. What his face bald guy trys to get Aaron use his power so to do it he does it through rage. Similar to x men where evil guy threaten to kills his mother unless he move the coin and he cant he kills his mother and Erik bends metal so yeah totally a x men reference.

-November 14th

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 8 The Itchy Brain Simulation

The Big Bang Theory

A funny episode funniest in awhile. First we have Sheldon finding a disk in box which Leonard he never returned. So Sheldon and Leonard make a bet saying once he returns that DVD then Leonard can take off a sweater course Sheldon has had a evil plan he has been planning for years. On the other side of story you have Penny yelling at Raj ex girlfriend. Raj then yells say i hate you penny then she text asking to have cup of coffee then i love you penny. Hilarious.

Elementary Season 2 Episode 7 Blood is Thicker


A great episode. We have a dying rich guy keeping a secret to save stock exchange you have a bastard daughter dead,and turns out that it was the wife killing them both just so she didn’t have to pay the divorce charge marriage right. On other hand of episode we had a fake lie from Sherlocks brother to get him to come back to London for unknown reason what will happen idk.

-November 15th

Legend of Korra Season 2 Episode 11 Night of a Thousand Stars

Legend of Korra Book 2

A great episode. The first episode of 2 night episode night. First we had the fall of varric. Varric being awesome trying to frame the northern water tribe. But Boling saves the president and saves day just like in the film. Then korra returns to city trying get the president to help save the world but as any president denies deciding to try and protect republic city.

Legend of Korra Season 2 Episode 12 Harmonic Convergence

Legend of Korra Book 2

In this episode we have Korra trying to stop convergence to keep vaatu from destroying the world so how we do this through a aerial assault. But they get caught but who is there to save them no one other than Bolin and Naga. I swear they get saved every time thanks to that polar bear dog. In end of episode she couldn’t close the portal so epic battle next 2 episodes the season finale. Sad day but can’t wait to see it.

Thats another week of TV episodes. Most episodes were really good this week goes to Person of Interest once again. Though really all episodes this week was really good but the H.R plot has been building for awhile.

Have you seen any of the episodes of the week if so comment below let me know. Did you like what you read is so click that like button and follow this channel. Thanks for reading.

Robocop Trailer 2 Anaylse


Hey another trailer for robocop lets talk about it.

The trailer makes it look at the commercial view of Robocop. First a lot of big name actors i saw in trailer. First saw Samuel L Jackson with another horrible wig but him saying robots protect world except for merica. So they put a guy in a Robo suit to make people believe that the man has control of robot body. But as said saw guy from shes out of my league, Gordon from Batman trilogy a lot of actors. Then see the whole classic where robot rebels which they can’t be controlled.

In end trailer doesn’t show much more than first one mainly a commercial version to the American viewers looking forward this be a great 2014 movie.


Batman Superman Apocalypse Review

Batman Superman Apocalypse

Here is something to keep you occupied until the Batman vs Superman movie heres my review of Superman/Batman Apocalypse.

Alright this movie though its says superman and batman in title its really a origin story of supergirl. Movie was awesome. First you see Supergirl come to earth not as a baby as Superman did so she doesn’t have time to adapt to the life, plus she more kryptonian than superman is. But she tries find a place where she belongs but can’t really find it and then darkside manipulates her into joining his army at apocalypse. One of best parts of the movie is when batman beats darkside by giving him ultimatum where darkside goes respect.

In end good movie great origin story for supergirl. I say its worth owning on DVD.

Have you seen Batman Superman Apocalypse if have comment below let me know. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and follow my channel. Thanks for reading.