Andrewfist T.V Recap Feburary 23rd – Feburary 27th

Everything’s back well except for Shield but hey almost everything is back.

-February 23rd

True Detective Season 1 Episode 6 Haunted Houses

True Detective

No more flashbacks we are in the present. In this episode we learn how Cole and his wife get their divorce. Once again he cheats on her, so she gets revenge by having sex with rust which destroy their bro relationship. Rust is looking for the killer and loses his badge and leads us into today. I liked how rust let Cole punch him few times as he knows what he did wrong. Episode ends with Rust and Cole meeting in present going after the killer. I give this episode a 4.7.

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 11 Claimed

The Walking Dead

Whoa that was a good episode. This week episode it was split between Rick, Carl, and Michone’s group and Abraham’s group. Now we learn what Abraham’s goal is… to go to D.C. So episode really helped to introduced Abraham and his crew. The episode also deals with Rick trying to stay as quiet as possible from the intruders and Michone trying to make Carl laugh. Good episode i give a 4.0.

-February 24th

How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Episode 18 Rally


Good episode just 5 more weeks of HIMYM :(. Anyways this episode dealt with Barney’s huge hangover and had another fake history lesson which are always funny. Then had Barney drink to get people off their hangovers. Cool episode showing how Barney always took care of his friends. Also had a weekend at barneys wedding pictures. Ready for wedding already geez. I give this episode a 4.0.

Almost Human Season 1 Episode 12 Disrupt

Almost Human

Another good episode. Dealt with guy stealing pieces of people’s face to make himself look better to impress a girl. Sad ending the girl he liked was blind and didn’t care about any of that. Good episode i give a 3.9.

Castle Season 6 Episode 16 Room 147


This was a interesting episode. Had 3 confessions, mind erasing, and cult sounds like a good episode of heroes. Very interesting mixing stuff like inception planting people with a ideal that they killed somebody. I give this episode a 4.3.

-February 25th

Person of Interest Season 3 Episode 15 Last Call

Person of Interest

Glad this show is back and we get a awesome episode. This episode dealt with a hacker mercenary. Yeah back in day it was the people with the biggest guns that were the best now its the people that can use the technology the best. We get a hacker who is the anti Finch. What i mean by that he is Finch if he was evil. Really good episode. I give this weeks episode a 4.6.

-February 26th

Survivor Brawn vs Brain vs Beauty Episode 1 Hot Girl with a Grudge

Survivor Brain vs Brawn vs Beauty

Survivor is back and the first episode sucked. Okay episode we had double tribal counsel. So first we have the tribes pick a leader then that leader takes out somebody. Well David the eventual person to go home first 😦 takes Garret out saying it was totally for 2/3rds bit of the game. So end The Brains lose the challenge people and the audience hate L’tia. At first watching her video i liked her i take that back hated her wanted her go. The brains tribe should not be called the brains tribe their now known as the Dumb Tribe. As soon as David got voted off i felt how he people felt about when Robb died in game of thrones last season. I want that team to that sorry Spencer your cool but your probably screwed. But sets up rest of season. I’m giving this first episode a 2.5.

Revolution Season 2 Episode 14


This was good episode. First we had Monroe teaching his kid how to kill him being good dad i guess. Then we see Charlie becoming hooker then choking someone like Leia did in Star Wars Episode VI. Okay then she get some men at end of the episodes. Also you have Miles figuring out that Neville are working for the patriots. Neville tells him let him have Monroe. Then have Aaron killing his kid an then ends up in 2014 somehow. Ok episode i give it a 3.5.

-February 27th

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 16 The Table Polarization

The Big Bang Theory

Good episode. We had a lot of manipulation something that was missing from this weeks episode of survivor. All women pretty much manipulate the guys except for raj of course. All about buying table. Good episode i give a 4.0.

Elementary Season 2 Episode 16 The One Percent Solution


A ok episode. Episode dealt with Lestrade coming to new york. But really the episode bored me wasn’t that interesting. I hope they introduce a villian soon cause elementary starting to bore me. I give this episode a fresh score of a 3.0.

Thats a week of tv. And the best episode goes to… True Detective. Best show on tv even though slow week of true detective things finally get answer this show will probally win the next 2 weeks since thats its last week. But hey Agents of Shield comes back next week looking foward for that to be on. Also no Throwback Movie Thursday this week wasn’t feeling it got lazy.

What was your favorite show of the week comment below tell me your thoughts about it below. Did you like what you read if so click that like button then that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.

Godzilla Trailer 2 Review


Okay we got a new trailer for Godzilla and boy does look good lets talk about it.

Now there was that teaser trailer and we knew Godzilla was in movie, this time though we see how much havoc Godzilla has done to the world. Like you see Statue of Liberty half destroyed, also see floods across world of Godzilla coming out of the water. Then have Bryan Cranston talking so dang epic like he did in Breaking Bad. Also have that Japanese guy from Inception in it. Also liked how they connected them saying we tested nukes on pacific it wasn’t a test. All in all this looks likes it going be a awesome movie. Looking forward to summer going be some good movies this year.

Have you seen Godzilla 2nd trailer and tell me what do you think about it. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and then that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Red vs Blue Season 11 Review

Red vs Blue Season 11

Okay finally watched season 11 of red vs blue don’t worry i will eventually review all the season’s but for now lets review the 11th season.

The eleventh season of Red vs Blue is a coming back to form for the show. What i mean by that it goes more back to its roots of the blood gultch chronicles. Where pretty much all they do is talk. Did i like this season it was ok. Personally i missed all the action sequences from season past 3 seasons made it lot cooler. Also begins a whole new story. If new each 5 season’s of Red vs Blue is different story arc. There’s the blood gultch arc, then there is the free lancer arc. The story is the reds and blues have crash landed on a planet trying to get their communications. But i have to say this season was pretty funny. Then the last chunk of the season it becomes like star wars. A guy is trying to kidnapped the reds and blues then find another guy who tells them that they are a rebellion on a planet trying to take out  this evil empire sound like anything… Star Wars. But hey who cares i love Star Wars and Red vs Blue so I’ll let it slide. Cool season also learn at the end we see Carolina as the Locus boss. Makes since she’s the emperor i mean her dad was the director which makes her evil as well or there’s something else going on which we will have to wait till next season.

Things i didn’t like. Like i said i wished there was more of the action stuff in it like in the past 3 seasons. Also wish Church and Carolina were in the season but maybe they’ll be in it more next season. Also it was funny with new robots. Like Lopez 2.0.

In end i say Red vs Blue Season 11 was good start to another good arc for red vs blue. I give this season a 3.8. Would of like to see more but i can wait.

Have you seen Red vs Blue Season 11 and what is your favorite season mine is reconstruction that was such a awesome season if get enough likes i will review the other seasons. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and then that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.

Torchwood Series 4 Miracle Day Review

Torchwood Series 4

And the last review for Torchwood which ends all connection to Doctor Who review begins now.

Okay Miracle Day. So this place probably year or 2 after series 3 everybody is trying to get back to their normal life but then miracle day happened. Which means everybody stopped dying they just went into limbo. I loved the idea of it. There was stat at beginning saying that 300,000 people die on earth daily doesn’t sound right but anyways they live so the earth would become over populated. So we have our show to stop the miracle. Also learn that Jack has become mortal.

Lets get to know the new crew. First there is Rex a CIA agent who dies but brought back on miracle day leads the investigation but is framed so he joins torchwood, then there is Ester a girl who similar to Rex gets taken out of CIA and joins Torchwood. Then there’s also Oswald a killer who was sentenced to death but gets to go free since he went through his sentenced. Also there is a hot doctor named Vera which gets Boba Fetted (meaning getting killed off in a stupid way.)

It’s different than it was. By different i mean its more American. Show was produced by Starz and BBC. Which i liked how it balanced it out with both American and a British show. Had components of the original torchwood but also had that abc kind of show you watch there like Castle. I liked it way better than first 2 series cause its not trying to be Doctor Who though it went away from what Torchwood was it is still good. Now the new team i like the new team but i like classic torchwood team better.

In end Torchwood Series 4 was a good show, good characters, like the whole death deal also with the government burning people alive was different also villain being like a mafia type thought was cool. I give Torchwood Series 4 Miracle Day a 4.3.

Now there is no more Torchwood but technically its not canceled. Russel T. Davis the guy who produced and write a little of Torchwood has not canceled it yet. Saying he is working on other projects so chance might be a while but we will probably see another torchwood season. Russel T. Davis was guy who did more of the stuff for Doctor Who Series 1-4 for Moffat took over.

Have you seen Torchwood Series 4 Miracle Day if have comment below tell me your thoughts about it. Did you like what you read then click that like button and that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading. Also what show you want me to watch next. I’m thinking maybe anime or cartoon either continuing Rurouni Kenshin or start up Star Wars the Clone Wars or maybe Rome. Comment below tell me a good show you want me to watch. Thanks for reading.

Heroes Reborn Talk

Heroes Reborn

So if you didn’t hear the news Heroes is returning.

So what do i think about Heroes coming back. Not sure. Mainly because i don’t what it will be. Will it continue the story after season 4. Will it be a new cast. I would like to see a ending to the shows story the world finds out about the heroes what happens next but i don’t think they will go down that road. My thinking it will be around the same time frame of the first 4 seasons or could be in past who knows. But could see past cast return. Could see Noah return working for the company, could see Skylar return to steal some more powers guess we will wait and see.

Are you excited about Heroes coming back comment below tell who is your favorite character in Heroes me personally was Hiro. Did you like what you read if so click that like button then that follow button to stay up to date with the latest review. Thanks for reading.


Torchwood Series 3 Children of Earth Review

Torchwood Series 3

Finished this series a lot quicker well the answer to that it was a lot better than series 2.

Okay Torchwood Children of Earth. Its more of a mini series than a full series. Anyways this series we have a alien taking over children now torchwood has to stop them. But not just them we have the British Government trying to stop them. Which makes things difficult for the torchwood team. Jack gets blown up and some how still regenerates. Even Gwen’s husband goes on run.

This series did a great job telling the story. Did great job of telling the morality of humans. In story the aliens wants 10% of all children from each country. I didn’t like that Ianto died. But liked how Jack had to make tough decisions even screwing over his family. In end he runs away i mean who wouldn’t after all crap he’s gone through. Also one weird thing is the alien uses the children as drugs that was probably the stupid thing. Also one thing i don’t get is, is the same complaint i had toward Iron Man 3. You know when Iron Man is fighting against the Mandarin and the avengers don’t show up the smart answer is saying well its independent movie he couldn’t show up well thats B.S. But here i always keep thinking to myself i would think the Doctor would show up. I guess it could be fixed point but the doctor always says that the earth is defended.

Other than few gripes really enjoyed this series. Good cast, also had the future 12th doctor got see more of his acting. I give Torchwood Children of Earth a 4.6.

Have you seen Torchwood Series 3 Children of Earth if have comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.

12 Years a Slave Review

12 Years of Slave

So taking a American history class teacher offers extra credit if go see it at the foreign film thing. So here we are; though the weird thing is the class is American history after 1865 slavery was before 1865 so bit odd but hey never say no to extra credit am i right.

12 years a slave is a awesome movie. 12 Years a slave takes place in 1840 something to 1850 something but its about the main guy who the only things i have seen him in was 2012 and Serenity. So on that level he is about average but let me tell you he was awesome in this movie. He’s a violin star he goes to places and plays his violin for people to do the waltz well he gets betrayed and sold into slavery and we have our movie.

This movie is a hard watch for anybody. But really a hard watch for any American or anybody. When watch movie you go somewhere else in time or another world but here this is world that actually existed. Defiantly a dark time in our history.

The cast was awesome. The slave girl don’t know her name but she did a awesome job. But really i think the best one was Michael Fassbender he was so good in this movie. When a villain can make me hate you during the movie then he did a great job. Similar to the guy who plays Joffrey they play characters who are nothing like themselves and just nail their role. Also Benedict Cumberbatch was in movie. One thing made me mad was not about the movie but before you had person for black history month she said Cumberbatch’s name wrong i was like NO don’t you dare mis say his name. But he nailed a southern accent which i found very interesting. Cause you all seen Sherlock or even his latest movies of the hobbit and star trek he has that British accents just shows me the range he has of a actor. Also Brad Pitt was in movie and he did good as well.

In end 12 Years a slave was a awesome movie. Had great cast, really cast is what made the movie, also how powerfully emotional this movie can make you feel that a world like this actually existed. And 12 years a Slave is Legendary.

Have you seen 12 Years a Slave did you like it comment below tell me your thoughts or tweet out with #andrewfistblog. Did you like what you read if so click that like button then that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.

Torchwood Series 2 Review

Torchwood Series 2

If you wonder why it took me so long to watch this season since my last review you obviously have not watch series 2 of Torchwood and let me tell you about it.

Okay Torchwood Series 2 was ehhhhhhhh not that good. Some episodes were really well done. Like the first episode you had Jack return to Cardiff to reconnect with his team also learning for the time agency from Jacks past that was cool. Stuff that i didn’t like was the gay scenes. I’m personally not a supporter of Gay rights. If your going to bash me on it go ahead cause i don’t really care my own beliefs. But scenes when Jack and Ianto are kissing for like a 5 to 10 second frame just makes me uh please cut, now, now, NOWWWW!!! Okay getting away from that ;the shows episodes weren’t as good as series 1. When they decided to kill Owen mid season but he just being a zombie pretty much was one of the worst things i have seen. If your going to kill him just do it don’t bring him back in a stupid way. Like in finale they finally decide to exterminate him i say it was probably a different writer looked at the Owen situation and was like WTF. So yeah glad Owen died at the end of it all. I liked Owen’s character but didn’t like how they brought him back after they killed him. Tosh dying was sad cause i like tosh.

The story of his brother was a good road at the end. My favorite episode of the series was episode 12 where its a flashback episode showing how all characters except gwen cause she was recruited 1st episode. How each member got into torchwood. I like how they did Jack where he is wating for the doctor for a 100 years. Then joins Torchwood. Also like them bringing Martha Jones showing more connection to Doctor Who.

In end was not a good series. Course a friend told me the next series is when it gets better. So i say Torchwood Series 2 gets a 2.5. Some parts good but most were bad about this series.

Have you seen Torchwood Series 2 if have comment below tell me your thoughts about it. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.

Argo Review


The review is real, the movie was fake, the mission was real.

Argo is the 3rd movie Ben Affleck has directed and let me say this, this movie was awesome. Okay people know i love movies that take place in historical settings. But when a movie shows me a time of history i don’t know really anything about then it wins a few points.

The story of the movie is that the people of Iran want their leader back from the u.s even though he is getting his cancer treated so they rebel against the United States embassy and take a lot of people hostage. The movie is about these 6 people who get away and have been living in the Canadian embassy for 88 days. So back in U.S their trying to come up with ideas to get them out. While on the phone with his son Ben Affleck’s character watches Planet of the apes and thinks about what if we were movie people. And there’s our movie.

The movie was so well done. The cast to the movie was awesome. There wasn’t one person in movie I’m like uhhhhh get rid of him no. Not even Affleck. Even he was good in the movie. Course i think Affleck is a better director than he is actor but maybe cause he is more passionate about the role he is playing in. End of movie has Guy when a award but is taken away for it was classified. Clinton released the details of mission in 98 i believe.

All together Argo was a great movie. It had awesome cast, love the setting of iran how real it felt with things going on in Iran, and also loved using footage from the time period. And Argo is Legendary!!!

Have you seen Argo if have comment below tell me your thoughts. Don’t know what i will watch next Throwback Movie Thursday might just pick one at random. Did you like what you read then click that like button and also that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.

Fantastic 4 Cast Announcement Talk

Fantastic 4 Cast Announcement

Hello Children this is Andrewfist time talk some news. First news i have done since Lex Luther announcement so lets talk some fantastic 4 news.

The cast has been revealed. So lets talk about this cast. Really the only people i know are Michael B. Jordan and Miles Teller. Miles is a rising star in Hollywood. Though he’s been very Jonnah Hill for he always does the same thing in every movie. Though similar to Hill maybe he could break out of that streak and do something fantastic…. get it. Then Michael B Jordan he’s a great actor probably the best out of them. The only movie i have ever seen him in was Red Tails and he did great job and i enjoyed Red Tails. Now girl Kate Mara i have never seen her in everything. I heard she is in House of Cards but have not watch it yet i will one day maybe. Then there’s Jamie Bell once again i have only seen 1 movie he’s in. That was Jumper he was good in movie. So overall this is young cast of fantastic 4 which seems odd since their suppose to be scientist or something. Also Fantastic 4 is made by Fox which other thing they own is X- Men. This is suppose to come out next year so could be the amazing spider man of marvel movies next year due to Avengers 2 coming out next year.

Have you heard news of the new fantastic 4 cast do you like cast if so tell me bellow or tweet it out with #andrewfistblog. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and that follow button to stay up to date with the latest review. Thanks for reading. Also was going to watch Gladiator but change of plans since not going to see Pompeii now. Instead i think im going watch Argo movie i haven’s seen before so check back later. 🙂