The Walking Dead Season 4 Review

The Walking Dead Season 4

So Season 4 just ended now its time to talk about what happened and talk about what I liked what I hated that’s a bigger list but also whats in store for next season. Last thing of walking dead I will talk about until the trailer that will probably come out sometime around comic con. After long intro lets talk about this season.

Okay season 4 of the walking dead was … ok. One thing I don’t like jumping out of gun starting the season I hate the time skip. I don’t see reason why we have to skip 4 to 6 months in the future. It be a lot better if just continue where it left off from season 3 but to argue that point I felt they finally answered those questions from the last episode of the season. Now you see they have a lot of people at the prison now trying to make things as they were. You had big runs to gather supplies. But then bad stuff starts happing kinda. First you had a virius hitting everybody. So a lot of people died kinda. That’s my first big problem with what the walking dead is. They don’t kill characters off. If someone argues saying well actually do. No they don’t ever since last season they stoped doing it. I mean look at all main characters who died last season. Andrea, T Dog, Carol, Axel, and that black guy sorry forgot his name. Who died this season uhhh Hershal and the Governor. Though the Governor was such a cop out cause the governor has to die at least you think has to die. But to be honest my favorite part of this season was the first half people said they hated this season well I love the governor he such a cool character. I like how he starts walking and meets new people and realize he not that bad of guy maybe he’s redeem himself no not one bit. Love seeing Governor he such good character. Also Hershal he was a great character hated to see him die in mid season finale. Now the second half the directing of the episode was well done. But it did not turn out that good. Episode had people in different timelines trying to get to sanctuary. That’s cool but to be honest I wanted the last episode of the season to be the end of terminus. Cause the last episode of season was a great episode but now we are going have go through a gridding out season next season waiting for Rick kill the cannibals. What I want is to not do that for the gang to out on the road and head to Washington D.C along with Abraham and his crew. That’s a cool storyline not looking forward spending another season in terminus. Also casting kid actors amc or the walking dead terrible at. The 2 girl actors are just terrible. Also where’s Tyreese and Carol did they already get eaten have they got there at don’t know guess we will find out next season.

In end walking dead season 4 was ehhhh ok I guess first half of the season was really good, the 2nd half of the season by the end you realize oh that’s where their going but really after waiting 8 weeks to find out what sanctuary is you like it but now have to dread them doing it next season. And if it turns out to be really good which means blowing me away and killing characters off. Not everybody lives in a zombie apocalypse that’s usually a fact get walking back to what it was back in the first season or even 2nd season.  I would rather have a shorter season and have a lot better episode. I give this season 3.4.

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Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 5 Review

Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 5

Alright we just finished Season 5 of Clone Wars probably the best season so far lets talk about it.

Okay season 5 was really well done. Now I’ll go ahead and say it the storylines did go a little too long. Like the storyline with the droids and the younglings felt like they spent way too much time on those episodes could be couple episode and we could of seen more of obi wan or Anakin. When I saw a wookie Jedi I was like that was cool. Now what I want to talk about is the last 7 episodes cause that’s when it gets cool. Now Darth Maul was the best part of the 5th season of clone wars. He aligned himself with Death watch you remember the terrorist cell of all mandolorians. What I like about this storyline is first off we see Darth Maul isn’t just a brute he is a true sith. Coming up with a plan by taking over all criminal organizations to create a crime ring. Such a awesome plan one of the best things of star wars I have ever seen. Then also had Mandolorians going back to their ways of being warriors. Cause Mandolorian is suppose to be warrior like you see through knights of the Old Republic see how mandolorians invaded the republic but now passives. Loved these episode you see with the mandolorian armor red see where they are going toward the classic trilogy and beyond to the expanded universe. Now last 4 episodes is last of Ahsoka we will see. It goes her friend set her up and now is on trial the Jedi council exiles her out of the order. Such good episodes I loved this. Also end seeing Ahsoka leaving Jedi for good with Anakin asking why she is leaving. Which means with Ahsoka out of the Jedi order she will survive order 66 so we could see her in the upcoming show Rebels or even Episode 7 that’s is less likely but there is a chance.

So end Star Wars Clone Wars season 5 last 7 episodes were some of the best star wars story telling I have seen. I give this season a 4.8.

Have you seen Star Wars the Clone Wars Season 5 if have comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read well click that like button then while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.\

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Trailer 1 Review

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles


So we got our first trailer to the new horrible thing Michael bay is producing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The good thing is he’s not directing the bad news is the guy directing is guy who directed those horrible Texas Chainsaw movies. One thing I don’t like about the trailer okay I’ll be honest I hated most stuff in this trailer. One Megan Fox in this movie why just why I thought her and Michael Bay hate each other or something. Then you have ninja who work for splinter using guns why that makes no sense. Then turtles being experiment by splinter just no. I’ll tell you what I like about the trailer. The turtles were cool. Like them fighting in snow was pretty cool. Then the end you have Leonardo or whatever turtle saids to Megan fox character saying don’t worry its just mask then pulls off the mask which I actually find hilarious.

To be honest I have such a low expectation for this movie if its good I’ll take back every thing I said about this but from first trailer not impressed but will wait and see.

Have you seen the new trailer to Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read well click that like button then that follow button to stay up to date with the latest review. Thanks for reading.


X-Men Days of Future Past Trailer 2 Review

X-Men Days of Future Past

Alright we get ourselves a new trailer to the new x men movie. Hey lets talk.

Now this trailer looks awesome. So trailer begins with old Xavier talking about how screwed they are. The way this movie looks it could be the best marvel movie of all time. I have said since hearing about X-Men Days of Future past is the fox version of the avengers. You get the first class cast along with the old cast. I can’t really express how excited I am to see this movie.

Now looking at trailer you see a lot of things. You see Young Magneto in jail my thing is; is uh Xavier walking again cause from this trailer it looks like he is. Then you also have the past magneto and Xavier bickering like they always do. Wolverine going back in the past. Also we get a look at Quicksilver. Quicksilver looks goofy yes but also have to realize its the 70’s people dressed differently than they do today. Also Peter Dinklage actually seeing him talk which I love Peter Dinklage everybody knows that from my obsession of Game of Thrones. But looks could be same character as Tyrion but more stable if his dad wasn’t a douche to him. Also we see Magneto pulling off a Bane. You know destroying a stadium like Bane did in The Dark Knight Rises.

In conclusion im looking forward to this movie its going be awesome my most anticipated movie of the year. Have you seen the trailer if have comment below let me know what you thought of this trailer. Did you like what you read well click that like button then while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest review. Thanks for reading.


Red vs Blue Season 3 Review

Red vs Blue Season 3

Alright we got our selves the 3rd season of Red vs. Blue. Little bit of 2 halos and some time traveling we got more of Red vs. Blue.

Red vs. Blue season 3 is one of my favorite seasons of Red vs. Blue. Rewatching this season was really enjoyable. It is I think one of the funnier seasons. One thing I like was Caboose; him and sarge were trying to get away from crazy reds and blues. Caboose gets angry and yells “My Name is Michael J Caboose and I hate Baby’s” Then just becomes a badass. Also you have a funny explanation of Sarge saying the present was destroyed and they were transport into the future which transitions into Halo 2. Also had time traveling church who learns its his fault everything happens. Also a talking bomb named Andy.  Most quotable thing from this season goes to caboose. “I don’t want to be dead I want to be alive or a cowboy.

In end great season of red vs. blue defiantly one of the funniest season. I give this season a 4.5.

Have you seen Red vs. Blue if have comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 4 Review

Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 4

The best season of Clone Wars so far.

Alright season 4 of Star Wars Clone Wars. The season pretty much all the episodes are really well done. Each storyline is good. Okay except when Jar Jar appears course that doesn’t need a explanation. There was first 3 episodes you had everyone’s soon to be admiral. Captain Ackbard you know the guy who famously said “Its a Trap”. I was hoping not just hoping I was wanting so bad to say it in these episode but oh well. Also there is 2 episodes with C3PO and R2D2 going off on adventures which are cool as well. Then have a awesome / Jedi who turned to dark side. Some of my favorite episodes of the clone wars has been when they focused on the clones. But have Jedi who wields 2 double lightsabers I was like I didn’t know he could do that. But that’s guy a dick. He’s horrible to clones marching them off to their death. Such good episodes. Episodes dealing with slaves which is pretty much a return of the jedi rip off. Where they all do head nod thing then R2 shoots the 2 lightsabers to Anakin and Obi Wan. Also cool storyline with Cad Bane which obi wan disguising himself as a bounty hunter to try and capture the chancellor. Also had Ventress become a bounty hunter teaming up with Boba Fett.  But best episode of the season goes to the return of Darth Maul. Maul has pretty much gone crazy and becoming a spider. But it was such cool episode. Also goes more deep into the ideals of the sith. Where Jedi would just die but sith try to remain alive no matter the cost. Similar to Anakin being burnt up to becoming Darth Vader.

In end great season of clone wars favorite so far. I give this season a 4.8.

Have you seen Star Wars Season 4 if have comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read if so click that like button then while your at it click that follow button. Thanks for reading.


Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 3 Review

Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 3

Alright with episodes in past, present, and future makes for another awesome season of Star Wars the Clone Wars.

Clone wars season 3 does something a little different. Some episodes are past, while other episodes go back to the present. Which makes you rethink all episodes order from first 2 seasons. To be honest I was really liking this season until episode 12. This introduces the night sisters where ventress came from. So learn more about her but not just her learn more about one of the few good things about the prequels… Darth Maul. Learn he came from the same planet found it very interesting. I like these episodes that deal with the dark side cause just like me playing Star Wars the old republic I like the dark side better than the light side.

There were some other good episodes. I like the prequel to Hostage Crisis. Where really adventure of C3PO and R2D2. Love those guys if they make a Pixar star wars movie which will probably happen since Disney owns Pixar. I wouldn’t mind seeing a R2D2 and C3PO movie mainly because if they do someone else it won’t be as adult as clone wars is or the movies. If I walked into a R2D2 movie I know what to expect.

Also really enjoyed the episode with the Son. Goes more into dark side and Anakin being the chosen one. Also like it show Anakin’s future and you saw the Darth Vader mask and heard classic breathing noise just love that. Especially him trying to avoid that.

Also notable mentions in this episode. In episode 18-19 we see a character who is in just 1 of the star wars movies. Captain Tarkin. That’s right Grand Moff Tarkin the guy who was running the Death Star in Star Wars episode IV. Love seeing nods to the original trilogy. Like seeing the beginning of relationship between Anakin and Tarkin. Also in last episode of the season we get everybody’s favorite hairy beast. Chewbacca. I loved seeing Chewbacca in that episode he made it awesome I mean who doesn’t want to see old chewie.

In end Season 3 was not as good as season 2 also had costume changes for characters. Characters like Anakin, Obi Wan went into wardrobe clothes from Episode 3 and also had Ahsoka wielding 2 lightsabers which is kind of cool. Season 3 was a lot darker which is something as star wars fan I really enjoy. I say Star Wars Season 3 is a 4.4.

Have you seen Star Wars The Clone Wars Season 3 if have tell me what your thoughts do you like characters from the original trilogy in the star wars movies. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


NCAA March Maddness Elite 8 Prediction


Alright elite 8 action time. In sweet 16 i went 7-1. Bringing my overall record of the tourney to 45-11.

-11 Dayton Flyers vs 1 Florida Gators 5:09 CT

I’ll be rooting for Cinderella but I’m going with Florida.

-2 Wisconsin Badgers vs 1 Arizona Wildcats 7:49 CT

I’ve been impressed of what i seen out of Wisconsin going with them.

– 7 Connecticut Huskies vs 4 Michigan State Spartans 1:20 CT

I like both teams going be good game but choosing Spartans.

-8 Kentucky Wildcats vs 2 Michigan Wolverines 4:05 CT

Going with my home team lets go Big Blue Nation.

Those are my picks who do you thinks going win comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read if so click that like button then that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Andrewfist T.V Recap March 23rd – March 26th

Sorry its a bit late just got a new computer so lets talk some t.v

-March 23rd

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 15 US

The Walking Dead

Alright this week episode was a little better. This week episode revolved around Glenn and his that girl from the governors group trying to find terminus in order to live. And episode was ok. Also episode had Daryl and i had to say that was best part of the episode. You got the redneck governor thats what im calling him. But he tells him his rule system of claim. Pretty much a dibs rule. I give this episode a 4.0. Ready for walking dead end so Game of Thrones can start.

-March 24th

How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Episode 22 End of Aisle


Just one more week of how i met your mother sad days. Episode was pretty good you had one more time of ted trying not to subdue to his feelings to robin. Then had Robin meet mother trying to run away. Also had Barney tell Robin his vow is to not lie the only vow that is worth having. Also had the final slap which was awesome it just goes show a end of a era. This was a great episode can’t wait to see how ted actually meets the mother. I give this episode a 4.8.

Castle Season 6 Episode 19 The Greater Good


This was a cool episode. Learned more about Gates. Also had Wall street conspiracy. Also had more of Caskett trying to plan a wedding. Good episode. Give it a 4.2.

-March 25th

Person of Interest Season 3 Episode 18 Allegiance

Person of Interest


Alright another cool episode. You had episode dealing with smuggling people out of iraq. Both Decima in the episode along with vigilance in the episode. All together a great episode. I give a 4.3.

-March 26th

Survivor Brawn vs Brain vs Beauty Episode 5 We found our Zombies

Survivor Brain vs Brawn vs Beauty

A good episode. This week episode dealt with first Lindsey going home. Okay didn’t really like her anyways. Then the 5 are going stay together. Then the episode goes to reward challenge which lets the other tribe raid the camp. Then tony plants clue to Jeremiah to make them want to go after next. Reminds me of last season where the person who got the clue would be the target. Then immunity had tonys tribe win with him yelling top 5 top 5. Dumb move on his part. At tribal council Alexis goes home hate to see her go home mainly cause she’s hot. But good move to take her out; she would of probably flipped at the merge and she would make it pretty far if not taken out now. Next week merge usually the best episode of the season. I give this episode a 4.0.

All together a pretty good week in t.v. I say the best episode of the week goes to How I Met Your Mother. It was a good episode also kind of illustrating a end of era.

Have you seen any of these episodes this week if did comment below tell me your thought. Did you like what you read if so click that like button then that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


NCAA March Maddness Sweet 16 Prediction time


So tomorrow starts up the tournament again. My record so far. In round of 64 i went 26-6. In round of 32 i went 12-4. Rounding it out to 38-10. Good record time to predict more games.


10 Standford Cardinals vs 11 Dayton Flyers 6:15 CT

This will be good game. And going with Cinderella Dayton Flyers.

6 Baylor Bears vs 2 Wisconsin Badgers 6:47 CT

I had feeling Baylor was going to win against Creighton. But im choosing Baylor this time going with my gut feeling.

4 UCLA Bruins vs 1 Florida Gators 8:45 CT

I think UCLA will really test them but no way i don’t see Florida losing this.

4 San Diego State vs 1 Arizona Wildcats 9:15 CT

San Diego st don’t think they can beat Arizona. So choose Arizona.


11 Tennessee Volunteers vs 2 Michigan Wolverines 6:15 CT

I like what i have seen from Tennessee but Michigan going win this game.

7 Connecticut Huskers vs 3 Iowa State Cyclones 6:27 CT

Connecticut looks good especially with Iowa State down a guy i see Connecticut winning this game.

8 Kentucky Wildcats vs 4 Louisville Cardinals 8:45 CT

What a game this is going be. Its time for my cats to show Louisville who is best team in the state again. I choose Kentucky.

4 Michigan State vs 1 Virgina Cavaliers 8:57 CT

Virgina looks good but choosing Michigan st mainly due was team i had picked for the tournament to win it all.