Star Wars Episode VII News Reaction

Star Wars


Alright if can’t tell really excited caused we finally have real confirmed Star Wars News. Thats right we got the cast confirmed its a exciting time to be a star wars fans.

What i really enjoy about this star wars cast is that i don’t know really any of the new actors. Thats what made the original so good. Was that none of the actors were a name until the movie. Only actor was the guy who played Obi Wan. Now actors like Harrison Ford and Mark Hamill are a household name. Also cool is that in future when see these actors you’ll recognize them because of star wars not mix them up with other characters they have played. Other than Andy Serkis of course. Thats one that is really cool. Cause Andy Serkis is perfect play some kind of Alien. I thought it would of been cool if he did the stand alone movie of Yoda. But whatever I’m really excited about this movie its going be good.

Have you heard Star Wars news of the day if have are you excited about the cast. Comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.

The Spectacular Now Review

The Spectacular Now

Heard this was a good movie, and it did not disappoint. Lets talk about this movie.

The Spectacular Now is a great movie. The movie stars Miles Teller he’s a high school student who likes to do nothing not really care about anything just trying to live in the moment the whole carpedium.  He breaks up with his old girlfriend and meets the paper girl and we have our movie.

The acting in this movie was great. Miles Teller this is really his break through performance. He did a great job in this movie i mean this was the guy who was in those not so good party movies like 21 and Over and Project X. I didn’t think he would do anything but he surprised me here and kinda glad. But then there was Shailene Wood she is a great also in this movie. I have only seen one other movie with her in it, and that was the Descendants with George Cloony. She was great in this movie she is one of these mega stars that has just hit Hollywood in past couple of years. She reminds me of Jenefier Lawrence. Not say their same but kinda i guess. The romance in this movie was great as well i liked how the relationship truly changed each other by the end of the movie. Miles Tellers character thinks less selfish, while Shailene character is more confident in movie.

In conclusion The Spectacular Now was a great movie. It had a good story, good acting, and really enjoyed the romance. I say The Spectacular Now is Worth owning on DVD.

Have you seen The Spectacular Now if have comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read well click that like button; and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Andrewfist T.V Recap April 20th – April 24th

Another week of t.v lets go.

-April 20th

Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 3 Breaker of Chains

Game of Thrones

Alright this week episode of Game of Thrones was awesome. First have after effects of the wedding.  This episode was so quotable. From Tywin, Tyrion, and Stannis. Also episode ended with Dany becoming breaker of chain. Also Dario Naharus was awesome this episode he threw a knife at horse then kills the guy. This is shaping out to be the best season so far. I give this episode a 5.0.

-April 21st

Castle Season 6 Episode 20 That ’70s Show


This was a hilarious episode. Had the funny parts of 70s puns. Episode did real good job really enjoyed it. I give this episode a 4.1. 

-April 22nd

Agents of Shield Season 1 Episode 19 The Only Light in the Darkness

Agents of Shield

A good episode. This episode had May quitting and apparently going meet a maria so probably maria hill so is maria hill Mays sister. Then had Root appear in the episode. Amy Acker appeared as Coulson love interest. She appeared mainly due to she being in the Whedon circle. I give this episode a 4.2. 

-April 23rd

Survivor Brawn vs Brain vs Beauty Episode 9 Spitting in My Spy Shack

Survivor Brain vs Brawn vs Beauty


This was good episode kinda. This has been a good season but really Tribal Council has been predictable. It hasn’t been as good since the first merge episode the editors to the show haven’t done good job of keeping us guessing. Tony parts was hilarious. When he build the spy shack, and it worked that’s when you hit yourself in head. Also i hate the Tyler Perry Immunity idol its stupid i like the way it is don’t go backwards go forwards. Still good episode just tribal council hasn’t been as good maybe it will pick up next week. Who knows with survivor right.

-April 24th

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 21 The Anything Can Happen Recurrence

The Big Bang Theory


Alright this was a funny episode. Sheldon and Penny went out for whatever happens Thursday which was quite funny. They go to a psychic which tells Sheldon to get serious with Amy then every thing else will open up. Good episode. I give it a 4.4.

Elementary Season 2 Episode 21 The Man with the Twisted Lip



This was good episode and finally we actually get some story. Which looks like whatever Mycroft Holmes has been doing will finally explode in these last e episodes. It is getting toward the end of tv season. Episode was  good dealt with drones which is a cool today crime can do. I give this episode a 4.6.

Good week of t.v. Best episode of the week goes to Game of Thrones. Game of Thrones paints a message even the boring episodes are awesome episodes take notes walking dead. It setting up toward the rest of season.

What was your favorite thing about this week of t.v. And what show are you looking forward to the end of the season. Comment below tell me your favorites moments. Did you like what you read well click that like button then click the follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.




Dragon Age Inquisition Trailer Review

Dragon Age Inquisition

So we got a new trailer to my most anticipated Game of the year lets talk some Dragon Age.

New Dragon Age trailer we get a look at what the game is going be about. We learn a little more about the Inquisitor the character we will play as. He walks out of the fade or something sounds interesting. Then have Cassandra the girl who interrogates Varric in Dragon Age 2.  Then see the thing which is causing the fade being rip apart. I’m so curious whats going happen. For there’s a lot of stuff happening in this. We have the Mage civil war going on which end result of both the DA2 ending along with the events of the 3rd Dragon Age Book Asunder which is a great book check it out if get a chance. Also we have events of the 4th book which i haven’t read yet because Amazon sucks. Which deals with the civil war in Orlais which where the  game is being played at. Also there’s a 5th book coming out in August i will probably get that as well but this book deals more with aftereffects of the first Dragon Age game and little more detail of what the grey wardens are. Which could defiantly deal with the new game.

The game reminds me bit of Dragon Age 1 and 2. Also looks a lot like Skyrim. Also got Varric returning. This looks awesome i can’t wait.

So have you seen the new trailer if haven’t seen it then click video below to see it. Did you like what you read well click that like button then while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Top 10 most anticipate movies of the summer

Summer is here in couple weeks. And what is so good about summer. Sure there is fresh air, people at the beaches. But what i look forward to most is the Movies. Specially since TV network knows how to make a good TV show during the summer. Here is my top 10 movies I’m looking forward to in the summer. Movies from May – August count.


Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Yes this movie could be complete crap like Transformers 3 was. But its got potential. I mean from what i saw of the turtles in the trailer I’m looking forward to it. Hopefully its not like Transformers where they don’t focus on Humans focus on turtles please.


A Million Ways to die in the West

A Million Ways to die in the west

This movie looks hillarious. Got the Steve Mcfarlane humor simlar to Ted. My big fear is of how good of a actor is he really.


Edge of Tomorrow

Edge of Tomorrow

Yeah kinda of looking forward to this. First Tom Cruise great actor might be tad crazy he still of best out there. But really actor I’m really looking forward to is Emily Blunt. She is a great actor looking forward to this. Also kinda of reminds me of a video game.


22 Jump Street

22 Jump Street

This looks awesome as well. My only fears of this movie is it going be the same or is it going something completely different. Both are good actors. Sure both have gotten crap from their past but hey I’m looking forward to this.




Now this looks good as well. Scarlet Johansson is a great actor. She stole Captain America almost from her own movie. But what this looks like is a female lead role of Limitless which is movie i really like.


The Amazing Spider Man 2

The Amazing Spider Man 2

This looks awesome. Sure there have a lot of Trailers/ commercials I’m hoping it means Sony is really proud of this movie. People are worried its got to many villains. Well Rhino is only suppose to be in the movie for 4 minutes. So only 2 villains. And who they got cast along with the threat of Oscorp really gets me excited for this movie.


Guardians of The Galaxy

Marvel's Guardians Of The Galaxy...Milano..Ph: Film Frame..?Marvel 2014

When i heard about this movie last year i was like who is that i have never heard of the guardians of the galaxy. And now I’m really looking forward to this. Its got tone where reminds me of episode 4 of Star Wars. Which is high praise i think. But looking forward to this.




Oh man this movie is going be awesome. Can’t wait for this one. You have Bryan Cranston speaking like Heisenberg again which is awesome. Got guy who is going be the new quicksilver in the avengers part 2. Man this is going be good.


Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Alright let me try to explain why this is going be good. APES ON HORSE APES ON HORSES APES ON HORSES. But it looks so good. Last apes movie Rise of the planet of the apes was a awesome surprise movie. Now get this movie along with Gary Oldman who is one of the best actors acting today. Take my money.

– 1

X Men Days of Future Past

X-Men Days of Future Past

This is going be so good. Got the mixture of both the original x men and the first class x men. Its the avengers of X men movies. Oh man can’t wait going be Legendary.

Thats my top 10 movies I’m looking forward to. What movie are you looking forward this summer. Did you like what you read well click that like button then click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.















X Men Days of Future Past Final Trailer Revew

X-Men Days of Future Past

Alright we have the final trailer hopefully to the most anticipated movie on my list. Lets talk some x men.

This trailer unlike the other trailers we get more of a story. And from what i have seen from not just this trailer but all 3 trailers is i really can’t wait to see this. We have Wolverine gathering up all the x men. I’m going to take a shot in dark but i think this movie will take place mostly in the past which is find with me. I really enjoyed First Class its defiantly the best X men movie out there. Also we get a little more of Quicksilver at first i thought he looks really stupid, but after this trailer i take back what i said. He looks pretty dang cool.

In end i think this is going be best marvels movie this year. Which i set the bar pretty high after being surprised of how good Captain America was. Have you seen trailer if have comment below tell me are you looking forward to this movie. Did you like what you read well click that like button then while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Andrewfist T.V Recap April 13th – April 17th

So lets talks T.V

April 13th

Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 2 The Lion and the Rose

Game of Thrones

A good episode this week. So does everyone die at weddings. Course people are probably having the exact opposite reaction compared to the Red Wedding. Good episode had Joffrey die, episode did perfectly compared to the books. I give this episode a 5.0.

-April 15th

Agents of Shield Season 1 Episode 18 Providence

Agents of Shield

So we had a good episode this week. We kind of seeing Colson losing it. But really was great acting performance from Clark Gregg he did great job. Also Ward being bit kinda awesome/ evil. I give this episode a 4.6.

Person of Interest Season 3 Episode 20 Death Benefit

Person of Interest

This was a great episode. You had the team learning they they were supposed to kill a senator. Which they don’t do which will probably screw one of them over in the next couple of episodes. I give this episode a 4.7.

-April 16th

Survivor Brawn vs Brain vs Beauty Episode 8 Bay of Tricks

Survivor Brain vs Brawn vs Beauty

Good episode this week. We had Tony playing the game. Good blindside kind of saw it coming when L.J said I feel comfy. Good episode one of best seasons in a while. I give this episode a 4.1.

So ends a short week of t.v. I say best episode of the week goes to Game of Thrones. Have go with it after fallout of the purple wedding.

So what was your favorite show of the week, comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.





Andrewfist T.V Recap April 6th – April 10th

Whoo Game of Thrones is back lets go.

-April 6th

Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 1 Two Swords

Game of Thrones

And Game of Thrones is back duhdudduhdudh game of thrones intro and its back whooo. This is was a great episode this episode does what game of throne does. This episode had people get ready for the royal wedding next week. Episode also deals with next players to kings landing. You got the red viper a great character who they nailed in the audition or got best guy. All in all a great episode. I give this episode a 5.0 love this episode. Next week we got the royal wedding. What could possibly go wrong.

-April 8th

Agents of Shield Season 1 Episode 17 Turn, Turn, Turn

Agents of Shield

A great episode. What i loved about this episode the plot of the whole season completely ties in with Captain America movie which was awesome. One complaint i had with the Thor movie was Agents of Shield episode didn’t really effect that much. Episode dealed with what was left of Shield trying to contain Hydra threat. Also learned who the Clairvoyant is. Also learn Ward is Hydra. I give this episode a 4.5.

-April 9th

Survivor Brawn vs Brains vs Beauty Episode 7 Mad Treasure Hunt

Survivor Brain vs Brawn vs Beauty

A really good episode this week. Tribal Counsel was not that good,  but planing of it was ok. To make Tony talk to try and get Cass to waiver was a good move. Also Woo and Spencer were awesome. The whole sneak mode that Woo did was hilarious. I give this episode a 4.4.

-April 10th

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 20 The Relationship Diremption

The Big Bang Theory


So got a funny episode this week. Sheldon decides to give up String theory and drinks and prank calls Steven Hawkings much else happened. I give this episode a 3.8.

Elementary Season 2 Episode 20 No Lack of Void



So this was actually a pretty decent episode. It dealt with one of sherlocks friends and him trying to get over it. A great character building episode for Sherlock. I give this episode a 4.0.

So another week of tv and the best episode of the week goes to. You know i would usually give it to Game of Thrones but I’m giving it to Agents of Shield. How well the episode tied in with the new captain america movie along with Hydra; how the clairvoyant was really a hydra agent the whole time was pretty cool.

So what was your favorite episode this week comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


House of Cards Season 2 Review

House of Cards Season 2

So got Season 2 of House of Cards lets talk some more awesome real world game of thrones.

So season 2 pretty much takes place right where we left off. You have Frank becoming the V.P of the united states government. Also you had Zoey and her team trying to take out Underwood. But okay spoiler real quick. Zoey asks if he killed Russo and he walks away where she chase him but then Frank takes her and pushes her into a train. I was like whoa i did not see that coming. She was one of my favorite characters. But i thought it was good move to kill her.

If i say i like anything about this season is the relationship between frank and Claire. It was a good relationship from one we saw on t.v that’s what keeps frank level. I was like alright lets see Frank become president. I thought his plan would be to simply to run for president in 2016 but no that was blown away when he creates chaos. Its done so brilliantly trying not to convince him into doing what he actually wants. Such good moves. I said in my season 1 review that he reminded me of Littlefinger, now he definitely reminds me of Littlefinger you people will see by the end of season 4.

So enjoyed this season, one of the best shows on television. I say House of Cards Season 2 gets a 4.9.

Have you watched House of Cards Season 2 if have comment below tell me your thoughts below. Did you like what you read well click that like button then while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Star Wars Revan Review

Star Wars Revan

Alright just finished book i have been reading for around 4 months. Some might think that’s a while but what i do with books is i read before i go to class and sometimes go outside and read now its warm i should be able read a little more. But hey first book review lets talk about Star Wars Revan.

Star Wars Revan is a book that takes place during the time span of the old republic. The book is split into 2 half’s. First half takes place 2 years after the first Knights of the old republic. Revan has been getting flashbacks of the memories during the mandolorian war and fears something is still after there. So gets his mandolorian friend Canderous Ordo who you see become Mandolore that was pretty cool in the book. It was really interesting to see how you learn the sith had manipulated the mandolorians to invade the republic so the sith can see how strong they are. Then learn that Revan and Malek turned to dark side due to this sith emperor. Book also takes place with character known as Lord Scourge he is a sith. Who learns what the emperor has done and wants to stop him. Not because of he’s good or anything but its all due to self preservation. Thats one thing i really enjoyed was Revan wants to stop the emperor due to him want to protect the universe for his son, but also you see sith point view how people with common goals can put away their differences and work together. The book the part 2 of the book takes place sometime after Knights of the old republic 2. Lets be honest i haven’t really played kotor 2, all i heard it wasn’t that good. But i liked this book how it tied both games together then pushed us into the MMO The Old Republic.

I really enjoyed this book, if you are looking for a sequel to the KOTOR games then this is what you should read. Revan book does a good job of not just finishing out the 2 games but helps lead into the SWTOR game. Also book by the end ties into the Jedi Knight story from the old republic game. So check this book out. I give Star Wars Revan a 4.7.

Have you read Star Wars Revan if have comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read well click that like button then that follow button to stay up to date with the latest review. Thanks for reading.