Dexter Season 4 Review

Dexter Season 4

Wow what a season finale

So Season 4 was bit different from Season 3. First we see Dexter trying to handle Married life, being a dad, while trying to be the favorite serial killer we all love. One thing i liked was how they painted the picture of the different sides of Dexter. There was a great scene when he looks in mirror and sees 4 of himself. The Serial Killer Dexter which is true Dexter, the cover identity Dexter the who tries to get the kills, married Dexter along with father, also have blood guy Dexter. One thing i liked about this season was Arthur. He was such a interesting villain. You see a guy who is just like him. Having a family i thought it was cool. Also had some other stuff go down like had Morgan learn more about Dexter’s past. The Season finale wow. I can’t believe they killed Rita off. I mean i have friends who spoiled to me that rita dies a long time ago but still can’t believe they did it.

Was Season 4 good yes. But its not my favorite season. I have to say i loved the introduction to the Trinity killer who was just great villain i have to give a shout out to the guy who played him he did one hell of a job. I give Season 4 a 4.5. 

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Dexter Season 3 Review

Dexter Season 3

Season 3 done lets talk about the latest season.

Season 3 was pretty good once again. We have a lot good moments. First we have the introduction of Miguel. He’s a cool character. The only other thing i have seen him in was the star wars prequels. Though those are bad i liked his portrayal of Bail Organa. Now i liked how him and Dexter had a bond. Then by the end it kinda became like the crazy girlfriend from last season. But liked this storyline a lot better. Miguel was cool character. The end of season was kind of a letdown but still a good show.

Season 3 was another good season of Dexter. I give Season 3 of Dexter a 4.7. 

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Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit Review

Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit

So in the month of January we had a lot of bad movies but usually you can find something worth watching.

Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit is the reboot of the Jack Ryan series. Jack Ryan i don’t really know much about. All i have heard is that Jack Ryan is pretty much the American version of James Bond. May have to watch the other Jack Ryan movies learn more about character. Now this movie one thing i liked was first 10 or so minutes. Cause it dealt with the origins of Jack Ryan. I love origin stories. Now i had plenty of problems with this movie. One was Keira Knightly. First she did okay in movie. But she’s British and she did a american accent it was weird. I have never heard her with a american accent. Something i don’t really want to see again. Also the villian was terrible. He was too cartoony. I like what they were doing trying to destroy the markets and try to start another great depression. That was a cool storyline. Also both Chris Pine and Kevin Costner were pretty good in the movie.

In end Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit was a decent flick is it as good as Borne or James Bond no. But if bored one night and got nothing better to do then can click this and be good time. I say Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit It was okay but only worth watching if it came out on T.V.

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That Awkward Moment Review

That Awkward Moment

A generic chick flick told through the perspective of a guy.

That Awkward Moment. A movie staring 3 of Hollywood’s upcoming stars. Zac Effron, Miles Teller, and Michael B Jordan. These 3 guys are awesome their going have great career. Movie is pretty much a chick flick. These movies are a guilty pleasure of mine. What makes this movie pretty enjoyable it’s told through a perspective of guy. I like that its different. Now is the movie predictable? Yes. Does it do something different no. But it still a good movie worth checking out.

So That Awkward Moment is a good movie with a good cast though it lacks being anything really amazing with generic story its still worth seeing. I say That Awkward Moment Is Worth Watching on Netflix. 

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X Men Days of Future Past Review

X-Men Days of Future Past

Movies like his are why i love summer movie season.

X Men Days of Future Past. Was this movie good? No. It was freaking awesome that’s not even enough to say. Movie does soo many things right. So movie is about a sequel to X men 3 and First Class. What i love about this movie it felt as a blended movie of X2 and First Class. Story of this movie is World sucks. The opening scene to this movie is awesome it does such a great job of setting up this world. Now we learn Kitty has power to send people conscious back in time as that’s how they been staying alive against the sentinels. The Sentinels were awesome. You had both future Sentinels and classic. The cast this movie was great. First off Jenefier Lawerence i didn’t see Jenefier Lawerence i saw Mystique. She was awesome. First class was the first movie i ever saw her in now she playing in this. I like her way better in this movie then the hunger games. Michael Fassbender he is a awesome villian. Also like parallel of both him and Ian mckelling. Where older magneto is more of hero where fassbender’s magneto is a villian. Also when i saw the scene when both Patrick Stuarts and James Mcavoy Professor X talking to each other i kinda loss it; it was so incredible. Also Peter Dinklage role as Trask was awesome as well. I liked it because Trask in comics isn’t a dwarf he’s normal guy where Bryan Singer like no i want Peter Dinklage one of best actors out there.

Also the story in this movie is good. You know usually when you deal with time traveling it gets really confusing its like what the doctor says in Doctor Who. Time Travel is all timey whiny. But i did not feel lost once in this movie. This was not just a great Superhero movie this was also a great science fiction movie all together one of best movies this year.

So X Men Days of Future past was awesome. It had great cast, 3 great villians proving you can have more than one villian and movie be awesome, great story. And X Men Days of Future Past is Legendary. This movie is probally my favorite superhero movie of all time, also best x men movie yet good job Fox and good to have Bryan Singer back as good director.

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Dexter Season 2 Review

Dexter Season 2

Still going strong lets talk about season 2.

Season 2 is another good season of Dexter. We have a lot of things that goes on. One you have Dexter in the beginning still trying re cooperate from him killing his brother. One thing i really liked about this season it is still flushing out the character. Dexter then meets this crazy chick Lyla. And when i mean i mean crazy. You remember Barney Stinsons hot crazy scale well this girl was more crazy then she was hot. Also had more of Dexter showing emotions dealing with what he has done specially when he learns that he was one who killed Harry or him committing suicide. Also you had James trying to figure out what Dexter has been up to. It kinda cost him you don’t mess with Dexter.

So season 2 was another good season. I liked Season 1 more. I like conflict with the ice truck killer with him finding out he was his brother i thought that was a awesome twist. I give Season 2 a 4.5. 

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Gareth Edwards directing first Star Wars Spin Off in 2016

Gareth Edwards

So big news came out today that Gareth Edwards will be directing the first star wars spin off.

So your asking who is Gareth Edwards. Well he just did this movie you may not have heard of it… Godzilla. I really enjoyed Godzilla. Sure there were problems with the movie but i enjoyed the storytelling of Godzilla. So the question is what story is he doing. With all his work in Godzilla and his indie movie Monsters it wouldn’t surprised me if he was doing the Master Yoda movie. But probably he would be doing a Boba Fett movie which something i have been looking forward to since Disney bought Lucas arts. All in All i like this news. A good upcoming director just shows that Disney knows what their doing.

Have you heard the news of Gareth Edwards directing the first spin off do you like it also what other directors do you want to direct star wars me personally i would like to see Matthew Vaughn direct a star wars movie. Comment below tell me what you think. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice

So we got the title confirmation of the new man of steel movie lets talk about it.

So title. Is it good. Sure. I think it just confirms everything we have heard with all the casting. For me i think the title should of been just Batman vs Superman. Oh well Dawn of Justice which is now setting up to be just before the Justice League. There have been rumors of them filming this and justice league back to back so like in 2016 we’ll have this then in 2017 Justice League which will be awesome. If i would of chose a title it would been Man of Steel 2: The Dark Knight Returns. Don’t know like that better or could gone with The Worlds Finest but their not going with that storyline. And Batman will most likely be  in the role of a villian which I can’t wait to see. Its going be awesome. Though there are plenty of movies till then to hold my excitement.

So have you heard the news of the new title to Batman v Superman what are your thoughts comment below tell me what you think. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Dexter Season 1 Review

Dexter Season 1

So been browsing shows on Netflix thought i should give Dexter a chance so hey lets talk about the first season of Dexter.

Dexter is a show about this guy called Dexter who is a serial killer. When he was 3 years old he was left in a pool of blood for 2 days and it just messed him up and has never been the same. His adopted father Harry saw what Dexter was but did not want him to get caught so he teaches him how to get away with murder. Also teaching a code which he calls Harrys law. It reminds me a lot of 2 things. One he reminds me of Skylar from Heroes for he is always hungry always wants to kill, then he also reminds me Light from Death Note feeling like he is doing the right thing.

I really liked the cast of this show. Liked the sister found out she was from Kentucky. So thats cool. The cast is really good. Also enjoyed the story of the Ice truck killer and twist at the end.

So enjoyed Dexter good start to the series. I give Dexter Season 1 a 4.6. 

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Revolution Season 2 Review

Revolution Season 2

Season 2 was little better not enough to save show but hey lets talk about this season.

So this season of Revolution it takes place 4 or so months after the end of Season 1. Monroe is taking care of Aaron and Juliet who have both kind of gone crazy. Living in Texas. Neville and Jason looking for Neville’s wife around the former Georgia Federation. Then rolls in patriots. The patriots how to describe the patriots. The patriots are the enclave from Fallout 3. Which is cool. Even part where their eliminating weakness from all humans making them as strong as possible. Now that storyline i like. I hated the nano. It was soooo stupid. Why? Also like the addition of Monroe’s son. Also Monroe the guy who plays him kills it. He is one best parts of the show.

My favorite episode of Revolution this season was episode 18 Austin City Limits. It was a great episode killed a character off which i didn’t think was possible. I give this season a 3.7.

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