The Leftovers Season 1 Episode 1 Pilot Review

The Leftovers

So we have a new HBO show written by the guys who gave us Lost. Lets go.

So The Leftovers is a show about how 2% of humans goes missing and whatever is leftover deal with life. This show is very confusing. What cause this rapture, whats up with the people in white. I’m guessing the people in white are people who wished they were taken. The characters can’t really judge them yet. Have to wait to see if it gets any better. I liked Christopher Eccelston character he’s pretty interesting. What i like about the characters is that their all damaged and i love damaged characters. Problem with the writer i think there will be more questions than answers.

So good first episode looking forward to rest of season rest of season will be reviewed on T.V Recaps. I give this episode a 3.5/5.0.

Have you seen The Leftovers and what was your thoughts about it. Did you like what you read well click that like button while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Mad Men Season 3 Review

Mad Men Season 3


Another season done. With the British takeover out of the way lets talk about this season of Mad Men.

So this season was once again awesome. The show is not slowing down. My favorite episodes were the last two. You had peoples reactions to the Kennedy Assassination. Also had other historical stuff like the martin Luther king i have dream speech. One thing i don’t like is don’s wife. She may be right about everything but don’t like her. She’s become kind of like Skyler in Breaking Bad. End of season when they learn the company has been sold again and stars of show getting whatever revenue they can get to start a whole new company was brilliant. Looking forward to season 3. Also liked how Don’s life crumbled away losing his wife and kids.

Great season. Still a great show. I give the 3rd Season of Mad Men a 4.7.

Have you seen Mad Men Season 3? And what are your thoughts. Comment below tell me what you think. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Fevre Dream Review

Fevre Dream

The writer of the books Game of Thrones writes a vampire book what could possibly go wrong.

Fevre Dream. Is a historical fantasy book. It is set in the 1858-1874. Most of the book takes place during the time of 1858. Its about this guy called Captain Marsh. He’s a steamboat captain and meets this strange guy called Joshua York. He gives him a lot of money to become partners and build the best steamboat in world. Hince the name Fevre Dream. The book is very similar to Game of Thrones books for it takes place through the 2 main humans. I say about 80% of the book takes place with Marsh. While 20% takes place by this guy called Sour Billy someone working with the antagonist of the book. Was this book good? Yeah. It was such good story. I would love to see this adapted into a movie. I mean i could really see it with Game of Thrones doing so well it won’t suprise me if people look into his other books he wrote and do this into a movie. It gives a fresh view of vampires. Also dealing with a lot of stuff out of history. Characters were really cool and being on Steamboat was pretty cool. Marsh and York though are two different people are more a like than you would think. Marsh wants to beat the steamboat eclipse in race. While York wants whats good for his people.

Fevre dream had great characters, great story, also love boat Fevre Dream. I give Fevre Dream a 4.8/5.0. 

Have you read Fevre Dream and what did you think about it. Comment below tell me you thought. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Andrewfist T.V Recap June 22nd – June 27th

Welcome back to t.v recaps. Season 2 begins now.

-June 23rd

Falling Skies Season 4 Episode 1 Ghost in the Machine

Falling Skies

Wow this show used to be good. So the first episode was very ehhhh. Now the first season was really good, 2nd season was ok, 3rd season was so disapointing, now this is just sad. So humans are now all in concentrations camps. Some of it is interesting. The stuff with the half alien daughter is just weird. Stuff with Tom is awesome he is the best part about this show. So overall i give the first episode a 2.7/5. Hopefully it gets better.

-June 25th

Big Brother 16 Episode 1

Big Brother


Alright so we have the first episode to another season of Big Brother. Introduced the first half of the cast. So one of many twist this season is that there are 2 HOH who will compete to be the true HOH. I guess like in Game of Thrones battleling for the Iron Throne. For me Donny stole the show he was hilarious. Good start. I give this episode a 3.5/5.

-June 26th

Big Brother 16 Episode 2

Big Brother

So another episode of Big Brother. We get to see the rest of the cast. I still liked all the people i had on my assessment. Caleb the guy from Kentucky. He is not going to make it far. He is too much of a threat sorry Kentucky boy. He reminds me a lot of Frank. Good episode twist is stupid as usual. I give this episode a 3.7/5.0. 

-June 27

The Legend of Korra Book 3 Change Chapter 1 A Breath of Fresh Again

Legend of Korra


So Korra is back. I was not a fan of Book 2 it was too generic for me. But i love what i saw in this. The world is completely different. I like how spirits have taken home in republic city making it more like a forest. Also liked seeing airbenders returning. Also the bad guy at the end who is he; kind of looks cool. I give this episode a 4.5/5.0.

The Legend of Korra Book 2 Change Chapter 2 Rebirth of a Nation

Legend of Korra


So another good episode. We had the beginning of Air nomads again. But this is a different kind of Air nation that Tenzin had to realize because living like a monk would not be fun for anybody. Also had the bad guy getting his team together for some reason. Maybe pulling a heist. Also ZUKO. Can’t believe he’s still alive. I give this episode a 4.3/5/0.

The Legend of Korra Episode 3 The Earth Queen

Legend of Korra


Another great episode. Why does Ba Sing Se always suck. Then have the Dai Lee back. Why weren’t they all killed their no good. Looks like the earth kingdom is up to no good once again. Great episode. I give it a 4.3/5.0

Thats ends tv for the week. Best episode i give to Legend of Korra Chapter 1. It set up the whole season looking forward to what happens next.

What was your favorite show of week comment below tell me what you think. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Survivor Top 20 Players of All Time


So now we are on a survior off season lets rank the top 20 players. This is my list if think of any player you think should be in this list comment below.

-20: Cirie Fields: Exile Island, Fans vs Favorites 1, Heroes vs Villians


First on the list is Cirie Fields. Personally i don’t like her but she is a great player. Is she a physical threat no. But she is a great strategist Also a great story of her never sleeping outdoors.

-19: Hayden Moss: Blood vs Water

Hayden Moss

Yeah this may be a strange pick. The first person who played both Big Brother and Survivor. He did a great job in Big Brother winning his season. Then in Blood vs Water never knowing if he would do good or not. And he did good. He was able to convince someone to draw rocks which could of change the entire game. A great gamer.

-18: Sandra Diaz Twine:  Pearl Islands, Heroes vs Villains



Even though she won twice does not mean she is number 1. First time she played she did a great job. Convincing the boy scout mom to turn on the alliance of Johnny Fairplay help win her a million dollars. Her second time the only strategy she had the whole game was to get rid of Russel and in end sits next to him in final tribal council. But her strategy is too lay under the radar in other words the perfect social game.

-17: John Cochran: South Pacific, Fans vs Favorites 2



First time he played he didn’t know what he was doing. Cochran played a great game his 2nd time through. He played a great under the radar hiding behind people who were bigger threats to him but also playing a great game.

-16: Stephen Fishbach: Tocantins


A great Strategist. Able to manipulate peoples values like Coach and really just a smart guy. The Wizard.

-15: J.T: Tocantins, Heroes vs Villains


Even with him giving his idol to Russel he is still a great player. He hides behind the southern charm to get close to people then stabs them right in the heart. A great player.

-14: Russel Hantz: Samoa, Heroes vs Villains, Redemption Island


One of the best characters in reality t.v. He is so awesome. Made 2009-2010 Survivor awesome. Whats russel going do next. He got screwed twice with a bitter jury who couldn’t separate the game from real life. What he does wrong is his social game.

-13: Malcolm Freberg: Philippines, Fans vs Favorites 2


He is a younger version of Boston Rob. Maybe not in gameplay but in he does not pull a Russel by playing the same way but changed his gameplay each time he plays.  A great player I’m sure we will be seeing him soon.

-12: Amanda Kimmel: China, Fans vs Favorites, Heroes vs Villains



Amanda. The female Russel Hantz. Okay not really. Mainly due to going to final 2 twice. She played a great game both times, and did okay in Heroes vs Villains.

-11: Earl Cole: Fiji

Earl Cole

He played such a great job his season. He played a very underrated game which a season not many people probably remember but played good game. First survivor winner to get every vote.

-10: Rob Cesternino: Amazon, All-Stars

Rob Cesternino

He played such a great game. His gameplay is based off of Will Kirby winner of Big Brother 2. He played psychological game also hilarious.

-9: Tony Vlanchos: Brains vs Brawn vs Beauty



Yep just played last season and already a top 10 player. He played such a great game. He played a lot like Russel but had a better social game.

-8: Brian Heidik: Thailand


Played on one of the worst seasons of Survivor. But he dominated the game. A guy who completely faked a personality for 39 days. Worst season of survivor but he played one of the best.

-7: Todd Herzog: China


He played a great game. China is a great season and he played very similar to Richard Hatch. But played so good.

-6: Tom Westman: Palau, Heroes vs Villains


Played a dominate game. He played such a great game. If the other tribe had won immunity he made not of done so well. But still played a dominate performance.

-5: Richard Hatch: Borneo


He played a great game. Not just that he is the godfather of Survivor. Show things that are still used today, the alliances, the lying, the throwing competitions.

-4: Kim Spradling: One World


She played a great game. She controlled the game. She played good in once again a horrible season of One World.

-3: Yul Kwon: Cook Island


Played a dominate game. Using intellect but also pretty strong not talked about cause on the same season as Ozzy.

-2: Boston Rob: Marquesas, All-Stars, Heroes vs Villains, Redemption Island


He played a great game. He is so good. He should of won twice due to a bitter jury. Only reason he is not number 1 is because it took him 4 times to win and beat rookies.

-1: Parvati Shallow: Cook Islands, Fans vs Favorites, Heroes vs Villains


And the best survivor ever. She played such great game. First time did not do so good, the 2nd game she dominated, 3rd time if Russel didn’t win she should of not stupid Sandra. Great player.

And that’s my top 20 who is your favorite Survivor player ever. Did you like what you read well click that like button then while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.





Transformers Age of Extinction Review

Transformers Age of Extinction

Transformers 4 otherwise known as the same Transformers movie 3 other times.

Transformers Age of Extinction. So this movie takes place 5 years after the events of the third movie. Transformers are being hunted down by the government. That premise was kind of cool. Humans formed an a alliance with a transformer called Deathlock or something like that. Pretty much he’s a bounty hunter. Now that’s cool. All he wants is Optimus Prime to take back to his boss. Reminds of Boba Fett a little. So this movie was so bad. First it was boring. You bring in this stupid family once again that no cares about. I saw this with friend 5 minutes in the movie he was asleep. The movie wasn’t funny. The actors oh my god the actors were complete garbage. You bring in the horrible girl from the last airbender give her some grown up pants and put her in movie. Then boyfriend was bad as well. Now Mark Wahlberg he was good in the movie. He actually did something. The only thing i wanted to see from this movie was Dinobots. We get dinobots in last 20 minutes in the movie. Also this movie was wayy too long. It could been hour shorter cut out some of the stupid dialogue and it would of been better. Also like Stanley Tucci in movie he was hilarious.

So Transformers Age of Extinction was another f u to the fans of the transformers series. This is the same generic movie as the last 3. You have stupid humans with stupid story, you transformers, then have stupid human conspiracy. God this was horrible. Just because this movie had Dinobots i will not give it my worst rating. But i’ll give the next best things. Transformers Age of Extinction Is a D!

Have you seen Transformers Age of Extinction and did you hate it as well. Comment below lets make fun of this movie together? At least the next movie I’ll see is Apes on horses. Did you like what you read? Click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Mad Men Season 2 Review

Mad Men Season 2

Another great season of Mad Men lets talk about it.

So this season of Mad Men was great. You had a lot cool things going on with Don.  See more of his past with the identity he stole of his wife. Also see his wife learning he’s been cheating on her. Also see some cool stuff with things going on in the year. Like you have African American school things, you have death of Marilyn Monroe, also have the cuban missile crisis which was scariest time in our history i wrote paper in my american history class about it. Also see more of Peggy trying to be a dominate person in work force even being a woman. I really enjoyed this season.

Once again Mad Men proves its a great show on t.v. I give Season 2 of Mad Men a 4.4.

Have you seen Mad Men and what are your thoughts. Comment below tell me what you think. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Big Brother 16 Cast Assessment

Big Brother 11

Its that time of year again with Big Brother back on. Also this week will resart Andrewfist T.V Recaps. Been few weeks but its back. Shows i will be watching as of now are Big Brother, Falling Skies hopefully its good, then I’m going try out the new HBO show The Leftovers. So welcome back. Now lets talk about the cast. Just like in my survivor cast assestment i will choose a guy and girl who i think will win.



You can sure tell she’s from the south. Okay not a fan but hard to tell with these short videos. Think she’ll do well probally be carried.



I like her. One thing her job is event coordinator. That job your going be dealing with a lot of different kinds of people so she’ll know how deal with different blend. Also she has never really watched Big Brother so she won’t overplay. Think she could go pretty far or go out really fast depending on jealousy.



Another Kentucky Boy. So my problem with his is he is going to overplay a bit. Course sometimes thats a good thing or bad thing. I think he is entertaining. Would not be a bad person to root for.




Not so sure about this one. She reminds me of a Ian Terry from season 14. I think she could ok. But problem i don’t know if she will fit in with the rest.




I like him. He reminds me a lot of Jeff. Think he gets the strategy part of the game. His downfall will be he’s a big threat physically.



I like him. Maybe its the whole undercover cop story. Maybe i see a bit of Tony in him. Who knows. I think he will do well.



Kind of cool he played baseball. I like him he looks like he can be pretty presuasive. But think he will be too competive for his own good.



Not a fan. He may change my mind. But he’ll probally be a floater all season. But don’t think he will do good.



Not huge fan. Kind of crazy his sister is the hot red head from victorius. Think theres more to him than meets the eye.



He reminds me of Hayden from season 12. Nothing wrong with that. Think he will go far and possibly even win.



She’s very driven. Looks like she could be funny. But think she will get annyoying after first week.


Christine Brecht

Don’t like her. Think she will be a floater. And i hate floaters.


Christine Brecht

She reminds me a mix of the looks of Jordan and the mind of Dan. Think she will really well.



She is very social. She will probally not get along with the girls. But she will be entertaining.


Christine Brecht


Think she’s good looking. Think she will play the flirt game. But her voice is annoying.



I like him. He is so cocky. He won’t win but hope he’s there all summer long to make some great t.v.

Alright that’s my brief assessment now its time to choose i think will win. I will choose a guy and girl. For my guy pick i chose Derrick. Think he will do a good job got the experience from being a cop to deal with Big Brother. For my girl pick i chose Brittany. She’s pretty, got job where she deals with a lot of different people. Hopefully this is a good season don’t want another horrible season like last year. Lets hope to see people actually play the game.

What are your thoughts of this cast. Comment below tell me what you think. Did you like what you read? Click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Mad Men Season 1 Review

Mad Men Season 1

Going from a show about a serial killer to advertisement in the 1960s. Thats why i love t.v.

Mad Men. Mad men is show to be honest i had no idea what it was about. I heard it was good. But i thought it was a gangster show. Then i learned it was about advertisement. And i have to say i loved this show. One thing i love about it is the feel of the 1960s. 60’s is such cool period of history. Like its cool the ad firm support Nixon. The characters of the show was cool. The main guy the only thing i have seen him in was the recent Million Dollar Arm. He is great. He is married to the evil chick in first class. Also loved other members like his secretary.

A great show, looking forward to rest of the seasons. I give it a 4.5.

Have you seen Mad Men Season 1 if have comment below tell me what you thought. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Game of Thrones Season 4 Episode 10 The Children Review

Game of Thrones

Crying noises cause its over till April 😦

Okay lets talk about this awesome finale. So episode begins with Mance and Jon talking. If you read my review of the last episode. I was wanting that to happen in the end of the episode with Stannis coming in saving the day. That was my main complaint of the episode but they quickly answered my crys so all is good in the world. Now Stannis finally makes his way to the wall and saves the day. It goes back to what he was saying in season 3.  He was trying to become king to save the realm but now he is trying to save the realm in order to become king. Be cool to see what happens at the wall. Will they change the storyline from Jon’s point of view i kind of hope so it be cool but no spoilers from the books here. Also we have Cersie telling Tywin that her and Jamie have been having sex for years. It shows Tywins downfalls. Thats the beauty of the show. Every character has a tragic flaw. For Tywin it was he didn’t realize what his kids were doing and did not embrace Tyrion as his son. Cause Tyrion is the true child of Tywin Lannister. Take what Tyrion did as Hand of the King in season 2 and compare to Tywin as hand in both 3rd and 4th seasons and you will see. I didn’t like it as well they changed a bit of story with Tyrions first wife. But loved it as well specially when he choked Shae to death that was awesome. Also this episode we see Children of the forest. Once again they killed a character off which is still alive in the books. Jojen Reed is alive in the books. But i loved the children. The children were shooting fireballs at the skeletons. Reminded me of Skyrim. Also have Arya leave the hound to die. Also had another great sword fight. This time between Brieane and the Hound. Such a great fight. She’s going be awesome in Star Wars. Also Arya finally going to Braavos to become a true Serial Killer like Jaqen Hagar.

In end a great episode to a awesome season to the best show on t.v. I give The Children a 5.0. 

Have you seen this episode and what was your thoughts. Comment below tell me what you think. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.