Guardians of the Galaxy Review

Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvels phase 2 concludes with Guardians of the Galaxy lets talk about this awesome movie.

Guardians of the Galaxy. This was a awesome movie. Movie stars these characters Star Lord, the green assassin, groot, Drax, Groot, and Rocket. They are misfits their team similar to the avengers in that way but that’s when the similarities end. The Avengers are the best of the best heroes of earth. Guardians are just these guys that all are psychopaths that have come together for a single goal money. Now lets talk about some of the characters. Star Lord was awesome in the movie. He reminds me of a mix between Han Solo and Jim Kirk. Which was something i love. He was cocky like Kirk but really all he wanted was the money. But the character who stole the show was Rocket. When i heard about Guardians i was like what is that. Heard about a raccoon and thought that is the dumbest i have ever heard. But then seeing it i completely change my opinion of that. Also we green chick she was cool too. Also it was cool to see Thanos to actually see him. Think this movie and probably along with the next guardians is going to set up Avengers 3. Cause we know the collector has one infinity stone, the asgard people have a stone, now this republic city has stone. So pretty much this movie will have no effect over the avengers 2. But this was such a fun movie.

This was a awesome movie. It had great humor, great action, and awesome characters. Also while seeing it; it reminded me so much of Star Wars especially the final act in the movie. This is a perfect mix between Star Trek and Star Wars. And Guardians of the Galaxy is Legendary.

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The Hobbit: Battle of the Five Armies Trailer Review

The Hobbit The Battle of the Five Armies

We got the first trailer to the new hobbit movie today so lets talk about it.

So this looks awesome. The Hobbit both movies are great movies. Love the trailer all we get is we see the armies showing up also we get a bit of the dragon fire. Also looks like Gondor shows up. Also we see Thorian becomes king wearing the crown. Looking forward to this movie i keep forgetting the last hobbit comes out becomes its been great year in movies so far.

Have you seen The trailer to the latest and final chapter in the middle earth saga. If have comment below let me know. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


The Hunger Games: Mockingjay Trailer Review

The Hunger Games Mockingjay part 1

So we got a trailer to the new hunger games movie lets talk about it.

This teaser did it really show anything not really. We saw Margerry Tyrell in it. Okay not her cause that be awesome but have Natalie Dormer in this movie. We see a rebellion going on the mockingjay be the symbol of revolution. Also see that Katnis is kind of broken. Think this movie be her picking herself up before the battle at the deathstar in the next movie. Why did i say Deathstar. Because ITS THE SAME STORY AS STAR WARS EXCEPT WITHOUT RELIGIOUS CULT AND STARS.

Have you seen The new trailer for The Hunger Games Mockingjay. Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read well click that like and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.

Hercules Review


So after Lucy any movie has to be better.

Hercules. Hercules is a movie staring Dwayne Johnson. Was movie good. Well it was really fun. Movie’s action was great in this movie. Also we had John Hurt in the movie. He was great in this movie; course just coming from seeing him in Doctor Who as the war doctor. He did great job. Also had the supporting cast in movie. Really just the movie is fun.

Hercules is a fun movie. Was it best movie of the summer. No but it was better than what i saw earlier. I give Hercules a Worth Watching on Netflix. 

Have you seen Hercules if have what was your thoughts of it. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Lucy Review


This movie is pretty much the blend of Limitless and Transcendence what was i thinking.

Lucy. Lucy is a movie staring Scarlett Johansson. Movie is about a drug gets trafficked they smuggle the drug through some of the characters stomachs. Well a bit of the drug leaks and activates more of her brain power. Then movie goes into a whole philosophical reach. Was Lucy good? No. I heard reviews of this movie but went with friends and made a double feature of this and Hercules review will be next. The action in this movie was there was none. Lucy didn’t really know what it wanted to be. As movie progresses she gains more of her brain power. Its like playing Skyrim as you level up in your certain kind of skill the easier the game becomes. Thats how felt Lucy it didn’t have barely any actions scenes and when their was it was boring. Also Morgan Freeman is in movie.

Lucy was a very bland movie. The movie had no plot, the story makes no sense, you never felt like she was never in any danger. I won’t give Lucy a F mainly cause i liked the first 30 minutes. I give Lucy A D. 

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Andrewfist T.V Recap July 20th – July 25th

Another week lets talk.

-July 20th

Big Brother 16 Episode 12

Big Brother 16

Good episode. We have Cody and Frankie win HOH. The nomination is Brittany and Victoria. And Jocasta and Amber. Once again Brittany is nominated sucks to be her. Hopefully the floater goes home with Victoria. Also new alliance formed of The Detonators. I give this episode a 4.1.

Falling Skies Season 4 Episode 4 Mind Wars

Falling Skies

A good episode we had a odd family. Also had Weaver talking about the masons being awesome. Also episode had some hacking. The stuff with the daughter is getting stupider. I give this episode a 3.0/5.0.

The Leftovers Season 1 Episode 4 B.J and the A.C

The Leftovers

Good episode. You know what i hate this cult ready for cop to just kill them all. Okay that’s not going to happen but it might you never know. I enjoyed this episode. I give this episode a 4.6/5.0.

-July 23rd

Big Brother 16 Episode 13

Big Brother 16

A good episode. We had Caleb screw over what his face. A good episode liked see good old manipulations. I give this episode a 3.8/5.0.

-July 24th

Big Brother 16 Episode 14

Big Brother 16

A good episode. Very teary this episode. Had Frankie’s grand dad die that was pretty emotional great to see people who are going after people set emotions aside and comfort people. Hate to see Brittany go she was my female preseason pick. I give this episode a 3.5/5.0.

-July 25th

The Legend of Korra Book 3 Change Chapter 8 The Terror Within

Legend of Korra

Good episode. We had the heist team try to take the avatar. Then we learn it was all the truth guys fault. Think there is more than meets the eye with the whole heist team. Good episode i give it a 4.5/5.0.

A week in t.v. Best episode of the week goes to The Legend of Korra good bending and just great episode.

What was your favorite show of the week. Comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button then while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.



Mad Men Season 7 Part 1 Review

Mad Men Season 7

Done with the first half of season 7 of Mad Men. And i have to say what a great show/ season this has been.

So this season we see Don completely started from the bottom to get to the top of the world again. We see Don completely change to try become better person. Also we see Peggy becoming more like Don by doing awesome pitches to clients.

Great season one of best seasons. I give Season 6 of Mad Men a 4.6/5.0.

Have you seen Mad Men Season 6 and what were your thoughts of it. Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reivews. Also comment the next show you want me to watch right now thinking of watching Rome but comment below what you think i should watch. Thanks for rading.


Mad Men Season 6 Review

Mad Men Season 6


Another great season of Mad Men and last one on netflix how will i watch it now.

So this season we saw a bunch of changes both the country and the agency. You see them dealing wit things like Martin Luther King getting killed, people getting drafted for Vietnam. At agency we see a merger with company that peggy was working for combined with Drapers business. Also see Pete dealing with his mom losing her memory. Thought it was funny that both his parents died in travel accidents. His dad getting killed on plan his mom dying at sea. Also good season for Don.

Another great season a great show. I give Season 6 of Mad Men a 4.6/5.0.

Have you seen Mad Men Season 6 and what was your thoughts about it? Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read well click that like button then while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.



The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 4 Amid the Ruins Review

The Walking Dead game

Another great chapter to the walking dead game lets talk about it.

Episode 4 is well a lot of characters die in this episode. I mean a lot of characters died. Yo at AMC this is how you do the walking dead you actually kill characters off. Also got to know Jane a little more i liked her can’t believe she just ran off at the end. Curious whats going happen next. Looking forward to season finale.

So another good chapter to the walking dead game. I give The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 4 Amid the Ruins a 4.0/5.0.

Have you played Amid the Ruins and what was your thoughts. Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read well click that like button then while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Star Wars: Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil Review

Star Wars Darth Bane Dynasty of Evil

A end to a awesome book trilogy.

So this book takes place 10 years after the events of the second book the rule of two. We see that Bane is sick of Zannah not wanting to kill him. So Bane goes searching after a forgotten sith lord who was the closest sith lord to come close to being immortal. Zannah plans on killing Bane but sees the immortal technique as way to go against his rule of 2. Love how both make plans to take each other out. Also see the new sith lord to continue the sith legacy.

Loved this book but really loved this trilogy of books. I give Star Wars Darth Bane Dynasty of Evil a 4.7/5.0.

Have you read Darth Bane Dynasty of Evil comment below let me know your thoughts. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.