The Walking Dead Season 1 Review

The Walking Dead Telltale Season 1

Happy Labor day people so been playing this a little over weekend so lets talk about Season 1 of Telltales awesome the walking dead.

The Walking Dead. So this game takes place in the same world as amc walking dead show. And you play as the main character Lee. Lee is a guy getting ready to go to prison. But lucky for him the zombie apocalypse happens now its time to live in another prison known as life in this world. This is a great game. First the question is whose the main character. Is it Lee. No not really. The main character is Clementine. Clementine is a little girl Lee finds. And its her story told through the eyes of lee. Now there are some mess up stuff you see. You have weird things like the canniables, then have girl who killed the girl you like. If i had to sum up the walking dead game. It reminds me a lot of Last of Us. Just not as hardcore. Well maybe as hardcore but more walking deadish.

The Walking Dead Season 1 is a great game. It has some great character, tough choices have to make, and great relationship between clem and lee. I give season 1 of the walking dead a 4.8/5.0.

Have you played the walking dead season 1 and what was your favorite episode. Comment below let me know. Did you like what your read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Andrewfist T.V Recap August 24th – August 30th

Another week of t.v lets go.

-August 24th

Big Brother 16 Episode 27

Big Brother 16

A ok episode. I was hoping that Donny or Nicole would win to shake the game up a bit. But looks like this might be Donny’s last week unless he backdoors Frankie or Christine i hope that happens. I give this episode a 3.4/5.0.

The Leftovers Season 1 Episode 9 The Garveys at Their Best

The Leftovers

A flashback episode. I liked it cause gave us to who these characters were before the event. Funniest part was when main cop dude was having sex with a girl then she dissapears. Good episode. Think next week is the finale curious what will happen. I give this episode a 4.2/5.0.

Falling Skies Season 4 Episode 10 Drawing Straws

Falling Skies

So got another episode. Alright so we learn that lexi is a Jedi/ sith lord. Okay whatever. Then have Tom trying to do his suicide mission. Looks like he is doing it with his son. Should be interesting. I give this episode a 3.2/5.0.

-August 27th

Big Brother 16 Episode 28

Big Brother 16

A ok episode. First Nicole and Donny did terrible at the competition. This probably makes me a terrible person but was hoping Victoria to be medically evacuated. Also don’t like Frankie. So voted no. For not going with Donny’s plan. I give this episode a 3.1/5.0.

-August 28th

Big Brother 16 Episode 29

Big Brother 16

Alright so eviction. I was kind of surprised about this episode. Cause Frankie was the one wanting Donny to say. Donny played the best game he could. For this cast mainly put with people in 20’s he didn’t really fit in. I liked Donny he was the underdog of a majority dominate alliance season and he will probably get the 25k for favorite houseguest. Also endurance challenge my prediction is beast mode wins. I give this episode a 4.3/5.0.

-August 30th

Doctor Who Series 8 Episode 2 Into the Dalek

Doctor Who Series 8

So we got a new episode lets talk. This was a cool episode. To really know how good a doctor is going to be you have see how the episode with the daleks. And it was great. First it reminded me of all those older Science fiction movies.  Also dealt with Doctor trying to be good guy to try find anything good about a dalek. Great episode i give this episode a 4.7/5. This episode sold me on Peter Capaldi as the doctor.

So another week of t.v over. Favorite episode was Doctor Who love the episodes with daleks in it.

What was your favorite show of the week? Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Joaquin Phoenix as Doctor Strange Rumor

Joaquin Phenix as Doctor Strange

Been while since i have done a movie news post so lets talk about this strange report. Ha get it.

So for the past few months there been rumors of 3 guys being up for the role of Doctor Strange. Bennedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hardy, and Joaquin Phoenix. But from this it looks like Marvel has been throwing fake leaks and the only one they want is Joaquin Phoenix. And i have to say I like this casting. It just goes to show Marvel studios is going after the very best to keep this marvel machine going. I mean this is great casting choice. When Joaquin Phoenix is on his game no one in the industry can touch him. If don’t know much about him check out Gladiator or Walk the Line he is great in those movies. Also heard he was great in last years Her. Think this great addition to marvel super hero movies. No we just need a female superhero movie from Marvel and I’ll be really impressed.

So this Joaquin Phoenix being Doctor Strange do you buy it and do you want to see this happen. Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read. Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Non-Stop Review


Taken on a plane alright.

Non-Stop. Non Stop is well another Liam Neeson movie. Do i have to say anything else. I was expecting a little more action but you know what i really enjoyed this movie. Non-Stop is story of Liam Neeson whose a air marshal on a plane. Some terrorist are trying to hijack the plane and their trying to frame Liam Neeson he’s the terrorist. First if you go into this movie wanting to see realism well this probably isn’t a movie for you. The acting in this movie was great. Julian Moore was great in her role. Even had Lupita in it though she played a minor role she was good in this movie.

This was a fun movie. It had fun action, also there was a bit of a die hard nod with the white bald head guy from House of Cards a New York cop, also acting was great. I say Non-Stop Is Worth Watching on Netflix. 

Have you seen Non-Stop and what were your thoughts. Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.



The Walking Dead Season 2 Episode 5 No Going Back Review

The Walking Dead game

The epic finale to season 2 of the walking dead. Lets talk the finale.

So episode was pretty freaking awesome. Its starts off with a gun fight against the Russians people. That was cool. This episode theme really was how far are you willing to go to survive. You have Kenny going crazy which is completely understandable. I enjoyed the story telling once again by telltale. This was a great episode/ finale to season 2. Like they killed so many people off “cough” hint hint amc. Like freaking Luke died. I couldn’t believe he died he was awesome. Then you find out the black guy and Bonnie are trying to rob you. I liked them what a crazy episode. Saddest part was when i shot Kenny. By end i felt that my clementine has become stone cold to survive in this world she had to toughen up. Thats what i really enjoyed about season 2. First it didn’t feel like the same story. First was introducing characters like Clementine and Lee. This story is how far are you willing to go to survive. I liked it i’m on board for season 3. The game as of now is so much better than the t.v show.

This episode was awesome. Had good dialogue. Also great character development for Clementine looking forward to what season 3 brings. I give this episode a 5.0/5.0. And i give Season 2 a 4.8/5.0.

Have you played Season 2 of the walking dead and what was your favorite episode comment below let me know. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Andrewfist T.V Recap August 17th – August 23rd

So another week of tv. We have season finale of korra and season premier of Doctor Who. Lets go.

-August 17th

Big Brother 16 Episode 24

Big Brother 16


A good episode. We had last battle of the block. Glad to see Donny win. Wish Victoria would go home but doubt it. Give this episode a 3.4/5.0.

The Leftovers Season 1 Episode 8 Cairo

The Leftovers

So another weird episode. We really start to see that the main guy has a dual personality. So gets me thinking like with the black cult leader who could take people’s pain away could that mean that after the people it started creating mutants. Who knows what it is, but hopefully it feels us in before the season ends. Good episode i give a 4.0/5.0.

Falling Skies Season 4 Episode 9 Till Death Do Us Part

Falling Skies

So a good episode. First cause it had nothing do with lexi which is the worst part of this show. But it was cool. Tom like I’m going moon. Kind of like the reaction of Nick Cage saying I’m going steal deceleration of independence. This show can be good when they don’t focus on stupid stuff and this episode proved it. I give this episode a 3.8/5.0.

-August 20th

Big Brother 16 Episode 25

Big Brother 16

What a douche Frankie is. Seriously i don’t like him. Get rid of a waste of space of Victoria who adds nothing to the game. I hope Zach comes back in the game and takes out him. I give this episode a 4.0/5.0.

-August 21st

Big Brother 16

A good episode. Zach exit was hilarious cause he was throwing fruit loops. Also we have Nicole come back in the game. Wished Hayden had came back oh well. Hopefully we get some shakeup. I give this episode a 4.5/5.0. 

-August 22nd

The Legend of Korra Book 3 Change Chapter 12 Enter the Void

Legend of Korra

So first episode we have Korra and team avatar try to save whats left of the air nation. When i found out the airbenders weren’t in the air temple i felt my admiral ackbar come out saying “ITS A TRAP” Also episode we had some bending. Also we learn that Bolin couldn’t become a metal bender because he was a freaking Lava Bender. To that i say hell yeah. Great episode i give one a 4.9/5.0.

The Legend of Korra Book 3 Change Chapter 13 Venom of the Red Lotus

Legend of Korra

Wow just wow what a great episode/season of korra. First we see red lotus poising her. Their ideals are interesting killing the avatar and overthrowing the governments to achieve freedom. Also forgot to mention he can freaking fly that’s awesome. This was a great bending battle. One of the best I’ve seen since well the original Avatar the last airbender with aang and the fire lord. Also end we see how broken Korra is after 2 weeks. She’s no longer that same girl from book 1. She faced her cloud city. Any one doesn’t get the reference is from Star Wars when Luke goes from being a simple good guy my father was awesome from wearing white to in next wearing all black. Like to see a similar transformation in next season. Looking forward to it. And Chapter 13 i give a 5.0/5.0.

-August 23rd

Doctor Who Series 8 Episode 1 Deep Breath

Doctor Who Series 8


Got the first episode to the new doctor who season. So first how did i like Peter Capaldi as the doctor. Going have to see a few more episodes right now not completely sold. One thing i liked was how Doctor Who made fun of itself. I mean this version of the doctor is different. He’s a lot older and also he is coldest doctor i have seen from any of one. Which i kind like it be different. Also its a good change from the doctors be warm and affecting like the other 3 doctors. Also it was awesome to see Matt Smith back even for a couple minutes. The whole wait i don’t have grey hair do i no. That was great probably my favorite moment. Didn’t really like the villain. Curious about the woman at the end. Could she be a regeneration of river song i highly doubt it. Also Clara being the one constant for the doctor. Looking forward to the rest of the series. I give this episode a 3.9/5.0 not completely sold on capaldi yet but looking forward to what else is in store for this series.

So another week of t.v. My favorite episode of the week was season finale of Korra. It was so awesome got to see a great bending fight, also gave me a lot of questions to whats going to have next season.

What was your favorite episode of the week. Comment below le me know. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.




Andrewfist T.V Recap August 10th – August 15th

Another week of t.v lets go.

-August 10th

Big Brother 16 Episode 21

Big Brother 16

Alright a really good episode. This has been great season. Frankie threw the detonators under the bus. And Beast mode cowboy showed him. A great episode still can’t believe Frankie won. I give this episode a 4.7/5.0

Falling Skies Season 4 Episode 8 A thing with Feathers

Falling Skies

A ok episode. We saw tom trying to survive a cave in with the african dude. Also heard his story with how his family died. Some emotional stuff. I give this episode a 3.8/5.0.

The Leftovers Season 1 Episode 7 Solace for Tired Feet

The Leftovers

A good episode. I’m digging this show. Only problem is i’m having lost feels. More questions then answers. I give this episode a 4.6/5.0.

-August 13th

Big Brother 16 Episode 22

Big Brother 16

I hate Christine. Well bye nicole. Okay episode. Love the otev challenge figure the next veto will be the otev challenge. I give this episode a 3.4/5.0.

-August 14th

Big Brother 16 Episode 23

Big Brother 16

A alright episode. We see Caleb, and them go to dalas training camp or whatever. Then we see Nicole go home can’t really say i’m surprise. Liked to see Rachel Reilly back for sec. I give this episode a 3.7/5.0.

-August 15

The Legend of Korra Book 3 Chapter 11 The Ultimatum

Legend of Korra

A good episode. We had Korra deal with choice. Also we see Iroh again. Look forward to the finale next week. Also tenzin was a badass i give this episode a 4.6/5.0.

So there goes another week of t.v. My favorite episode of the week goes to Big Brother episode 21. Loved seeing it was great episode.

What was your favorite episode of the week. Also next week the season premier of Doctor Who. Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Review

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Everything is about to change isn’t it.

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Okay so we have the fourth installment of the harry potter movies. So this movie is pretty much the eve before the darkness. This movie is bridging from the good old world from Potter 1-3 to potter 5 to 7. Now lets talk some criticism of this movie. First off the 4th book is a lot better. Cause there’s a lot of stuff that should have been in this movie. Like the Quiditich world cup game. That was awesome in the books i love Quiditich would of love for that to be in the movie. All the traps the triwizard people have to go through in book was great. Also wished that Sirius Black was in the movie. Also can’t believe they didn’t have the ministry of magic meltdown at the end. That was probably the best part of the book. I get why they didn’t to save it for the next movie but still. They completely skiped that part in the book. Everything else though i like. Loved the rebirth of Voldemort. Also Cedric Digory is awesome in the movie. Yes he’s the twilight guy but you can’t blame him for that movie. I liked him as Cedric Digory.

In end a great movie. The action was great along with the special effects, also finally see Voldemort be evil guy we heard through the stories. And Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire Is Worth Owning on DVD.

Have you seen Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and what were your thoughts. Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Another Harry Potter movie with freaking Gary Oldman what more do you want.

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. Okay this movie is a personal favorite of mine. First off i loved the 3rd book it is probably my favorite of the Harry Potter books. And is it good? Yeah. First we have talk about the new guy. Sirius Black. Sirius is played by Gary Oldman and they cast perfectly for this. He completely does right the character. The music is good as always what do you expect from a John Williams score.  Acting is better. Also got some cool magic. Also this is really the only one that has nothing do with Voldemort.

Love this movie. Thought i have to say that hated that they didn’t talk about how Sirius, James had created the map. I say Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban is Legendary.

Have you seen Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and what are your thoughts. Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Review

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

For it is not our abilities that choose what we are, it is our choices.

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. So this movie is the 2nd installment of the Harry Potter movies. Harry and his classmates are in their 2nd year of school. But not for long if the heir of slytherin has his way. This movie is great. Once again the music is great and just goggled who did the music. Freaking John Williams did the score. Everyone knows how much of a Star Wars fan i am no wonder the music is so great. Also we get to learn more Voldemort of he was before he became Voldemort. Though we learn more about Tom Riddle in the half blood prince or we would of if that movie was done better that will be explained later. Also awesome scene when Harry pulls the sword of godric griffindor out of the hat. One thing i have say positive about the first 2 Harry Potter movies is that these are the one’s most loyal to the books.

Another great installment of the Harry Potter movies. It continues with the same kind of tone as the previous one did, actors get better as they get more comfortable with their roles, and music is awesome. And Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets is Legendary.

Have you seen Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and what are your thoughts. Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read. Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.