John Wick Review

John Wick

A awesome action movie with Keanu Reeves lets talk about it.

John Wick. John Wick is movie staring Keanu Reeves. The movie pretty much is badass action movie. John Wick is a former assassin or something who worked for Russian mafia or something. The basic premise of this movie is that they kill his dog and he goes to kill everybody. Now sounds stupid but it was just a fun action movie. The guy who directed this movie was the stuntman of the matrix. Apparently the action they call gun-fu. The acting in this movie was pretty terrible. But you go into this movie for fun time.

In end John Wick was a fun movie. It had great action, great pop corn movie. I say John Wick Is Worth Seeing In Theathers. 

Have you seen John Wick if have comment below let me know. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Andrewfist T.V Recap October 19th – October 25th

Another week of tv lets talk.

-October 19th

The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 2 Strangers

The Walking Dead Season 5

A good episode till the end. Liked the introduction of Gabriel another character from the comics. But end made it stupid. I give this episode a 3.0/5.0.

-October 20th

The Big Bang Theory Season 8 Episode 6 The Expedition Approximation

The Big Bang Theory

A good episode. Had Sheldon freak out about a rat. Also had fights about money. I give this episode a 3.5/5.0.

Gotham Season 1 Episode 5 Viper


A interesting episode. We have now a conspiracy of wayne industrys. Also we see Bruce enter investigating mode. I give this episode a 3.6/5.0.

Castle Season 8 Episode 4 Child’s Play


A good episode we had Castle in a elementary class. I give this episode a 3.3/5.0.

Star Wars Rebels Episode 3 Rise of the Old Masters

Star Wars Rebles

Wow what a awesome episode. We had the introduction to the inquistor. And guys he’s awesome. I give this episode a 4.8/5.0.

-October 21st

The Flash Season 1 Episode 3 Things You Can’t Outrun

The Flash

A good episode we got gas villain. Also we got flashback of night the particle accelerator went off. What is he up to i wonder. Also learn of Dr. Frost fiance who is a super hero in dc comics. I give this episode a 3.6/5.0.

Agents of Shield Season 2 Episode 5 A Hen in the Wolf House

Agents of Shield Season 2

A alright episode. Mockingjay was cool she was great in recent John Wick movie. I give this episode a 3.0/5.0.

Person of Interest Season 4 Episode 5 Prophets

Person of Interest Season 4

Shows you how crazy the world is with Samaratian trying to control the government which is kinda scarry. I give this episode a 4.5/5.0.

-October 22nd

Survivor Blood vs Water 2 Episode 5

Survivor Blood vs Water 2

A boring episode. We had tribe switch one tribe was alright the other tribe sucks and bye bye to dales daughter don’t even know her name. Also we have deal next week with jeff for rice next week. Wonder what will happen. I give this episode a 3.1/5.0.

Arrow Season 3 Episode 3 Corto Maltese

Arrow Season 3

This was a awesome episode. We learn more of training between Thea and Malcolm. Curious what kind of villain Thea will become. I give this episode a 4.3/5.0.

-October 23rd

Gracepoint Episode 4


A alright episode. They interrogated the boyfriend still waiting for the change from Broadchurch i give this episode a 3.2/5.0.

-October 24th

The Legend of Korra Book 4 Balance Chapter 4 The Calling

Legend of korra book 4 Balance

A awesome episode. We see Korra deal with her past i like the moral of story to learn from the people who opposed you. I give this episode a 4.6/5.0.

-October 25th

Doctor Who Series 8 Episode 10 In the Forest of the Night

Doctor Who Series 8

A good episode had trees pop up all over world. Next week will be big. I give this episode a 4.0/5.0.

Sorry its late got lazy lol. Best episode was Star Wars Rebels.

What was your favorite show of the week. Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Andrewfist T.V Recap October 12th – October 18th

A full week of tv first time ever i think.

-October 12th

The Walking Dead Season 5 Episode 1 No Sanctuary

The Walking Dead Season 5

This poster is quoting frank underwood “For those of us climbing to the top of the food chain, there can be no mercy, there is but one rule, Hunt or be Hunted. And that pretty much describes the episode. A surprisingly good episode. First time they didn’t drag out a setting since season 1. Now a road trip to D.C. Some stupid shooting a bottle rocket off a gun that was dumb. But Morgan showing up at the end was awesome which pushes this episode to a 4.0/5.0.

-October 13

The Big Bang Theory Season 8 Episode 5 The Focus Attenuation

The Big Bang Theory

A alright episode. Had guys get distracted a lot happens to me to. I give this episode a 3.1/5.0.

Gotham Season 1 Episode 4 Arkham


A cool episode. We saw really the origins of the famous prison Arkham Assylum and Arkham city. Also bad guy was cool. I give this episode a 3.5/5.0.

Castle Season 7 Episode 3 Clear and Present Danger


A good episode. It was very science fictioney. There is always at least 1 sci fi episode at beginning of castle the invisibility cloak was pretty cool. I give this episode a 3.9/5.0.

-October 14th

Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Episode 4 Fighter Flight

Star Wars Rebles

A really good episode. We had more character development between Ezra and Zeb. Line of the episode was wait a minute you did this all for fruit. Good episode i give a 4.4/5.0.

The Flash Season 1 Episode 2 Fastest Man Alive

The Flash

A good episode. Thought it was funny the reason flash was having troubles was cause he wasn’t eating enough. I know in cartoons or comics he eats a lot snacks. I give this episode a 4.3/5.0.

Agents of Shield Season 2 Episode 4 Face my Enemy

Agents of Shield Season 2

A ok episode. Had 2 agents may’s fight each other. Some bad ass fights. Also colson trying to create a plan incase he goes nuts. I give this episode a 3.0/5.0.

Person of Interest Season 4 Episode 4 Brotherhood

Person of Interest Season 4

A good episode. Had more for the brotherhood. I like this new villain. A smaller villain than Decima but going back down the elias route the whole gangster war. I give this episode a 4.0/5.0.

-October 15th

Survivor Blood vs Water 2 Episode 4

Survivor Blood vs Water 2

Wow this cast sucks. Alright Drew’s plan to go tribal council stupid. Anyways hate to see Drew go he was great character. I give this episode a 3.2/5.0.

Arrow Season 3 Episode 2 Sara

Arrow Season 3

This was a awesome episode. We had team arrow deal with Sara’s death. Also the beginning of Laurel transformation into Black Cannary. Also the black guy assassin did not kill Sara. I’m currious who did i still think its Malcolm until proven otherwise. Also next episode i think it will focus on Thea more. Also loved the tommy in hong kong flashback. I miss him. I give this episode a 4.7/5.0.

-October 16th

Gracepoint Episode 3


A alright episode. So far its been same as Broadchurch. Preview to next week looks different. I give this episode a 3.2/5.0.

-October 17th

The Legend of Korra Book 4 The Coronation

Legend of korra book 4 Balance

So Kurivra is Napolean. Think about it; Napoleon general of french army took advantage of the french revolution eventually becoming emperor. She pretty much did the exact same thing. Also thought it was cool with the Korra and Toph parts. Reminds me a lot of Empire Strikes Back scenes with Yoda. I give this episode a 4.6/5.0.

-October 18th

Doctor Who Series 8 Episode 9 Flatline

Doctor Who Series 8

A awesome episode. I really like Jenna Coleman she is great. This episode didn’t really have the doctor in it; we introduced Doctor Clara. Liked how the tardis shrink and Clara had to become the doctor. She was really acting like the 11th doctor. Also liked for Doctor realizing just who he is by what he does. I give this episode a 4.7/5.0.

Good week of t.v. Best episode i give to Arrow. Really emotional episode.

What was your favorite episode of the week. Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read. Well click that like button and while your at t click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.



Boyhood Review


A movie that took 12 years to make don’t worry it won’t take me 12 years to write this review.

Boyhood. Alright so Boyhood is moving staring well that’s the thing. I’m not really familiar with either the actors, or the director of the movie. That being said this movie is really well done. What this movie is about a guy called Mason Jr who is a kid in Texas and his family who must deal with life. Your probably thinking to yourself I’ve seen this before. You have but not like this. Whats awesome about this movie is that they started to film this movie back in 2002. Lets think about this i was 11 when they started making this movie. Like its cool to see what was in and what boys liked. Like when movie starts he has Dragon Ball Z sheets and watching DBZ. To later having conversations about star wars. What puts this movie great is each scene of the movie the actors have changed. By getting older where their look is completely different each scene. Which i think makes this movie brilliant. The message of this movie is great. Whole point is people live their lives for the big moments you know carpe dium what Robin Williams taught us. But really life is a moment and we have to live it.

In end Boyhood is a great movie. It has great acting, its not a typical family movie, shot great. And Boyhood is Legendary.

Have you seen Boyhood and what did you think. Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


DC Movies Announced Officially

Alright so we got confirmation of D.C Movies till 2020 lets talk about them.

-Batman V Superman. 3/25/16

Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice


Yes this has been annoucned for a while but its still exciting. This is the movie that will start it all. Also introducing characters like wonder woman, cyborg, aqua man.

-Suicide Squad. 8/5/16

Suicide Squad

Your probally think what is that. Well we all thought the same when we heard about Guardians of the Galaxy. Suicide Squad is bunch of super villains that are in prison and work for Amanda Waller the head of Argus which is pretty much a much more end justify means version of shield. They put bombs on suicide squad members making do the jobs or they blow up. I think this could be a very cool movie because it is something so different.

-Wonder Woman. 6/23/17

Wonder Woman

If this movie is done right it could be really awesome. Wonder Woman really is the first female superhero movie dc trying to beat marvel to the punch. Wonder Woman deals with Greek mythology. She is amazonian princess and the daughter of zeus. This could be really awesome.

-Justice League Pt.1. 11/17/17

Justice League

A movie i have been waiting for since i saw the animated show when i was kid. Also hearing who the villain is Braniac which sounds pretty awesome.

-The Flash. 3/23/18


Now Flash i’ll be intrested to see. Flash has already been cast no idea who he is. But be looking forward to this.

-Aquaman. 7/27/18

Jason Momoa is Aqua Man

We’ve known a while that Jason Mamoa was going to be aqua man. I don’t know how intresting a aqua man movie will be but beauty is we will have seen him 3 other movies before a aquaman movie.

-Shazam. 4/5/19


A cool idea for movie. Don’t know much but be awesome.

-Justice League Part 2. 6/14/19

Justice League

We get the 2nd part only 2 years after first one.

-Cyborg. 4/3/20


This be cool. Be very different. First african american super hero that will get a movie. I like Cyborg always liked him in the justice league dc animated / teen titans show.

-Green Lantern. 6/19/20

Green Lantern

A rebooted Green Lantern movie yes please. Glad to be seeing this.

Those are all movies except for unannounced Batman movie which Ben Affleck will probably direct, and the Man of Steel sequel.

What are thoughts of this dc movie schedule. Comment below tell me what you think. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.



Fury Review


So we got a new world war 2 movie lets talk about it.

Fury. So Fury is movie staring Brad Pitt, Shila LeBeouf, and bunch of other guys. This was a awesome movie. The premise of the movie is America is on the last stretch of war on the Europe front.  First off the cast to this movie is awesome. Everyone is great. I think one of the best performance is Shila Lebeouf yeah he is not great guy but he is great actor. Also guy who played Shane from walking dead was great. What was cool also terrible was this crew they were not good guys. Course you can get how they turned out this way. They been fighting ever since Africa and war changes man. What this movie does i think it shows you the ugly part of war its not glorious it sucks. One thing i really liked was the tank battles. I never realized there was such strategy when it came to tanks.

In end Fury is a awesome movie. It has great action, all the acting in this movie is great, the message of just how ugly war is does great job. And Fury is Legendary.

Have you seen Fury. If have comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Captain America 3 Is Civil War

Civil War

So bit late but hey i want to talk about it.

So according to a post from Variety that Robert Downy Junior was going to be in Cap 3. I mean we knew something was up with Downy saying there is more going on in his talks with ellen and other people. Now we hear its Civil War. So what is civil war. So in comics or if you played Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 govenment is having superhero registration act making the superheroes give up secret identity and work for government. The problem with this is well there are no secret identity’s in Marvel Cinematic Universe. Everyone knows who Iron man is, everyone knows who Captain America is. But what i think will go down this is just pure speculation. We know Stark builds Ultron and Ultron tries to destroy the world. The government says people like Stark, Banner they are too dangerous so the government will make the superheroes work for the government. Iron Man will side with the government and Cap will go against for he believes in the american dream even if that means going against the Americans. Which is cool cause then that means that where you think the two heroes would be is reversed. I do not think Avengers 3 will be civil war as well though. I think in Avengers 3 Thanos will show up which will cause both sides to work together to stop thanos. Anyway this is exciting i was wondering where phase 3 would go looks like its going to a awesome direction.

Have you heard the news of Civil War. What are your thoughts? Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Andrewfist T.V Recap October 6th – October 11th

Another week of t.v lets go.

-October 6th

Star Wars Rebels Season 1 Episode 3 Droids in Disaster

Star Wars Rebles

A little early but showed online so i went ahead and watch it.  So this episode we had the team runing on fumes and they do job to steal some jobs. I really like this show this is climbing the ranks to be my favorite shows.  Episode guest stars Bail Organa along with our favorite droids. Also deals with Zeb’s past which i found interesting. I give this episode a 4.5/5.0.

The Big Bang Theory Season 8 Episode 4 The Hook-up Reverberation

The Big Bang Theory

A funny episode. We see the gang meet raj girl. Well Penny and her hate each other that should be fun. Also guys try to become partners in giving money to stuart. But he got money from his mom. I give this episode a 3.1/5.0.

Gotham Season 1 Episode 3 The Balloonman


A alright episode. We see Selina get away. Also we see the first vigilante in gotham and Bruce sees him. And i could see in his eyes i have a idea. I give this episode a 3.2/5.0.

Castle Season 7 Episode 2 Montreal


So this episode we had Castle learn he erased his own memory. Now im even more curious. I think the answer is obvious he got abducted to be in Guardians of the galaxy but got his mind erased and sent back to earth. Thats what i’m thinking. I give this episode a 3.5/5.0.

-October 7th

Agents of Shield Season 2 Episode 3 Making Friends and Influencing People

Agents of Shield Season 2

The first decent episode. We have simmons as a spy in a spy organization in hydra. Also saw Sky kill for first time, also got great point where fitz was role playing darth vader. I give this episode a 3.0/5.0.

Person of Interest Season 4 Episode 3 Wingman

Person of Interest Season 4

A good episode. This episode focused more Fussco. He was great in episode it dealt with guy who help guys land girls reminded me of Ryan Goslin’s character in Crazy Stupid Love. I give this episode a 4.1/5.0.

-October 8th

Survivor Blood vs Water 2 Episode 3

Survivor Blood vs Water 2

A ok episode. We saw baseball guy leave that sucks. Still don’t like Jeremy, also hate the amazing race girl. I give this episode a 3.0/5.0.

Arrow Season 3 Episode 1 The Calm

Arrow Season 3

A good episode. We had Oliver trying to deal with normal and arrow life. Also we saw the first of Arsenal. Look forward to see what happens with Rory’s character. Also most shocking was when Sarah was killed. Who killed her? I think the answer is pretty obivous. It was Malcolm Merlin only reason it was 3 arrows in chest and played his music from season 1. I think this could be the beginning of Laurel becoming black cannary. I give this episode a 4.5/5.0.

-October 9th

Gracepoint Episode 2


A alright episode. Its hard for me not to compare it to Broadchurch but from what i hear the show becomes different at episode 7 so we will wait for the shift. But decent episode i give it a 3.0/5.0.

-October 10th

The Legend of Korra Book 4 Balance Chapter 2 Korra Alone

Legend of korra book 4 Balance

A really good episode. This episode was a shout out to airbender of episode Zuko Alone. It shows of what korra has been up to for 3 years. I like it it shows what she went through the past 3 years. Also Toph at the end awesome. I give this episode a 4.7/5.0.

-October 11th

Doctor Who Series 8 Episode 8 Mummy on the Orient Express

Doctor Who Series 8

A good episode. Episode was on a train on space. Don’t know why you would want to ride a train in space don’t feel like that would be safe. Like the mummy killer. Also drama from last episode with Clara and Doctor. Looks as if Clara has change her mind and even looks as if she will be keeping a secret from Danny. Don’t think that will turn up well. Also compared Doctor making critical decisions like a drag and he is a addict. I give this episode a 4.0/5.0.

End of another week. Best episode of the week. I’m going Rebels. Loved it just seeing R2 and C3PO plus great character episode for Zeb.

What was your favoirte show of the week. Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


John Adams Series Review

John Adams

I love me some history.

John Adams. Alright so John Adams is a tv show that was on HBO which is a biopic of the life of John Adams. I have to say i really loved this show. I think a answer to a biopic if it makes you want to google the person to learn more about him i think the movie did its job. Now lets talk a little negative of show before i talk about what i loved. The 3rd and 4th episodes i feel are the week point in the show. In these episodes Adams goes to France to be a ambassador to France and later Britan during the Revolution. I understand thats what happened but personally did not find it as interesting. Now moving on from that. My favorite episode was episode 2 called Independence. It goes into the signing of the declaration of Independence. Paul Giamatti i thought did a great job of his portrayal of John Adams. Also i liked the point the show made at the end. Where John was talking about will he be remembered in history. Talking that Benjamin will be remembered for the science, George and Thomas will be remembered for the reforms and ideas to the republic. Also loved the guy who played Thomas Jefferson he did a great job also helps he’s in Game of Thrones. Also the guy who played Washington did a great job as well. This is a great show i think everyone should watch cause really i didn’t know that much about Adams other than being the president. Also the music is good the intro has been stuck my head all week.

In end John Adams is a great show. It tells a great story of a very underrated founding father, great music, hbo knows how to make a good show. I give John Adams a 4.5/5.0.

Have you seen John Adams and what were your thoughts comment below let me know. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


The Judge Review

The Judge

Time for a courtroom drama can you handle this review. CAN YOU.

The Judge. The Judge is movie staring Robert Downey Jr and Robert Duvall. Is this movie good? Its alright. Okay so this movie stars Downys character he is a hot shot defense attorney from a big town like chicago or some town in indiana. He learns his mother died so he returns home to attend the funeral. Then shortly afterwards his father is suspected of murder.  Downy must put down their past and see him as nothing more than a client. I really liked this movie. First off the acting in this movie is great; Downy and Duvall have great chemistry together. But also the entire supporting cast is great in this movie as well. Also the girl who plays his daughter i thought did a great job. One thing i was dissapointed was movie became more of a family drama. Where the trailer promised more for court room drama. Thats what i was hoping for. But i still really enjoyed this movie. Only thing i would cut would be the daughter to blond woman. Felt if cut that from the movie it wouden’t change the outcome at all.

In the end The Judge was a alright movie. It had great cast, awesome preformance from Downy and Duvall. I say The Judge Is Worth Seeing in Theathers. 

Have you seen judge and what were your thoughts. Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.