Category Archives: Anime

Rurouni Kenshin New Kyoto Arc Review

Rurouni Kenshin New Kyoto Arc

Yeah a lot of review today but whatever.

Okay new kyoto arc. This tells a new perspective of the new Kyoto arc. It was released in 2011-12 and has newer animations. It goes through the perspective of Miaso or however you say her name. To be honest i enjoyed this retelling the story. If i could only have one i still chose the story from the anime but this does a short and sweet version of the arc. But what it does and doesn’t do all the same things it changes stuff. Like final battle happening on boat, most voice actors i think are different. Its a lot better than that reflection i watched.

In end New Kyoto Arc tells the same story but not complety the same. I give this arc a 3.8.

Have you seen Rurouni Kenshin New Kyoto Arc if have comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read if so click that like button then that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Rurouni Kenshin Reflection Review

Rurouni Kenshin Reflection

Alright the conclusion to Rurouni Kenshin.

Alright this was not that good. Okay this was a end to Rurouni Kenshin. First it goes through their adventures through point of view of Kaoru. And let me say something good about it the animation was pretty good they redid a lot of it. But also changing the story up a lot. Also they changed the characters a lot too. First they change Yakio character. He wasn’t as funny as he was in the anime he was more serious. Thats a big gripe about it was it wasn’t funny. The biggest crime to it all though was when they changed Kenshin character. It reminds me a lot of Darth Vader to Anakin Skywalker transition. You know Darth Vader is really cool but then you go back in prequel and you have the whinny character. Thats what they did with Kenshin he was no where the same character he was in the anime. Also have their Kid who is learning swordsmanship from Kenshin’s master which he looks the exact same and hasn’t age what. His son wasn’t bad. Also it was so depressing. I get where its going but was not fan of how they ended it.

In end Rurouni Kenshin Reflection was a poor way to end the story of Rurouni Kenshin. I give Rurouni Kenshin Reflection a 2.3.

Have you seen Rurouni Kenshin Reflection if have comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Rurouni Kenshin Trust and Betrayal Review

Rurouni Kenshin Trust and Betrayal

Alright first OVA review of the anime Rurouni Kenshin lets talk about it.

Trust and Betrayal takes place during the war. It explains how Kenshin got the cross shaped scar. Also realize how he is so damaged from the war. First off let me say this was pretty bloody. Which i liked cause it gave it a completely different tone than the anime series. Kenshin is a much more darker person he sees everybody he kills as evil. Being very Roman in this. I say this for Romans believed everybody they fought was evil Romans were good and they were evil. But he’s the assassin. His side gets kicked out of Kyoto by Saito’s squad. So kenshin and girl have go out into country act like husband and wife to blend in. Kenshin starts changing. In end Kenshin finds out he doesn’t want be assassin anymore he wants to help people but gets betrayed. Kills his wife and she gives him that scar. Also end set it up for what we saw in the war. You have Kenshin fighting Saito, you saw kenshin replacement as the assassin.

In end Trust and Betrayal was awesome, told good story of how Kenshin became so damage. I give Rurouni Kenshin Trust and Betrayal a 4.8.

Have you seen Rurouni Kenshin Trust and Betrayal if have comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews.


Rurouni Kenshin Review

Rurouni Kenshin

After 8 month delay i decided to finally watch another anime. So here is my review of Ruroni Kenshin.

Rurouni Kenshin. It takes place during the Meiji era of Japan whats that. It was time around time of americas civil war. Japan still being all traditional not modern was the attempt to modernize japan which created the Meiji period of Japan. Which would eventually push Japan becoming a mighty force to rival European Country’s during first half of the 20th century. Show is about this guy called Kenshin he is this famous man slayer who killed a lot of people for the imperialist government. Haunted by this he decided to become a wanderer to try and repent for all the lives he took. Kenshin is a really cool character that he is. That i just said is something he says a lot that i do anything worded like that.  Also have other characters Kaoru is the master at a dojo teaching people how use swords. She’s okay. Then there is Yahiko a kid from a long line of samurai wanting to prove himself. One of my favorite characters is Sanosuke his whole backstory is cool. He was member of a civilian army and the government pretty much screw them over and has hated the government ever since. He’s is the simplest character you will meet. He likes to punch things. There are other minor characters like Megumi someone they save. But one of my favorite characters is Misao. She’s a ninja pretty much but also pretty hilarious.

Story of show there isn’t much of story. It is separated into 3 seasons. 1 season is intro, 2nd is the Kyoto story, and 3rd is more of the wrap up. First season does good job in introducing the characters, Season 2 the Kyoto arc is a awesome story, 3rd is about like the first season but not as good. 2nd season does such good job cause have a cool villain. That guy is Shishio. He use to work for the government but to shut him up they try to kill him and burn him alive. Now he wants to take over the government. Love characters like that who have great reasoning for wanting take over world or in this case japan. He is also voiced by Steve Blum you know the guy who voiced Spike in Cowboy Bebop.

In conclusion Rurouni Kenshin is a great anime, not as complicated as other shoening anime’s like DBZ, or Naruto. I give Rurouni Kenshin a 4.3. The 3rd season brings down the score a lot. I’m not completely done with Rurouni Kenshin still plan to watch the OVA’S and the movie so stay tuned for that.

Have you seen Rurouni Kenshin if have comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read if so click that like button then that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.



Yu Yu Hakusho Series Review

Yu Yu Hakusho

My last anime review for a while so lets go.

What a great anime this one was. Lets go over the premise of the show. Staring Yusuke a 14 year old kid gets killed by car by trying to save a little boy. Instead of going to heaven or hell he gets a second chance and gets a job as a spirit detective. At first he has all of these cases but then we get to the Dark Tournament which is a big tournament kind of like you would see in Dragon Ball but a lot more bloodier. Then one more case, and we have Demon World part.

Now lets talk about the characters of the show. First we have Yusuke, he is lazy guy who doesn’t really like doing anything. But he really likes to do is to fight. And he’s not bad at it. Next we have Kuwabara the heart of the show. Always the guy give motivation to his friends even though he isn’t the strongest of any of his teammates. Next Hehi a 3 eyed fire demon who is i say Yusuke rival villain. He is pretty much a Vegeta you would see in Dragon Ball. But Hehi is pretty awesome hilarious with his bloody humor. Next we have Kurama. A demon took shelter into a human form to escape the spirit cops. But he really is the most violent character in the gang. Also got some i say supportive characters. First we have Keiko who is Yusuke’s love interest character. Now i hate say but I’m one of those people who root for Keiko and Yusuke to end up together. Next we Boton don’t know if i spelled that right. But she acts like a cat hilarious but is the grim reaper. Last we have Genkai who is Yusuke’s teacher. All characters in the show are awesome.

The story of show is Yusuke as a Spirit Detective trying to solve cases to prevent demons from causing chaos in human world. But then we have the Dark Tournament. A 30 or 40 episode arc which is probably my favorite shoening arcs in a anime. Awesome meet a great villain Togoro the best villain in YuYu Hakusho. Then we Sensui who was the last detective before yusuke. Then we learn that Yusuke is a demon. The ancestral son of a demon from back in early japan days. Then we have the Demon Tournament whoever wins becomes King of the Demon World. Whats good about Yu Yu Hakusho its 112 episodes so its not too long, but not too short. Most anime’s like Dragon Ball, Naruto, Bleach, and One Piece. Have too many episodes. Also good is that Yu Yu Hakusho has no filler.

The action is also top notch. I mean each shoening anime there’s a different fighting ways. In dragon ball there’s ki Naruto chakra. Here it is spirit energy.

In End Yu Yu Hakusho is great anime, great characters, good fights, and It is Legend wait for it… DARY LEGENDARY.

Have you seen Yu Yu hakusho if have comment bellow and let me know. As always follow me on twitter. @andrewfist0w

Andrew blog


Death Note Review

Death Note

I am Justice! I protect the innocent and those who fear evil. I’m the one that will become the god of a new world that everyone desires!- Light Yagami

Felt it was right to start with a quote, now lets talk about Death Note. Yes another anime review there’s nothing else really to over summer since nothing really is on tv. Now as i said in an earlier post i believe the beebop review i not really a big fan of anime. For me to watch an anime it has to have certain criteria. 1 good premise 2. good story 3. good characters. 4. Has to be in English. Now Death note i really enjoyed. Lets talk a little about the premise of the show. ALSO WARNING IF NOT WATCH DEATH NOTE AND ARE PLANNING ON THEN CLICK AWAY RIGHT NOW I WILL BE TALKING SPOILERS. Light the main character finds a notebook called a deathnote and is like no way is this real. He’s watching TV of a criminal holding a bank hostage. So he writes down the guy name he dies. Light’s like yeah this real. So he decides to kill off all criminals in world and to be viewed as God. Then we meet the Shimigami the owner of Death Note tells Light that he tossed his Death Note into world because he was bored. And he believes that humans are interesting also they have Delicious apples. Now lets meet the hero or antagonist however you want put it. Here’s to put thing in perspective Light is bad guy the world knows him Kira the Japanese word for killer. So hero is antagonist trying to stop protagonist which is a villain confused oh well. Now we meet the character L, L is a detective who is known through world as the greatest detective who has never lost a case. L character is awesome he’s hilarious likes anything that has sugar within cause he’s this genius but acts like a 10 year old. The best part of the show was the intellectual battle between L and Kira. One moment Kira wins next L stumps him.  It was really what made Death Note awesome. What will happen next. Now that’s also a problem with Death Note. When L dies show kind of dies down. They replace him with L successor but their not even close as good as L. But its great seeing. Really show only good the first half but the ending completely redeems the ending. Now i like the manga ending more than anime. In anime ending he runs away his shimigami kills light. But in manga Light asks his shimigami to kill all of his friends. He writes in his deathnote and shows light his name written down. Light starts freaking out and dies in his dads arms telling him that he thought he was doing the right thing. A year later criminals started acting up again and people think that maybe Kira was a necessary evil. Light even says that because of Kira crime been stop by 70 percent war was all but pretty much ended because of his work. Its interesting to think about it that way. Also Death Note has some of the best music in anything i have ever heard the first intro was amazing the 2nd one was terrible.

In end Death Note was good anime has its great intellectual battles between Kira and L. Great characters, good story, and awesome villains. I know im little bias for this rating but Death Note Is Legend wait for it…. DARY LEGENDARY.

Have you seen Death Note if have comment bellow let me know. And as always follow me on twitter for more updates andrewfist02


Samurai Champloo Review

Samurai Champloo

wicka wicka wicka Samurai Champloo review yo… There’s my attempt at rap lets review this.

The night i actually finished Cowboy Beebop i heard that the guy who created that made Samurai Champloo so i decided to give it a shot. Was it as good as Beebop no but not many things are but it was still good. Alright now that’s out of the way lets talk about it. ALSO IF HAVE WATCHED NOT WATCHED SAMURAI CHAMPLOO THEN CLICK AWAY NOW I WILL TALK SPOILERS FOR THE SHOW YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

Lets talk about the main characters. We have 3 characters who are in the show. First we have Mugen a samurai who swordsmanship is similar to someone street dancing. Very unpredictable and cool to watch. Then we have Jin a samurai who had killed his master now wandering Japan ready to die, his swordsmanship is more of a traditional samurai would of fight during the era. Then we have Fuu who a girl who is a waitress who goes on quest with both Mugen and Jin to find the samurai who smells like sunflowers. Now lets talk a little about these characters. Mugen character is as said a unpredictable guy but also really cocky thinks he best in the world. He’s also a former pirate which i thought was pretty cool. His pirate friends stab him in back leaving him for dead. So he just wanders the area. I thought his story was really interesting. Then we have Jin, his backstory isn’t really revealed untill the end of the show. Where the main antagonist tells him he told Jin’s master too kill Jin. In my opinion Jin’s story was really the best part of the show. Also he’s calm character who uses logic other than his companion’s. Then we have Fuu, She was a good character in the show, she gave us laugh’s also funny how she gets taken capture in a lot of the episodes. Similar to Arya in game of thrones where Arya gets taken by every person in show. But fuu is really a little fatty but on mission to make her father pay. Now lets talk about faults. To be honest i don’t really like Mugen. The problem i have with Mugen is he is voiced by the same character who plays spike in beebop and for me the voice just did not fit character. Like i said earlier though i like Jin and his story. I like fuu but i did not like her character’s story. Though it is the main story line of the show. I felt it was too predictable I pretty much figured that it was going to be her father. But just like Beebop it’s not about the story or villains its about the characters and their journey.

Now lets talk about the setting of the anime. Now it happens in Japan; but whats cool about Japan is their so many eras you can do. There’s the Meiji era which is covered in Rurouni Kensin expect that review once i re watch series. The era in the Last samurai movie. But this happens during the edo period which was peace time along with weird ideals reentering the world. But also has a rap influence blend so makes it very unique.

In the end Samurai champloo is good anime not as good as beebop but defiantly still solid. I’ll Samurai Champloo is worth watching once.

Have you seen Champloo if have comment below let me know what you thought of it. Follow me on twitter for more updates. @andrewfist02

Yu-Gi-Oh Series Review


Now that movies are done i can start reviewing some shows I have recently re watched or watched first and its now my move ha get it.

Okay Yu-Gi-Oh stars a kid named Yugi Muto who recently finished completing the millennium puzzle this big puzzle he had to figured out. Living inside the puzzle is an ancient pharaoh who lived in Egypt 5,000 years before the start of the series. Then we have Joey this funny character who’s trying to figure out how to play the game but truly is heart of the show. Tristan this guy who doesn’t even really game but supports his friends. And Tiea who is pretty much love interest for Yugi or pharaoh. Now Yugi, the pharaoh or atem which is his name you find out later, and joey are really the best parts of the show. Their good but the other two characters of the show aren’t any good. Now lets talk a little about an awesome character. Seto Kaiba. Kaiba is the anti hero of the show. He is the vegeta of the Yu-Gi-Oh universe. He has this awesome card called the Blue Eyes White Dragon which is his trump card through the whole show. But kaiba is awesome character.

Now lets talk about the story of Yu-Gi-Oh. In my opinion there are few story’s of the show. First story was Pegasus the first villain of show I’ll talk a little more about him later but he steals Yugi’s grandfathers soul and they have to join a duel monster tournament to get his grandfather back. But really the show follows the Pharaoh Atem to try and discover who he is so he can rest. But story is quite repetitive always an evil in way from reaching their destiny.

Now lets talk about the villains. First villain was Maximilian Pegasus who is trying to revive his dead girlfriend or wife. So can’t say he’s too evil of a villain but hes doing bad things for good things. Its an the end justify the means of doing it. Then we have Marek. Didn’t even know he doing cause evil spirit was telling him do it making him evil. Marek other Yugi is probably most kind person in show but has an evil spirit which makes him do evil things. Then we have Darts. Darts was my favorite villain in Yu-Gi-Oh. Main reason its got nothing to do with the millennium items or any of that. All its about is Atlantis and that’s awesome. And Atem’s greatest enemy Bakura or Zork the creature that is within Bakura. But show has its good villains.

Now lets talk about the card game. There are 3 categories there is Monster, Magic, Trap. You have 2000 later 4000 life points and if you lose those then the game is over. Duels was the best part of the show. Now duels got really good after Battle City started became a lot more enjoyable. The best duels was the duel between Yugi and Seto Kaiba. And final duel with Yugi vs Atem.

Overall Yu-Gi-Oh is good show. A little kiddy, but hey its kid show helps me go back when i was younger when i used to collect Yugioh cards. Yu-Gi-Oh is i say worth watching once.

Thanks for reading have you seen Yu-Gi-Oh if have comment below let me know what you think. Also like and follow me here and on twitter on more updates. @andrewfist02

Cowboy Bebop: The Movie


And the final review of anything Cowboy Bebop begins now…

Cowboy Bebop the movie is awesome. Parts of the movie they do a better job in the TV show. In the show whenever they are going over someones past life they don’t just do the whole flashback expecting people to read the manga. Instead they have time to kill so they explain reasons for characters being the way they are.

The movie through a time stand point in show happened anywhere between episode 10-23. The bebop crew go after a criminal named Vincent who is a terrorist. Vincent has nano bite technology that destroy a persons body or something like that. Won’t spoil to much of movie but you get a good return to the bebop world. You have aspects of characters through the movie that make it like this feels like a incredibly long episode of cowboy bebop. The awesomeness of this episode is you get some great comedy scenes. Spike dresses like a janitor and is sweeping wall which is just plain out hilarious. Also introduce new character who called Elektra. She wants stop Vincent cause she feels like she failed her job. Also Vincent is great villain. If read my review of the series you’ll remember that one of my gripes was of Viscous. Vincent on the other great villain somebody who can whoop Spikes but.

The graphics of the episode is also pretty amazing. Of course the movie came out 3 years after the show had ended so of course graphics are always going to look better. The fights were also pretty legit a lot better.

Cool thing was the city that movie was played at. A big city like New York on different planet something you did not see in series. Another compliment is the music.

In end the movie was pretty awesome. If you were disappointed at the ending of Cowboy Bebop and want to close it out on a high note watch this movie you will not be disapointed.

For more reviews check back at andrewfist21 blogs. Also follow me on twitter @Andrewfist02

Cowboy Bebop


Let the record be shown i don’t usually like anime. For me to watch anime first it has to be English because reading subtitles just take me out of the experience of the show. This show is awesome. It’s the star wars to any sci fi where it gets compared to. Cowboy Bebop is the anime where people compare other anime’s to.

First lets look at the world of Cowboy Bebop earths become Asteroid central; colonies in mars, Venus. This is one of the more realistic Science Fiction’s i have seen since the Josh Whedon show Firefly. As much as people thinks worlds of Star Trek or Mass Effect thinking there is alien life. Both worlds of Firefly and Cowboy Bebop are way more realistic. Thinking yeah humans are eventually going to use up all the world and something our governments or world would do to survive the end of days on earth.

So understand Cowboy Bebop you first have to understand the characters of the show. The show is not about the story of trying to stop somebody it’s about characters life’s and their back-story. That is what makes the show awesome it doesn’t get dragged down by the story of the show.

There are 5 characters in this show. First we have Spike the ultimate bad-ass of the show he used to be part of a criminal gang kind of similar way operated like the Chinese triads. Spike who trained to in martial arts to be ultimate killer. His story is what really wraps up the whole show. Next you have Jet the owner of the Bebop had people like spike to help him with the whole Bounty Hunter gig. Next you have the dog Ein a dog they had gotten during a job that had failed so they kept dog on the ship later became pretty close to Faye and Ed. Next Faye a ghost from the past as she said. Lived in early 2000’s so i guess during our time. She was in a space accident they stored her body away so that one day in future they could fix her when technology one day caught up. Her story is the most depressing of all the characters in the show because she has no memory of the past. Ed is a kid from earth who is a genius who makes deal with Faye to let her join the Bebop when Faye tries to cut dead she hacked the Bebop bring it back to earth. Then Spike makes quote Jet i told you when i join there is 3 things i hate kids, animals, and girls with attitude problems. These characters make the show really awesome.

The show 26 episodes 25 for last 2 episodes are the finale. One good thing about this show is there is hardly no filler. I hate filler ever since Naruto 100 episodes of filler after Sasuke arc. But really as i said earlier the show is mainly about the characters. You had episodes dealing with characters back-story. Spike’s back-story episodes were of him looking for his ex- girlfriend Julia also is confrontation’s with Vicious. Really you could say Vicious is the main antagonist of the show. One of faults of Cowboy Bebop is when focusing on the story Vicious is a really weak Villain. Though not really explained in the show but him and spike were pretty much Brothers fighting side by side looking after each others backs. The flashbacks of Jet is another thing i did not like of the show. Now i like Jet but i felt his flashbacks were a little weak. First was the flashback of him and his old girlfriend. Then working with his old partner and how he lost his arm. I’ll give it credit though the last Jet flash back episode was good. The Faye flashback was in my opinion some of the best part of the show. It’s kind of like in Borne Identity where Jason Borne had no idea who he was or what of his past life. That is the same feeling you get out of Faye story. You have no idea. She wakes up with someone of the goverment or the agencie calls her Sleeping Beautity. She also has a bit of gambling problem kind of like Tsunade in Naruto. She is good character. The final character a girl called Ed. Why is she called Ed no one really knows. She is a genius helps the Bebop crew hack their way and find information about somebody. She also uses everything with her feet. She so crazy but you just can’t help to love her.

Episodes other than the flashback episodes its like Firefly they have a job to get done their going to get it done. Though it seems that most time they don’t get job done fullfilling a moral code. Like one my favoirte episodes guy built all the space relays to go from one planet to the next. The guy plays chess and pretty much had gone insane. But played with Ed for like 3 or 4 days wearing her out he eventually passing away. But jet instead of asking a reward for finding the old man to just leave them alone. Showing a moral code. The episodes also reflect a lot of politicial things to. Like religion, and other controlversal things. One episode a jet episode where he narrates it like a 1950’s cop show where he talks about whats is going on. Cool thing about each episode it is diffirent from each other. You could randomly pick episode out get a completely different experience from it. Other episodes are just plain out hilarious. Episode with Ed and mushrooms was funny cause you see 3 characters hallucinating. Spike walking up a stair case at the bridge of ship forever it’s like this is never going end. The funniest episode was the Andy episode. Andy is cowboy just like spike but its a little for literal to the fact he is a cowboy he dresses like one he even rides horse which is funny. He goes after spike every time saying i just go for that gut instinct. You always knew Andy was coming you hear the whistling. Funny parts where he takes the horse into a elevator im like how that fit in the horse into the elevator then the horse riding up elevator to top floor to pick Andy up. One of the funnier quotes was horse great companion and can play great game of chess some guy says horse can”t chess andy says or can they. Such awesome character.

One more awesome thing about the show is the music is awesome. First the intro is the best intro to any show of all time. Next you have great music throughout the whole show.

Now let’s get to the ending. Now going into it now when i started this show all i heard was that the ending was terrible yes Jordan I’m talking about you. But actually i thought it was good. Spike throughout the whole show did not care if he lived or died for he died before. Saying whatever happens, happens. Spike telling people like Faye that your past does not matter all matters is your present. Spike could not live those words. One thing i saw is sometime you cannot run away from your past. The past catches up to you eventually. In the end Julia is killed saying to Spike was this a dream. To understand that i guess i would have to read the Manga. But in end spike asks for food from Jet then him and Faye having argument about his decision he goes to fight Vicious one last time. In end they both die. Really it is the only way the show could have ended sure they all could be back on bebop but sometimes you cannot run away from your past.

In end Cowboy Bebop is remembered as the greatest anime of all time. The budget they had just show’s you can make anything awesome if the material Is there then anything can be done. Good series.

Thanks for reading for more reviews of anything i see be posted on Andrewfist21blogs. For more updates check out my twitter account. @andrewfist02