Category Archives: Books

Star Wars A New Dawn Review

Star Wars A New Daw

We got the first book of the new star wars book which are officially canon also got this book done a week before rebels starts lets go.

Star Wars A New Dawn. So this book takes place around the time of the show rebels is coming out i can assume. It didn’t flat out say. But if you did not know this book plays out to be a prequel to the new disney animated show Star Wars Rebels. And was this book good? Yeah it was good. The book starts Kanan. He is what i like to call a cowboy jedi. He is not a Jedi in the traditional way of people like Obi Wan or Mace Windu. If you take Han Solo from Episode 4 but make him a jedi to get Kanan. Kanan was a padawan when order 66 went down he ran, and has been running ever since. He takes odd jobs make some money and drinks a lot. Mainly he believes the force has cause him nothing but trouble. But trouble finds him in a pilot named Hera. Hera is cool character. She is trying to start a revolution. This book also has a great villain of Count Vividan. He is a business man who works for the empire. He was very cold and calculated. Also book ties very well in the end of Revenge of the sith and the clone wars. The first third of this book its pretty slow but it picks up in 2nd part and just a awesome book.

Star Wars a new dawn is a great book. It set up the characters of Hera and Kanan well. Really looking forward to Rebels. I give Star Wars A New Dawn a 4.5/5.0.

Have you read a new dawn and what were your thoughts. Comment below let me know. And the next book i read is the latest Dragon Age Book that might take a bit to read. If you like what you read click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Star Wars Annihilation Review

Star Wars Annihilation

Been a month or so since my last book review but lets talk about the last Drew Karphysyn star wars book.

Star Wars Annihilation. So this book was pretty awesome. First this book takes place after the events of the Old Republic MMO game. By that there are small mentions to certain events that happen from the Old Republic game. Like the Emperor is dead, also that Imperial Intelligence was no more. Stuff that happens in the SWTOR class missions. So cool set after those events. Anyways this book is about a guy called Threon Shan. He is the son of Satele Shan the grandmaster of the Jedi order. But also he is a descendant of Darth Revan. But he did not inherit the force but just because he doesn’t have the force doesn’t mean he will do nothing while evil threatens the galaxy. He’s a spy for the republic secret service. He becomes part of a taskforce to take down the empires greatest battle cruiser. Whats cool about Threon he cares about the republic but also has those Han Solo moments. This book story is pretty cool too. You have cool bad guys. Darth Karrid a sith lord a member of the dark council who used to be a Jedi but turned to the dark side.

In end Annihilation is another great star wars book. Its got the same cool feels you get from the old republic. But also got cool characters that remind me of Han. I give Annihilation a 4.4/5.0

So have you read Annihilation and what were your thoughts. Comment below let me know. Also little side note. Today bought the newest Star Wars Book A New Dawn. And for people who don’t know this is the first book in canon. Which means that every star wars book, video game, and comic actually happens. Also A New Dawn is a prequel to the new Rebels show coming out well in about a month. I will try and have the book done before Rebels comes out. Well instead of my usual send off. I’ll just say. May the force be with you.


Star Wars Darth Plagueis Review

Star Wars Darth Plagueis

Have you ever heard the story of Darth Plagueis the wise.

Darth Plagueis. Alright this is a book set about 30 years before the events of Star Wars Episode 1 Phantom Menace. And was this book good? Yeah it was so good. So this book is about Darth Plagueis this guy is a Mun. The mun’s are banking species. They believe in getting their investments payed for. And Plagueis used that philosophy when dealing with the force. Then he meets Palpatine and begins training him in the dark side. It was so cool to see these 2 work together. One thing that makes it even cooler is that Palpatine was breaking the rule of 2 during episode 1. One thing i loved was that how much it connected to the other star wars books and the movies. You had connections to Darth Bane trilogy talking about Russan Reforms to not build armies, the whole not building a army. But also connected to the Darth Maul books, also connected to Star Wars Legacy book which talks about Kamino Ko Sai a scientist. Also such a great plan. The Grand Plan to finally revealed their selves to the jedi to at last have revenge. This is a must read book to any star wars fans. If you hated Star Wars Episode 1 this book makes it actually watchable now. I kinda of want to watch again see if i like any better after reading plagueis.

So Darth Plagueis was another awesome star wars book. I recommend reading it even if you don’t like reading i recommend reading this its legendary. I give Star Wars Darth Plaguies a 5.0/5.0. 

Have you read Darth Plagueis and what were your thoughts. Comment below tell me below. Did you like what you read. Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Star Wars: Darth Bane: Dynasty of Evil Review

Star Wars Darth Bane Dynasty of Evil

A end to a awesome book trilogy.

So this book takes place 10 years after the events of the second book the rule of two. We see that Bane is sick of Zannah not wanting to kill him. So Bane goes searching after a forgotten sith lord who was the closest sith lord to come close to being immortal. Zannah plans on killing Bane but sees the immortal technique as way to go against his rule of 2. Love how both make plans to take each other out. Also see the new sith lord to continue the sith legacy.

Loved this book but really loved this trilogy of books. I give Star Wars Darth Bane Dynasty of Evil a 4.7/5.0.

Have you read Darth Bane Dynasty of Evil comment below let me know your thoughts. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Star Wars: Darth Bane: Rule of Two Review

Star Wars Darth Bane Rule of two

So got another book of The Darth Bane trilogy lets talk about it.

Darth Bane Rule of Two. Rule of two takes place shortly after the events of the last book. We meet the apprentice Zannah. She is pretty awesome. You meet her when she is a little girl like 10 years old. Bane tells her that one day we will fight and then one of us is going to die. What i liked about this book is we get some of strategy of sith. Bane inherited a lot of money from Brotherhood so create’s a spy network like Varys little birds in Game of Thrones. But Bane has Zannah to fund sepertist movements. For when things happen the jedi are sent out to deal with keeping the attention away from the sith. There is also another character a young Jedi who is not convinced the sith have been wiped out. This was great book saw the beginning of a 1000 year plan to take down the jedi. Also see Rule of Two working to its finest.

Darth Bane Rule of Two was good i liked the first book, but like now Rule of two is not just a idea its actually being used. I give Star Wars Darth Bane Rule of Two a 4.7/5.0.

Have you read Darth Bane Rule of Two and what was your thoughts. Comment below tell me below. Did you like what you read well click that like button then while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Star Wars Darth Bane: Path of Destruction Review

Star WarsDarth Bane Path of Destruction

Two there should be; no more no less. One to embody the power, and the other to crave it. Darth Bane.

Wow what a great book. Darth Bane Path of Destruction is the first book of a trilogy in the star wars universe. You ever wonder why are there only two siths? Why don’t they have a army like the Jedi. This explains. Story was so well done. Bane was a miner who joined the Brotherhood of Darkness as way to get away from the republic. Then learns he is force sensitive. Then begins training to become a sith lord. But he is not just a average lord. He studies the sith archives in Korriaban to improve himself. Learning that the Brotherhood of Darkness were not true sith. Then he finds a sith holocron of Darth Revan telling that anyone who trains more than one apprentice is a fool. That they will just turn on each other. Which Bane realizes that there should be only 2 sith. The master and the apprentice. One to embody the body to represent the sith, while the  apprentice learns from the master. When the day the apprentice can overpower the master and can no longer learn then he becomes the next lord of the sith and take a apprentice.

What i love about this book it goes into the whole mythology of Star Wars. But not just that its the bridge in between Knights of the Old Republic games to the Lucas Star Wars movies. Thats what i loved about it. Loved that Bane learned from Darth Revan. Just a great book.

So this book had great story, great characters, Drew Karpyshyn does another star wars book justice. I give Star Wars Darth Bane Path of Destruction a 5.0/5.0. Looking forward to the next book the rule of two.

Have you read Star Wars Darth Bane Path of Destruction and what was your thoughts. Comment below tell me what you think? Did you like what you read. Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Fevre Dream Review

Fevre Dream

The writer of the books Game of Thrones writes a vampire book what could possibly go wrong.

Fevre Dream. Is a historical fantasy book. It is set in the 1858-1874. Most of the book takes place during the time of 1858. Its about this guy called Captain Marsh. He’s a steamboat captain and meets this strange guy called Joshua York. He gives him a lot of money to become partners and build the best steamboat in world. Hince the name Fevre Dream. The book is very similar to Game of Thrones books for it takes place through the 2 main humans. I say about 80% of the book takes place with Marsh. While 20% takes place by this guy called Sour Billy someone working with the antagonist of the book. Was this book good? Yeah. It was such good story. I would love to see this adapted into a movie. I mean i could really see it with Game of Thrones doing so well it won’t suprise me if people look into his other books he wrote and do this into a movie. It gives a fresh view of vampires. Also dealing with a lot of stuff out of history. Characters were really cool and being on Steamboat was pretty cool. Marsh and York though are two different people are more a like than you would think. Marsh wants to beat the steamboat eclipse in race. While York wants whats good for his people.

Fevre dream had great characters, great story, also love boat Fevre Dream. I give Fevre Dream a 4.8/5.0. 

Have you read Fevre Dream and what did you think about it. Comment below tell me you thought. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Dragon Age The Masked Empire Review

Dragon Age The Masked Empire

The 4th Dragon Age book. Lets talk about The Masked Empire.

The Masked Empire. The Masked Empire takes places around same time as the 3rd Dragon Age Book Asunder. So takes place a year after events of Dragon Age 2. Book stars Celene. She is the empress of Orlais. And reading this book you kind of get the Orleasian a little more. One thing i really enjoy about the game. The game is the way the nobles play. All the noble orleasians wear a mask and all servants wear that same kind of mask. Also we see some characters from the games. You see Lelliana she is working for the divine their talking about the mages and how the chantry is not doing a good job. Also have Bann Teagan show up.

I have to say i really enjoy this book. Mainly getting into it i knew there would a civil war for it was talked about a little in 3rd book. But in this one you get more behind it. The antagonist Gaspard is wanting to take the throne to return Orlais back to tradition to get territory they lost like Ferelden. While Celene is trying make people smarter by building university’s. But that’s not all is going on. Elves. By end of book we see Celenes servant fighting for freedom for elves which was something coming since we first played Dragon Age origins.

If you like the Dragon Age universe and need something to hold you over till the 4th book that comes out this fall then check out Dragon Age The Masked Empire. Also help show more of world you will be playing in Dragon Age Inquisition. I give Dragon Age The Masked Empire a 4.5/5.

Have you read Dragon Age The Masked Empire and what are your thoughts. Comment below tell me what you think. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Star Wars Revan Review

Star Wars Revan

Alright just finished book i have been reading for around 4 months. Some might think that’s a while but what i do with books is i read before i go to class and sometimes go outside and read now its warm i should be able read a little more. But hey first book review lets talk about Star Wars Revan.

Star Wars Revan is a book that takes place during the time span of the old republic. The book is split into 2 half’s. First half takes place 2 years after the first Knights of the old republic. Revan has been getting flashbacks of the memories during the mandolorian war and fears something is still after there. So gets his mandolorian friend Canderous Ordo who you see become Mandolore that was pretty cool in the book. It was really interesting to see how you learn the sith had manipulated the mandolorians to invade the republic so the sith can see how strong they are. Then learn that Revan and Malek turned to dark side due to this sith emperor. Book also takes place with character known as Lord Scourge he is a sith. Who learns what the emperor has done and wants to stop him. Not because of he’s good or anything but its all due to self preservation. Thats one thing i really enjoyed was Revan wants to stop the emperor due to him want to protect the universe for his son, but also you see sith point view how people with common goals can put away their differences and work together. The book the part 2 of the book takes place sometime after Knights of the old republic 2. Lets be honest i haven’t really played kotor 2, all i heard it wasn’t that good. But i liked this book how it tied both games together then pushed us into the MMO The Old Republic.

I really enjoyed this book, if you are looking for a sequel to the KOTOR games then this is what you should read. Revan book does a good job of not just finishing out the 2 games but helps lead into the SWTOR game. Also book by the end ties into the Jedi Knight story from the old republic game. So check this book out. I give Star Wars Revan a 4.7.

Have you read Star Wars Revan if have comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read well click that like button then that follow button to stay up to date with the latest review. Thanks for reading.