Category Archives: Movie News

DC Movies Announced Officially

Alright so we got confirmation of D.C Movies till 2020 lets talk about them.

-Batman V Superman. 3/25/16

Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice


Yes this has been annoucned for a while but its still exciting. This is the movie that will start it all. Also introducing characters like wonder woman, cyborg, aqua man.

-Suicide Squad. 8/5/16

Suicide Squad

Your probally think what is that. Well we all thought the same when we heard about Guardians of the Galaxy. Suicide Squad is bunch of super villains that are in prison and work for Amanda Waller the head of Argus which is pretty much a much more end justify means version of shield. They put bombs on suicide squad members making do the jobs or they blow up. I think this could be a very cool movie because it is something so different.

-Wonder Woman. 6/23/17

Wonder Woman

If this movie is done right it could be really awesome. Wonder Woman really is the first female superhero movie dc trying to beat marvel to the punch. Wonder Woman deals with Greek mythology. She is amazonian princess and the daughter of zeus. This could be really awesome.

-Justice League Pt.1. 11/17/17

Justice League

A movie i have been waiting for since i saw the animated show when i was kid. Also hearing who the villain is Braniac which sounds pretty awesome.

-The Flash. 3/23/18


Now Flash i’ll be intrested to see. Flash has already been cast no idea who he is. But be looking forward to this.

-Aquaman. 7/27/18

Jason Momoa is Aqua Man

We’ve known a while that Jason Mamoa was going to be aqua man. I don’t know how intresting a aqua man movie will be but beauty is we will have seen him 3 other movies before a aquaman movie.

-Shazam. 4/5/19


A cool idea for movie. Don’t know much but be awesome.

-Justice League Part 2. 6/14/19

Justice League

We get the 2nd part only 2 years after first one.

-Cyborg. 4/3/20


This be cool. Be very different. First african american super hero that will get a movie. I like Cyborg always liked him in the justice league dc animated / teen titans show.

-Green Lantern. 6/19/20

Green Lantern

A rebooted Green Lantern movie yes please. Glad to be seeing this.

Those are all movies except for unannounced Batman movie which Ben Affleck will probably direct, and the Man of Steel sequel.

What are thoughts of this dc movie schedule. Comment below tell me what you think. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.



Captain America 3 Is Civil War

Civil War

So bit late but hey i want to talk about it.

So according to a post from Variety that Robert Downy Junior was going to be in Cap 3. I mean we knew something was up with Downy saying there is more going on in his talks with ellen and other people. Now we hear its Civil War. So what is civil war. So in comics or if you played Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 govenment is having superhero registration act making the superheroes give up secret identity and work for government. The problem with this is well there are no secret identity’s in Marvel Cinematic Universe. Everyone knows who Iron man is, everyone knows who Captain America is. But what i think will go down this is just pure speculation. We know Stark builds Ultron and Ultron tries to destroy the world. The government says people like Stark, Banner they are too dangerous so the government will make the superheroes work for the government. Iron Man will side with the government and Cap will go against for he believes in the american dream even if that means going against the Americans. Which is cool cause then that means that where you think the two heroes would be is reversed. I do not think Avengers 3 will be civil war as well though. I think in Avengers 3 Thanos will show up which will cause both sides to work together to stop thanos. Anyway this is exciting i was wondering where phase 3 would go looks like its going to a awesome direction.

Have you heard the news of Civil War. What are your thoughts? Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Joaquin Phoenix as Doctor Strange Rumor

Joaquin Phenix as Doctor Strange

Been while since i have done a movie news post so lets talk about this strange report. Ha get it.

So for the past few months there been rumors of 3 guys being up for the role of Doctor Strange. Bennedict Cumberbatch, Tom Hardy, and Joaquin Phoenix. But from this it looks like Marvel has been throwing fake leaks and the only one they want is Joaquin Phoenix. And i have to say I like this casting. It just goes to show Marvel studios is going after the very best to keep this marvel machine going. I mean this is great casting choice. When Joaquin Phoenix is on his game no one in the industry can touch him. If don’t know much about him check out Gladiator or Walk the Line he is great in those movies. Also heard he was great in last years Her. Think this great addition to marvel super hero movies. No we just need a female superhero movie from Marvel and I’ll be really impressed.

So this Joaquin Phoenix being Doctor Strange do you buy it and do you want to see this happen. Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read. Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Jason Momoa to play Aqua Man

Jason Momoa is Aqua Man

So some big news in world of Justice League.

So if your anybody we have all made fun of Aqua Man. I mean what does he do all day fight sharks. So the way Warner Brothers have gone about and cast this movie is absolutely perfect. If you make a Aqua Man movie and its freaking amazing where it completely destroys all those thoughts about Aqua Man. Making him a true badass then people will love this. And they got the right guy. I have only seen him in one thing and that was Khal Drogo. He was awesome though he did not talk much so don’t know how feel about him as a actor but him as a strong guy who can be awesome i feel good about it.

So what are your thoughts. Comment below tell me what you think. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.

Star Wars Episode 7 New Cast Details

Star Wars Episode 7

So got some new casting information today.

First we have Lupita Nyong’o in it. First reaction is that is awesome. She is a great actor. I have only seen her in 1 movie and that was 12 years a slave. She did such a great job in that movie. Don’t know what she is playing but i like the idea of her playing the female cyborg sith that was in the legacy books i feel she could that character awesome. Then there is the other Gwendoline Christie being in the movie. Who is that; its Brieane of Tarth you know the badass girl in game of thrones. First off whoever is casting this movie is doing a great job when i hear news like this it gets me more excited.

So what are your thoughts of new cast hopefully with this cast it will shut up all the feminist people. Comment below tell me what you think. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Gareth Edwards directing first Star Wars Spin Off in 2016

Gareth Edwards

So big news came out today that Gareth Edwards will be directing the first star wars spin off.

So your asking who is Gareth Edwards. Well he just did this movie you may not have heard of it… Godzilla. I really enjoyed Godzilla. Sure there were problems with the movie but i enjoyed the storytelling of Godzilla. So the question is what story is he doing. With all his work in Godzilla and his indie movie Monsters it wouldn’t surprised me if he was doing the Master Yoda movie. But probably he would be doing a Boba Fett movie which something i have been looking forward to since Disney bought Lucas arts. All in All i like this news. A good upcoming director just shows that Disney knows what their doing.

Have you heard the news of Gareth Edwards directing the first spin off do you like it also what other directors do you want to direct star wars me personally i would like to see Matthew Vaughn direct a star wars movie. Comment below tell me what you think. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice

Batman v Superman Dawn of Justice

So we got the title confirmation of the new man of steel movie lets talk about it.

So title. Is it good. Sure. I think it just confirms everything we have heard with all the casting. For me i think the title should of been just Batman vs Superman. Oh well Dawn of Justice which is now setting up to be just before the Justice League. There have been rumors of them filming this and justice league back to back so like in 2016 we’ll have this then in 2017 Justice League which will be awesome. If i would of chose a title it would been Man of Steel 2: The Dark Knight Returns. Don’t know like that better or could gone with The Worlds Finest but their not going with that storyline. And Batman will most likely be  in the role of a villian which I can’t wait to see. Its going be awesome. Though there are plenty of movies till then to hold my excitement.

So have you heard the news of the new title to Batman v Superman what are your thoughts comment below tell me what you think. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Revolution Canceled

Revolution Season 2

Revolution is wait for it canceled.

Sad day i really enjoyed Revolution. I felt that season 2 was a lot  better than season 1. Can’t say I’m really that surprised. One thing that might happen that it could get picked up by Netflix like that other NBC show that got picked up.

So are you sad Revolution got canceled. This cancellation makes sense while Almost Human was a really good show a deserved to come back. Comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read well click that like button then click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Power Rangers Movie Franchised Reboot

Power Rangers]

So guessed what i heard today. Thats right a power ranger movie.

So a reboot or a reimagined look of the power ranger movie. Now back in day i love me some power rangers. The first Power ranger movie i realized how bad it is today but still i love the movie. Its a guilty pleasure of mine. Cause i kind of grew up watching power rangers. Lionsgate wants to do it. Their realizing their running of things to make movies. With Hunger Games almost coming to a end, Who knows this could be big thing in couple years with total reimagine look at the new power rangers. Bottom line I’ll watch it hopefully there is no stupid love story like other movies that are ruin by it.

Have you heard the news of the new power ranger movie and do you want to see it. Did you like what you read well click that like button while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest review. Thanks for reading.


Star Wars Episode 7 Title Rumor

Star Wars Episode 7

So been rumored we have a title to new star wars movie lets talk about it.

So the title of new movie apparently is going be called The Ancient Fear. Whats the Ancient Fear. Well the obvious answer is the Sith. Sith will return in next movie. Course with cast just getting announced last week who knows who’s going play. People think Max von is going be sith lord. I don’t think so. My guess is he is going be Moff similar to Tarkin in episode iv. I think its good title for new movies. Good place to start.

Have you heard news what are your thoughts. Comment below tell me below. Did you like what you read well click that like button then while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.