Category Archives: movies

Star Wars Episode VII The Force Awakens Plot Speculation

Being inspired by what Animepunk2103 I’m doing what i think the plot will be.

Star Wars

After the destruction of the 2nd death star the empire fell into disarray infighting within the once great empire without the leadership of Emperor Palpatine a schism happened in the empire. The Rebellion was reorganized in the New Republic being led by Mon Motha, Admiral Ackhbar, and Princess Leia who married Han Solo. Which they had two kids a boy and daughter. Both kids were force sensative taught at a young age about the force but the boy had other ideas. He heard the story of his grandfather Anakin Skywalker otherwise known as Darth Vader and became obsessed with him. He would join the order of ren a order which was a sith cult that were trying to become sith themselves by gather artifacts. In order to join this order the boy must cut off all ties to his family and left and became Kylo Ren. The girl would leave as well for she had inherited her fathers engineering skill and wanted to get away.


Eventually Kylo Ren would leave the order of ren and work with the first order a remanant of the empire. But unknown to them they were being hunted by a Captain Phasma who is part of another order that has been at war with the first order.


Now Kylo Ren is hunting his former sister who has obtained a staff a staff which holds sith power as once belonged to the emperors master Darth Plaguies hiding out on the planet Jakku. Where a team of first order of stormtroopers are sent to take back the staff but their destroyed by captain Phasma order. Making one storm trooper(John Boyega) to quit and join with the girl to find her Uncle Luke. Leia will also give the former stormtrooper her grandfathers lightsaber. Also Han will help with help from a resistance x wing fighter to understand their place in the galaxy.

The movie will end with Han sacrificing his life to hold back the first order but forcing Chewbacca to stay with his daughter. The movie will end with Kylo Ren beginning the Sith again with the Sith Army.

Those are my thoughts so hope you enjoyed them.

The Finale

Hey guys so as you may have noticed i have not been active on this page in over a month or so well i haven’t quit well i have in a way let me explained. I have enjoyed writing reviews here its been quite legendary if i may say so myself but i feel its time for a change. For past 3 months i have started a youtube page called darth easy where i do pretty much what i did here. Have to say i liked it better its a step up. I enjoyed writting reviews here but its time for a change. If you want to go my youtube page and subscribe here is the link

Thanks to all who follow this blog past year or 2 its been a blast. Now as always its been legendary and Thanks for reading.

Andrewfist Blog

Nightcrawler Review


What a movie it just creeped me out which is something awesome.

Nightcrawler. Alright so Nightcrawler is movie staring Jake Gyllenhaal. And i will go into prediction mode he will be nominated for a Oscar if not the academy has something wrong with them. Movie is pretty much his character can’t get a job till he learns about freelance filming and he turns out to be real good at it. What is great is Jake Gyllenhaal you don’t see him once this entire movie he becomes this roll. Now only gripe i can say about this movie is that the supporting cast was a little weak. But you go into this movie to see how crazy his character is.

In end Nightcrawler was a great movie. Had great camera work, acting was great, oscar nom for Gyllenhaal. And Nightcrawler is Legendary. 

Have you seen Nightcrawler if have comment below let me know. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.l


John Wick Review

John Wick

A awesome action movie with Keanu Reeves lets talk about it.

John Wick. John Wick is movie staring Keanu Reeves. The movie pretty much is badass action movie. John Wick is a former assassin or something who worked for Russian mafia or something. The basic premise of this movie is that they kill his dog and he goes to kill everybody. Now sounds stupid but it was just a fun action movie. The guy who directed this movie was the stuntman of the matrix. Apparently the action they call gun-fu. The acting in this movie was pretty terrible. But you go into this movie for fun time.

In end John Wick was a fun movie. It had great action, great pop corn movie. I say John Wick Is Worth Seeing In Theathers. 

Have you seen John Wick if have comment below let me know. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Boyhood Review


A movie that took 12 years to make don’t worry it won’t take me 12 years to write this review.

Boyhood. Alright so Boyhood is moving staring well that’s the thing. I’m not really familiar with either the actors, or the director of the movie. That being said this movie is really well done. What this movie is about a guy called Mason Jr who is a kid in Texas and his family who must deal with life. Your probably thinking to yourself I’ve seen this before. You have but not like this. Whats awesome about this movie is that they started to film this movie back in 2002. Lets think about this i was 11 when they started making this movie. Like its cool to see what was in and what boys liked. Like when movie starts he has Dragon Ball Z sheets and watching DBZ. To later having conversations about star wars. What puts this movie great is each scene of the movie the actors have changed. By getting older where their look is completely different each scene. Which i think makes this movie brilliant. The message of this movie is great. Whole point is people live their lives for the big moments you know carpe dium what Robin Williams taught us. But really life is a moment and we have to live it.

In end Boyhood is a great movie. It has great acting, its not a typical family movie, shot great. And Boyhood is Legendary.

Have you seen Boyhood and what did you think. Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Fury Review


So we got a new world war 2 movie lets talk about it.

Fury. So Fury is movie staring Brad Pitt, Shila LeBeouf, and bunch of other guys. This was a awesome movie. The premise of the movie is America is on the last stretch of war on the Europe front.  First off the cast to this movie is awesome. Everyone is great. I think one of the best performance is Shila Lebeouf yeah he is not great guy but he is great actor. Also guy who played Shane from walking dead was great. What was cool also terrible was this crew they were not good guys. Course you can get how they turned out this way. They been fighting ever since Africa and war changes man. What this movie does i think it shows you the ugly part of war its not glorious it sucks. One thing i really liked was the tank battles. I never realized there was such strategy when it came to tanks.

In end Fury is a awesome movie. It has great action, all the acting in this movie is great, the message of just how ugly war is does great job. And Fury is Legendary.

Have you seen Fury. If have comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


The Judge Review

The Judge

Time for a courtroom drama can you handle this review. CAN YOU.

The Judge. The Judge is movie staring Robert Downey Jr and Robert Duvall. Is this movie good? Its alright. Okay so this movie stars Downys character he is a hot shot defense attorney from a big town like chicago or some town in indiana. He learns his mother died so he returns home to attend the funeral. Then shortly afterwards his father is suspected of murder.  Downy must put down their past and see him as nothing more than a client. I really liked this movie. First off the acting in this movie is great; Downy and Duvall have great chemistry together. But also the entire supporting cast is great in this movie as well. Also the girl who plays his daughter i thought did a great job. One thing i was dissapointed was movie became more of a family drama. Where the trailer promised more for court room drama. Thats what i was hoping for. But i still really enjoyed this movie. Only thing i would cut would be the daughter to blond woman. Felt if cut that from the movie it wouden’t change the outcome at all.

In the end The Judge was a alright movie. It had great cast, awesome preformance from Downy and Duvall. I say The Judge Is Worth Seeing in Theathers. 

Have you seen judge and what were your thoughts. Comment below let me know. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Gone Girl Review

Gone Girl

Oscar season is here.

Gone Girl. Alright so Gone Girl is a movie directed by David Fincher staring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike. And guys this movie was awesome. The basic premise of this movie is that Ben Affleck wife goes missing and they all thought he killed her. At first a simple plot but as the movie goes on it gets more awesome. The acting in this movie is incredible. First Affleck is great anyone worried about him being Batman i’ll tell you know don’t worry he is going be great. But the person who stole the show was Rosamund Pike she was the best part of this movie. I will be shocked if she does not get nominated for a Oscar for this movie. Also the supporting cast was good. Tyler Perry was good that’s something i wasn’t expecting. NPH i felt was miscasted. Another person i think who stole the show was the sister. The sister is in the show of Leftovers and she is great in that as well. Also movie has great message about the media where the media goes on these witch hunts. I like how fincher did that with showing people don’t form opinion based on what people tell you form your own.

In end great movie. Great acting, a great story, only problem i had was the ending. And Gone Girl is Legendary.

Have you seen Gone Girl and if have comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Se7en Review



Se7en. So lately been watching movies i have never seen before. I created a list of movies I’ve heard are good and slowly watching them. And with David Finchers Gone Girl coming out this week i decided to go with the iconic Se7en movie. So this movie stars Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman. This movie was awesome. The story about the movie is of a serial killer is around and he is killing people based off the seven deadly sins. Morgan Freeman’s character is getting ready to retire and bring in Brad Pitt’s character he’s the rookie detective. Now this movie is pretty awesome. Its not just the tense thriller. Its the dialogue in the movie. Just when Pitt and Freeman’s character are talking its awesome. But movie has got its messages. Talking about the crappy town they live in. Talking about how life sucks or whatever. Also Kevin Spacey as Jon Doe was great. The ending to this movie is legendary. Whats in the box.

In end a great movie. It has great acting from everybody, great directing by Fincher, and just a awesome movie. And Se7en is Legendary.

Have you seen Se7en and if have comment below let me know. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Hot Fuzz Review

Hot Fuzz

Finally got around to see this. Lets talk about it.

Hot Fuzz. Alright so Hot Fuzz movie stars Simon Pegg and Nick Frost and directed by Edgar Wright. Is this movie good? Yeah it was awesome. Brought to you by same people who did Shaun of the dead and The World’s End. First off the humor in this movie is pretty awesome. Also the action is great as well. Also acting from Simon Pegg is great as well as Nick Frost. The ending is great when everyone turns out to have a guns just a bloody gun fight.

In end great movie. Has great humor, great action, awesome acting. I say Hot Fuzz is Legendary.

Have you seen Hot Fuzz if have comment below let me know. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.