Category Archives: 2013

12 Years a Slave Review

12 Years of Slave

So taking a American history class teacher offers extra credit if go see it at the foreign film thing. So here we are; though the weird thing is the class is American history after 1865 slavery was before 1865 so bit odd but hey never say no to extra credit am i right.

12 years a slave is a awesome movie. 12 Years a slave takes place in 1840 something to 1850 something but its about the main guy who the only things i have seen him in was 2012 and Serenity. So on that level he is about average but let me tell you he was awesome in this movie. He’s a violin star he goes to places and plays his violin for people to do the waltz well he gets betrayed and sold into slavery and we have our movie.

This movie is a hard watch for anybody. But really a hard watch for any American or anybody. When watch movie you go somewhere else in time or another world but here this is world that actually existed. Defiantly a dark time in our history.

The cast was awesome. The slave girl don’t know her name but she did a awesome job. But really i think the best one was Michael Fassbender he was so good in this movie. When a villain can make me hate you during the movie then he did a great job. Similar to the guy who plays Joffrey they play characters who are nothing like themselves and just nail their role. Also Benedict Cumberbatch was in movie. One thing made me mad was not about the movie but before you had person for black history month she said Cumberbatch’s name wrong i was like NO don’t you dare mis say his name. But he nailed a southern accent which i found very interesting. Cause you all seen Sherlock or even his latest movies of the hobbit and star trek he has that British accents just shows me the range he has of a actor. Also Brad Pitt was in movie and he did good as well.

In end 12 Years a slave was a awesome movie. Had great cast, really cast is what made the movie, also how powerfully emotional this movie can make you feel that a world like this actually existed. And 12 years a Slave is Legendary.

Have you seen 12 Years a Slave did you like it comment below tell me your thoughts or tweet out with #andrewfistblog. Did you like what you read if so click that like button then that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.

Now You See Me Review

Now You See Me

Now you see this review.

Okay this movie is about these 4 magicians work for somebody to rob banks. I have to say i really enjoy this movie. Movie has a great cast. Got Eisenberg, Harelson, and 2 other characters i don’t know their name. But their known as the 4 horsemen and their rockstars they own the magic world. You also have Mark Ruffalo playing the FBI agent trying to take down the horsemen. Also had Alfred and Morgan Freeman in the movie. Morgan freeman’s role in movie was funny he was a consulting magician which i thought was hilarious. How did they get the heist done uh magic duh. The end of this movie is really stupid kind of took me away from the movie.

In the end this movie had good cast, heist was fun, and who dosen’t like magic tricks. I say Now You See Me is worth seeing in theaters.

Have you seen Now You See Me if have comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and also the follow button to stay up to date with the latest review. Thanks for reading.


The Wolf of Wall Street Review

The Wolf of Wall Street

The movie finally decided to come to my local theater. I was going to see the lone survivor but saw this was going be on so won’t being seeing lone survivor but heres my review of the wolf of wall street.

The wolf of wall street is about guy name Jordan working in wall street trying to find that American dream. He gets fired works for small time stock brokers where he gets 50% of the profits. And that’s the movie. One of things i like he does he starts by getting people who could sale anything. For instance a recruitment thing from the beginning was sell me this pen. Really he is a great salesman. Really if im comparing him to is Walter White from Breaking Bad. The guy starts out this ok guy from good family eventually turning to dark person. Leonardo i believe this is best acting i have seen in movie. I used not be a big fan of him but ever since inception i like what he has done. Also you have Jonnah Hill. Jonah hill reminds me of his role in moneyball being the right hand man of brad Pitt this time Leo. Also there is a lot of nudity in movie if your not a fan of nudity in a movie this is probably not the movie for you. But lucky for me Game of Thrones has trained me to watch and not care about it. Also its a 3 hour movie long but still awesome.

But really there’s bunch of good cameo actors. Like you have Shane from the walking dead, the mother from how i met your mother, and also have iron mans body guard. Also we have Matthew McConaughey in movie. Hes in it but really hes only in the movie for 10 minutes. But he was awesome in the movie as well.

In end this was a great movie, had great comedy, great comedy, just awesome characters. And the Wolf on Wall Street is Legendary.

Have you seen the wolf of wall street if have comment below tell me what you thought. Did you like what you read is so click that like button and click that follow button. Thanks for reading.

Frozen Review


A bit late but hey better late than never. Since i won’t being seeing any movies untill maybe I, Frankenstein I’ll be reviewing some older movies that i haven’t seen so lets talk about Frozen.

Frozen well its about the Ice queen. Now most people usually call women this being their such a ice queen. But this translation of the ice queen its shes been misunderstood. Movie  is she doesn’t know how to control her powers so she hid in a room pretty much her whole life. Reminds me a bit of Jean from X Men 3 where she can’t control her powers so Xavier puts mental blocks in her head so the phoenix can’t ever get out. But here they give her gloves. But movies goes she runs away and her sister has to go after her. Really movie its about these 2 sisters. It was good but then it turned great when a snowman comes to life and really is best part of movie. 1 thing i really didn’t like was the force of a villain just was not necessary.

In end Frozen was a good movie. Girls are going to love this movie it is defiantly a come back to form for Disney. But don’t feel its as good as the lion king, mulan, or Cinderella. I say Frozen is worth owning on DVD.

Have you seen Frozen if have comment below tell me what you thought. And heres a open question to comment on who is your favorite Disney Princess mine is Belle she awesome, funny and smart. Did you like what you read is so click that like button and follow this channel. Thanks for reading.

Top 10 Movies of 2013


Its that time of the year the ball drops and here is my top 10 list. Similar to my video game and T.V show list this will be a complete bias list of movies i really enjoyed. Also apologize will not be seeing The Wolf on Wall Street heard that was really good also heard 12 years a slave was really good but didn’t see them so they won’t be on this list but anyway lets talk about my top 10.

10: Anchorman 2 The Legend Continues


I really enjoyed this movie; I’m actually surprised that this was on my list. But going back i loved this movie. It had great comedy, also a good satire film which really its all about the rating not the news, the cast is awesome. Also in my opinion this is Will Ferrel best role in a movie. Great movie.

9: World War Z

World War Z

Yes this is a complete bias choice in a movie but i loved this movie. A different kind of Zombie movie cause most zombie movies the world is pretty much over and their just trying to survive in the world this one their still trying to save the world. Only negative i had really was the Zombie ladder which is still pretty stupid but a great movie. Brad Pitt does a great job in this movie.

8: 42


This was actually the first movie i had reviewed on the blog so kinda of a homecoming. But love the story of Jackie Robinson a good movie. Harrelson Ford kills it as the Dodgers owner i want to get a player with the guts not to fight back. Good movie.

7: Fast and Furious 6


This was a great movie. After 5 movies they finally found a good formula to make good action movies. Fun movie have a good villain with Shaw hate to see Paul Walker die but heard he will be in a bit of Fast 7 so be a send off to him. But great movie.

6: Thor: The Dark World

Thor the Dark World

Way better than Iron Man 3. Thor was a good movie still had Thor accepting who he is. Also had Loki in it; which is the marvels answer to the joker. You just never know what he is going to do.

5: The Worlds End

The Worlds End

Best comedy of the year. This was a hilarious movie. Had host aliens you saw in that horrible movie but made awesome in this movie. Simon Pegg was awesome in this movie he was hilarious, also had Martin Freeman in it. Another good movie these 2 have done.

4: The Wolverine

The Wolverine Review

This was a great Wolverine movie. Had Wolverine go to japan had great action, good Japaneses actors which were all awesome in it. Also had cameo for next years movie going be awesome.

3: Star Trek Into Darkness


Now this was a awesome movie. You have more tales of the enterprise this time their sent out to take down Sherlock i mean Khan. Action was good, the action was great. Only problem was i wish there was more Khan in it. Other than that legendary movie.

2: Man of Steel

Man Of Steel

Your probably thinking whoa whoa that’s too high. Too bad this is my top top ten. Loved Man of Steel such great movie. Loved the Krypton Scene, flashback scenes well just be honest loved the whole movie.

And the Winner of the Andrewfist Best film of the year goes to

1: The Hobbit The Desolation of Smaug


Yes my fan boyism is going crazy but don’t care. This was a awesome movie that i had to see it twice. It is the empire strikes back in LOTR films. Love the character, love Middle Earth just a legendary movie.

Honorable Mentions

-Just Missed Top 10: Captain Phillips, and 2 Guns

-Worst Movie: Pacific Rim

-Most Disappointed: American Hustle & Elysium

-Best Actor: Tom Hanks in Captain Phillips

-Best Female Actor: Jenefier Lawerence in American Hustle

– Best Comedy: The Worlds End

-Best Action Movie: Fast and Furious 6

-Best Super Hero Movie: The Man of Steel

-Best Science Fiction: Star Trek Into Darkness

-Best Fantasy: The Hobbit Desolation of Smaug

-Best Graphics: Gravity

-Biggest Surprise: World War Z

– Most Overrated: Gravity

-Most Underrated: The Worlds End

-Most anticipated movie of 2014: X Men Days of Future Past & Interstellar.

Well that’s my top 10. What are your top 10 movies of year. Comment me your list tell me what you thought of this years movies. Did you like what you read if so click that like button  and click the follow button to stay up to date. Thanks for making 2013 a legendary year. See ya next year. See ya in 2014.

American Hustle Review


Man December been a good month of movies probably the best month of movies this year course that’s not saying much. Lets talk about American Hustle.

American Hustle was a good movie. The director David O Russel the one who directed Silver Linnings Playbook and The Fighter. The tone of the movie felt very good, though you could feel this was a David O Russel movie by just watching it. But in no way is this as good as either Fighter or Silver Linning Playbook. Movie is about Christian Bale and Amy Adams characters their hustlers they take peoples money. But Christian Bale character loves Amy Adams character they love each other, only 1 problem with that. Bale is married to Lawrence. But their scamming money from people where they get caught by Bradley Cooper’s character who works for the FBI. He offers them a deal if they help take down 4 white collar crime people then we will let you go free. Also we get Jeremy Renner’s character. To be honest i enjoyed his character the best. He portrays a Mayor of New Jersey who is trying to rebuild the economy of state but needs help so he gets money from bale not knowing he works for the feds. Also you Louis C.K in it he is the guy Cooper works for. Also Robert D. Niro as a mafia boss only in movie once but was good the one time he was in movie.

To be honest i was kinda of dissapointed with this movie. It was funny yes but i felt a lot of the actors over acted in this movie. I felt Russel wanted each actor awesome in the movie that it wasn’t well balanced at all. Still great job by all actors like Jennifer Lawrence. Comparing her roles here and Hunger Games so different just once again shows her range as a actor.

In end American Hustle was good movie, felt a bit dissapointed but still a good time. I say American Hustle is worth seeing in theaters. Funny movie, defiantly get your money worth’s.

Have you seen American Hustle if have comment below tell me what you thought. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and click that follow button. Thanks for reading.

Anchorman 2 The Legend Continues


Actually wasn’t planing on seeing this, but my parents wanted to go to the movies and they wanted to see grudge match so i saw Anchorman 2; not that i didn’t want to go see Anchorman 2 but 2 other movies i wanted to see before this, but hey after long introduction lets talk about Anchorman 2.

Its kind of funny though i only seen Anchorman 1 last week, thought it was funny but i felt Anchorman 2 was a lot better than the previous one. First you have Han Solo fire Ron; that was funny. 3 months later guy tells Ron their starting a 24 hour news broadcast and Rons like thats the dumbest idea i have ever heard in my life but eh I’ll do it. But he can’t do it alone so he has to get the band back together. There were some funny moments. 1 was guy with cowboy hat sorry don’t know the names. But he started a chicken place but it wasn’t chicken they were bats. The chicken of the cave as he would call it. Then recruiting Brick where he thought he died but didn’t. It was hilarious then his laugh was just hilarious.

I liked the movie through the satire elements throughout the movie. The crew don’t talk about the news as Ron says People don’t want to hear what they need to hear they want to hear what they want to hear. But its not about the actual news its about the ratings. But i liked that part of the movie. Also Will Ferrel portrayal of Ron Burgandy. I’ll go on the record saying that i think him playing Ron Burgandy is the best acting job hes ever done. Also Steve Carrel playing Brick is hilarious. The thing i didn’t like about the movie was something bad happens to Ron and just goes in a direction i was like what that’s stupid. But the path they had chosen till Ron returns was just bad. Also there is another news gang battle which was awesome. Get so many guest appearance Liam Neeson, Will Smith, Tom Hanks, the wife chick from inception just hilarious.

In end Anchorman 2 was a awesome movie, a great sequel a lot better than the last one. I’ll say Anchorman 2 is worth owning on DVD.

Have you seen Anchorman 2 if have comment below tell me your thoughts of it. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and follow this channel. Thanks for reading.

Also similar to tv shows, and video games i will be doing a top 10 movies of 2013 but i have to see The Wolf on Wall Street, and American Hustle. Also Merry Christmas to all my followers and all who read through Facebook or twitter.

The Hobbit Desolation of Smaug Review


Merry late Christmas. I actually saw this movie twice once in 3d and once standard so here is my review of the hobbit the desolation of smaug.

This movie was awesome. First playing off of the last movie of the trilogy them trying to get  to the lonely mountain. Well nothing really goes right for the company. They lose their wizard for he’s off trying to save the world, they get captured by elves, and they wake up a dragon just a bad day. Movie started out with non stop action in it. First they were running through woods then they were fighting spiders. Talk about the spiders this is where Bilbo was awesome at. Course he has a invisibility cheat code and took down the spiders. There was moment where a spider almost put the ring on and he murder the crap out of it saying mine. The addiction has begun. But what this movie really highlighted at was that everybody has their ring in their life’s. For thorian it was the Arkan Stone the thing with can become the king of the dwarfs. You really felt a Aaragon syndrome which Thorin must become the king we need. Also we get the elves in Mirkiwood. These Elf’s are not like the High Elves in Rivendell. These are the greedy elves who don’t care anything about the world except 2. Legolas the introduction of Legolas since hes a elf he can make a appearance in the Hobbit. But turns out hes a prince that’s cool but really he will always be a prince since his father will never die. But i could defiantly tell a difference between the LOTR Legolas and the Hobbit one. In Hobbit one he is a lot more like his father cold about the world not caring just caring about his people. But Lilly or whatever her character name was saying are we not part of this world when did we allow evil to become more powerful than us. I’m expecting a ending to her character next movie to make a big dramatic change for his transition into the LOTR. Also we had Gandalf off seeing what the Necromancer is up to. But turns out he is none other than Sauron. Which looks like the army of orcs are marching toward the lonely mountain.

Some things i didn’t like in the movie. The 2nd time i saw the Hobbit i watched it in 3d i didn’t like the way it looked. It felt more like real life which was cool but when i watch a movie with elf’s, dwarfs, and dragons I’m not expecting it to be real. Also the 3d i don’t like 3d not a fan. Usually over priced that doesn’t have much 3d. I felt it could of been improved if Smaug had flown out of the screen or shot fire at the audience. How do you have a dragon in a movie and not do either of those things. Also this is just me complaining but i wish Gandalf was in the movie more. He goes off somewhere at the beginning of the movie and you saw him maybe 4 more times. So hated that.

Now tell you what i loved about the movie. Just to be clear i had complaints about the movie but that was more about the 3d of the movie, and the camera work nothing actually wrong with the movie. Now one of the best parts of the movie was the Barrow scene. All dwarfs escape the orcs by hiding in barrows and floating down river while trying to get away from orcs and elves. Hilarious, had Legolas being a boss. But also had Smaug the dragon. Who is voiced by Benedict Cumberbatch which is awesome who just frankly has a sexy voice. He kills it as Smaug. I was laughing cause its first time since the series 2 finale of Sherlock that they have been together both Sherlock and Watson. But smaug was cool. Course 1 thing i don’t understand is why dragons covet gold or sleep in gold. Dragons are suppose to be these intelligent creatures. But they go after Gold because its shiny just shows they have the attention span of a 6 year old.

In end Hobbit 2 was awesome. Had a great cast, good sequel to last year movie. And something been looking forward to saying since i reviewed Man of Steel of a movie this year. The Hobbit The Desolation of Smaug is Legendary.

Didn’t think we get another one this year for 2013 movies. Looking forward to the third hobbit. Looking to see how they set it up to the fellowship of the ring. You can call the desolation of smaug the empire strikes back of LOTR movies.

Have you seen the desolation of smaug if have comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and follow this channel. Thanks for reading.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Review

The Hunger Games Catching Fire

How did i feel after watching this well i felt hungry so afterward time for me play my own version of the hunger games. Lets review 2nd part of the hunger games movies.

Takes place about year after the first games. Katness is suffering from PDS seeing faces of people who were in the last hunger games. She still has to keep up the front that her and peter are still in love. Then we have the emperor or President Snow telling Katness to play nice or its not going to end well. Her and Peter go throughout the 12 districts and rebellion is on the verge. So to shut them up they have 1 more hunger games this time made from all champions. Some the champions are pretty familiar. Guy from District 1 was in Blue Mountain State, girl from revolution, girl from Iron Man 3 i think, also famous black guy i remember from casino royal. One who i liked was the guy who played Finnick. Tell you what i think he make a awesome aqua man if they make a aqua man movie.

Movie was good a lot better than the last movie. Also a big cliffhanger at end for winter is coming to the districts.

In end was a good movie had its flaws but still a good movie. I say Hunger Games: Catching Fire is worth seeing in theaters.

Have you seen Hunger Games 2 if have comment below let me know. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and follow the channel. Thanks for reading.

Thor: The Dark World Review

Thor the Dark World

Avengers phase 2 contiunes with Thor the dark world lets talk about this one.

In the beginning some thought there was nothing they would be wrong there was darkness. Thats the whole movie. Lets break it down. First we have these alien species the Dark Elf’s. Usually Elf’s are these light creatures not in this case they are evil. They are trying get this blood stone to work to make the universe go into darkness that’s the villains plot in this one. Now lets look at Thor. Thor he hasn’t really changed much since the avengers but we see he has been in a lot of battles but really all he wants to do is to go back to earth and be with Natalie Portmans character Jane Foster i mean can you really blame him. Well foster has been poisoned by darkness yes you heard that right. So Thor has to team up with Loki to take down these dark elf’s.

Movie was awesome the action in it was just so good. Also the comedy similar to Iron Man 3 the humor is spot on. Let me say that Loki is probably one of the better marvel villains. You never know whose side he is on. Loki is Marvel’s answer to the joker not saying those 2 villains are all similar but Loki awesome. Moments in movie i thought Loki betrayed Thor and yeah he didn’t awesome you never know where he is coming from.

In end i enjoyed Thor a awesome summer movie that came out in November. I say Thor the Dark World i will buy on DVD. I enjoyed this one a lot more than Iron Man 3. Also mid credit scene which is worth talking about don’t really understand it for don’t have my comic book fan in America right now.

Have you seen Thor the dark world i f have comment below tell me what you thought. Did you like what you read then click that like button and follow my channel to stay up to date with latest movie review. Thanks for reading.