Category Archives: Buy on DVD

Frozen Review


A bit late but hey better late than never. Since i won’t being seeing any movies untill maybe I, Frankenstein I’ll be reviewing some older movies that i haven’t seen so lets talk about Frozen.

Frozen well its about the Ice queen. Now most people usually call women this being their such a ice queen. But this translation of the ice queen its shes been misunderstood. MovieĀ  is she doesn’t know how to control her powers so she hid in a room pretty much her whole life. Reminds me a bit of Jean from X Men 3 where she can’t control her powers so Xavier puts mental blocks in her head so the phoenix can’t ever get out. But here they give her gloves. But movies goes she runs away and her sister has to go after her. Really movie its about these 2 sisters. It was good but then it turned great when a snowman comes to life and really is best part of movie. 1 thing i really didn’t like was the force of a villain just was not necessary.

In end Frozen was a good movie. Girls are going to love this movie it is defiantly a come back to form for Disney. But don’t feel its as good as the lion king, mulan, or Cinderella. I say Frozen is worth owning on DVD.

Have you seen Frozen if have comment below tell me what you thought. And heres a open question to comment on who is your favorite Disney Princess mine is Belle she awesome, funny and smart. Did you like what you read is so click that like button and follow this channel. Thanks for reading.

Anchorman 2 The Legend Continues


Actually wasn’t planing on seeing this, but my parents wanted to go to the movies and they wanted to see grudge match so i saw Anchorman 2; not that i didn’t want to go see Anchorman 2 but 2 other movies i wanted to see before this, but hey after long introduction lets talk about Anchorman 2.

Its kind of funny though i only seen Anchorman 1 last week, thought it was funny but i felt Anchorman 2 was a lot better than the previous one. First you have Han Solo fire Ron; that was funny. 3 months later guy tells Ron their starting a 24 hour news broadcast and Rons like thats the dumbest idea i have ever heard in my life but eh I’ll do it. But he can’t do it alone so he has to get the band back together. There were some funny moments. 1 was guy with cowboy hat sorry don’t know the names. But he started a chicken place but it wasn’t chicken they were bats. The chicken of the cave as he would call it. Then recruiting Brick where he thought he died but didn’t. It was hilarious then his laugh was just hilarious.

I liked the movie through the satire elements throughout the movie. The crew don’t talk about the news as Ron says People don’t want to hear what they need to hear they want to hear what they want to hear. But its not about the actual news its about the ratings. But i liked that part of the movie. Also Will Ferrel portrayal of Ron Burgandy. I’ll go on the record saying that i think him playing Ron Burgandy is the best acting job hes ever done. Also Steve Carrel playing Brick is hilarious. The thing i didn’t like about the movie was something bad happens to Ron and just goes in a direction i was like what that’s stupid. But the path they had chosen till Ron returns was just bad. Also there is another news gang battle which was awesome. Get so many guest appearance Liam Neeson, Will Smith, Tom Hanks, the wife chick from inception just hilarious.

In end Anchorman 2 was a awesome movie, a great sequel a lot better than the last one. I’ll say Anchorman 2 is worth owning on DVD.

Have you seen Anchorman 2 if have comment below tell me your thoughts of it. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and follow this channel. Thanks for reading.

Also similar to tv shows, and video games i will be doing a top 10 movies of 2013 but i have to see The Wolf on Wall Street, and American Hustle. Also Merry Christmas to all my followers and all who read through Facebook or twitter.

Thor: The Dark World Review

Thor the Dark World

Avengers phase 2 contiunes with Thor the dark world lets talk about this one.

In the beginning some thought there was nothing they would be wrong there was darkness. Thats the whole movie. Lets break it down. First we have these alien species the Dark Elf’s. Usually Elf’s are these light creatures not in this case they are evil. They are trying get this blood stone to work to make the universe go into darkness that’s the villains plot in this one. Now lets look at Thor. Thor he hasn’t really changed much since the avengers but we see he has been in a lot of battles but really all he wants to do is to go back to earth and be with Natalie Portmans character Jane Foster i mean can you really blame him. Well foster has been poisoned by darkness yes you heard that right. So Thor has to team up with Loki to take down these dark elf’s.

Movie was awesome the action in it was just so good. Also the comedy similar to Iron Man 3 the humor is spot on. Let me say that Loki is probably one of the better marvel villains. You never know whose side he is on. Loki is Marvel’s answer to the joker not saying those 2 villains are all similar but Loki awesome. Moments in movie i thought Loki betrayed Thor and yeah he didn’t awesome you never know where he is coming from.

In end i enjoyed Thor a awesome summer movie that came out in November. I say Thor the Dark World i will buy on DVD. I enjoyed this one a lot more than Iron Man 3. Also mid credit scene which is worth talking about don’t really understand it for don’t have my comic book fan in America right now.

Have you seen Thor the dark world i f have comment below tell me what you thought. Did you like what you read then click that like button and follow my channel to stay up to date with latest movie review. Thanks for reading.

Captain Phillips Review

Captain Phillips

Turns out that the fall of 2013 movies is better than summer of 2013 movies. But lets review Captain Phillips Savy.

Captain Phillips is the true story of what happened in 2010. I really liked this movie. Tom Hanks does a great job as playing Captain Phillips. But the surprise actor was the leader of the Somali Pirates. One thing i really like was it showed that they really didn’t have a choice. Scene in the trailer where Phillips said you don’t have to do this, and he says maybe in America. Showing that really if you want to survive in that world you have to do bad things.

Good movie, great actors, little long but still a good movie. In end i say Captain Phillips is worth owning on DVD.

Have you seen Captain Phillips if have comment below let me know. Did you liked this review if did click that like button and follow my channel. Thanks for reading.

The Worlds End Review

The Worlds End

Be my last movie review for a while. Well since Murray decided not to play Kick Ass 2 in theaters, I won’t be watching that till my brother is in town around christmas time. And no movie i really want to see until Thor 2 comes out. I’ll still be reviewing older movies, episodes of TV shows when Fall season starts. But for now lets talk about the worlds end.

The worlds end is a funny movie. Made by the same people who brought you Shaun of the dead, and hot fuzz. Now I’ve never seen Hot Fuzz, but i have seen shaun of the dead. Lets talk about it. Movies with these people have a simple formula, you got the guys who enjoy drinking or to go drinking, then some supernatural thing happens and to make a break for the pub.

In worlds end we have Simon Peg’s character who is a broken man. He used to be king of the world. In beginning of the movie he tells the story of the worlds end the ultimate bar crawl, 12 pints, 12 pubs to finish the golden line. But he’s trying to remember the golden days with his best friends. Now lets look at the other characters Nick Frost who been in Shaun and Fuzz. He doesn’t drink anymore, trying to get his wife back. He was a completeĀ  bad-ass in movie. He is the only reason they did not get killed by robots. He went into hulk mode. Next we had Martin Freeman, at first i didn’t know who he was but then i was like hey its Bilbo Baggins. Then theres 2 other guys but i didn’t know who they were but they were pretty funny. The cast of the movie was really good.

The supernatural thing in this one was cool. If you seen movie the Host, or don’t see that movie because I had heard it was terrible. But Aliens came and used the Humans as host and became kind of robotic.

NOW SPOILER IF NOT BE SPOILED THEN CLICK AWAY. When Aliens leave all technology is taken from the world. The aliens had been improving the worlds technology with cars, phones. When they leave that all leave’s too. In end Simon Peg character becomes the Lone Wanderer from the worlds end.

In end Worlds end was good movie, had great cast, great comedy, ending is pretty weird. I say I’ll buy Worlds End on DVD.

Have you seen theĀ  worlds end if have comment bellow let me know. Also be poll of which movie you like better. Also like, follow me here.

Andrew blog

The Wolverine Review

The Wolverine Review

Just got back from seeing The Wolverine so lets review this.

Movie takes place after X-Men 3. Logan is in bad shape in this movie. His hair long lives like a caveman except with a radio a modern day caveman or someone with no money. In trailer you hear Japanese man saying that eternity can be a curse. And he has a point. In last movie we see Wolverine was alive a little before the American civil war. So hes been alive if my math is right a really long time. But not just that he’s feeling guilty from killing Jean or the phoenix in the last movie.

This was a pretty awesome movie. We got cool Japanese actors one who was in Lost and the last samurai. Who was one of the main villains, the girl actors were pretty good. Also only reason not saying their names is because I’ll probably misspell it. But anyways all actors were good. Hugh Jackman was also awesome as wolverine. Him Robert Downy Jr i feel are the only characters that can’t be replaced for their role in the marvel universe.

The story of this movie was pretty good. When i was kid i always liked the X-Men cartoon shows. So i always give x men movies a chance. The x men trilogy i hated, the x men origins i thought it was ok, x men first class i loved my favorite marvel movie of all time. And this one is good too. Pretty much the story is the japaneese guy that Logan saved in nuking of Nagasaki is dying and he wants wolverines immortality.


Thought it was cool who the main villian was. At first i thought it was viper but then big suit armor guy loses his head and turns out to be the old man i was like what. Good approach cause i had thought he had died in the movie. The action was also good.

Now lets talk about the end scene. Logan getting ready to board a plane where all metal starts moving. I was like no, turns out Magneto is back and also Dr. X them recruiting wolverine to take down a new evil in next year’s x men movie Days of future past. Where Tyrion Lannister will be playing the main villian now making me pumped up for a x men movie next year.

In end wolverine had good actors had great action, good story also left it up for sequel not really sequel but next x men movie. I say I’ll buy wolverine on DVD. Also the best wolverine is best marvel movie of the year.

Have you seen wolverine if have comment below let me know. Also here’s a question which X men movie is best of them all my favorite is X men first. Also follow me on twitter @andrewfist02

Fast and Furious 6 Review


Fast 6 an awesome summer movie. Almost caught up on most of the movies i have seen this summer so let the fun begin boys and girls.

Let’s just be clear I love where they have taken the Fast and Furious series now. I didn’t like the First one, the second one was funny, i haven’t seen the third one, 4th was good, then 5th one was awesome. But this one was even better. They turn characters who are pretty bad-ass to begin with and are in a action movie.

Beginning of movie we The Rock learning of Shaw and his crew wrecking havoc in London. Knowing he can’t take him down on his own so he gathers the best team in world a team he learned to respect. Dom and the family sounds like of like a cult you say it like that. They go after Shaw for Liddy Dom’s love in the first movie is apparently still alive. Plot Convenience totally but as i said earlier this is action car movie. The cast in this movie is pretty awesome sure you got mostly the same cast as last movie but the important part of have cast like this is to make sure they have chemistry that they work well together. Each time you switch to a different actor they stole the scene. Movie was hilarious Tyrese Gibson made me laugh every time i see him. The Rock and Vin Diesel teaming up was awesome as well they made team no person alive could take down those two.

The Setting of the movie was also pretty cool. Last movie was in Rio; Rio was cool but London i mean it’s London an awesome setting for another movie. There good fights, and always Hot Women, and Hot cars Ride or die right.

Now whats wrong. I felt the trailer gave away the movie too much the thing with the airplane felt it would of been a lot better if they had left it out in the trailer then we would of saw that and been wow they took down a airplane.

In end Fast 6 was an awesome movie, had great comedy, great actors, great action. I say i will buy Fast 6 on DVD.

Also great end scene showing whats happening with the Japanese guy’s death. I knew he died in Fast 3 but knew it was in future so i been putting it off watching that movie now im going to have watch fast 3.

If you like what you read comment what you thought about Fast 6 and are excited about Fast 7.

Also follow me on Twitter for more updates on reviews. @Andrewfist02