Category Archives: MEH

Pacific Rim Review

Pacific Rim


Okay sorry about that now its review time. Pacific Rim. When i first saw the trailer to this movie i was like that looks stupid looked like a power ranger movie. But a friend thought it looked awesome and i said i would go see it with him and now im questioning that decision. First I’ll tell you what i liked about it then I’ll you what i hated.

Alright the first 5 minutes you have a little prologue of these monsters coming to earth causing havoc. I was like that’s pretty cool i mean it reminded me of Lord of the ring prologue. Which is like one of my favorite movie of all times so when somebody copies that then I’m like yeah that’s cool. Next the fights scenes were pretty good. I mean it was monsters fighting robots its going be cool. 3rd and last thing i liked were only 2 good actors  Idris Elba playing the military guy who was the director of the fighting robot program. He killed it he had this speech which reminded me of one of commander shepherds speeches you see in Mass Effect. Him screaming we are canceling the apocalypse. I was like yeah he’s awesome. Next good actor was Charlie Day. He was hilarious in movie gave us a lot of comedy. Every time he was on screen it was good, every time he wasn’t on screen and there were no robots fighting it was bad.

Now lets talks about what i hated. Other than the 2 actors i mentioned the rest of the cast was terrible felt like they took chance with actors for they didn’t have the money to get a better cast. A lot of the fight scenes were there to just to have a stupid fight scene. Moment where guy in robot said hey lets look for a pulse then just blows him up 5 times. I was thinking why didn’t they do that to begin with. Also the alien and robot were space and Chinese girl said no i have a sword. Which kill the alien in 1 second. Just stupid excuses  to have a ten minute fight scene. Also the story was complete garbage. Movie could of wrapped up sooner but had to be longer. Also the 3d wasn’t that good either so a waste of 13 dollars

In the end Pacific Rim had 2 good actors, decent fight scenes. So Pacific Rim is MEH. First meh review I’ve had.

What did you think of pacific rim have you seen it if have comment below let me know. Also for more reviews follow me on twitter @Andrewfist02