Category Archives: Worth a rent

Ender’s Game Review

Ender's Game

The 3rd movie i did not plan on seeing now i have seen lets talk about ender’s game.

Ender’s game is a ok movie. First lets talk about these aliens. The aliens remind me of the Rachni in Mass Effect series for their only dependent on queen if the queen is killed then all the children or telepathic queen is lost. But humanity lost 10 million people. 50 years later they start training kids to find the next great stragest. Thats who ender is. Ender is chosen to go through don’t really want to say it but i will Battle School i was like really you couldn’t come up with a better name. But Ender and his classmates train their minds to take down the Rachni.

I thought the cast of this movie did a really good job. First lets Han solo i mean Harrison ford. He killed it he did a great job. But what really surprised me was the guy who played Ender he did a really awesome job as him. Kid actors are hard to predict i mean look at game of thrones or walking dead you have Bran or Carl actors don’t think their that good of actors.

In end ender’s game is a ok movie was it as bad as i thought it was going to be no i actually enjoy for what it was. I believe Ender’s game is worth a rent. Its got good enough action little funny dialogue, and ok acting a decent November movie.

Have you seen ender’s game if have comment below let me know. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and follow me here. Thanks for reading.

Elysium Review


Thats right 2 review in one night i must be bored let review this thing.

Elysium is an interesting movie. Lets talk a little about the world. Elysium world just like Cowboy Beebop earth where its toxic waste and not really good to live at anymore. So all rich people decide hey lets not live in this junk anymore so they build a space station which is the citadel from Mass Effect and to get away from their troubles. Sound’s very Republican to me. And these rich people are jerks shooting people out of sky for trying to get better life and healing their sick. One thing i thought was interesting was in L.A where most movie takes place it was the mexican part of town most people spoke spanish. I was like oh okay that makes sense i guess. Then at Elysium they all speak french. At first i was like no thats stupid there is no way the french could take over i call bullcrap. But oh well not like i can change it.

Now lets talk a little about the cast of Elysium. First lets talk about Matt Damon. I like Matt Damon he’s an awesome actor who proves he can not only do action but other movies too. Next Jodie Foster i don’t feel as though no one else could of played her role like her. She did a good job yes, but i felt anyone could of been her character and it would of been just as good. Then we have best performance of this movie Sharlto Copley this is really only the 2nd movie i have seen him in. First was The A team where he plays as Murdock the crazy pilot. Here he is also crazy. Only problem i had with him was i felt like i did in Dark Knight Rises when you could barely understand Bane the first time you see the movie.

Now action, it was  different. It wasn’t as good as you think. At first when Damon gets the  cyborg implants you think its going be awesome but really he was too busy trying not to die.

Now this movie does get a little preachy. The movie reminds me of hearing politicians at a election promising to do all these things but really not doing it at all. Thought it was a good showing of it, so though movie didn’t do any of that right at least got message. I like movies  that have messages like that.

Elysium is not amazing, action not too great. Acting good, and message good. I’ll say Elysium is worth a rent.

Was a bit of disappointment for me but hey better than Pacific Rim

Have you seen Elysium if have comment below let me know. For more legendary reviews follow me here or on twitter. @Andrewfist02.

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