Category Archives: Worth Seeing in Theathers

Now You See Me Review

Now You See Me

Now you see this review.

Okay this movie is about these 4 magicians work for somebody to rob banks. I have to say i really enjoy this movie. Movie has a great cast. Got Eisenberg, Harelson, and 2 other characters i don’t know their name. But their known as the 4 horsemen and their rockstars they own the magic world. You also have Mark Ruffalo playing the FBI agent trying to take down the horsemen. Also had Alfred and Morgan Freeman in the movie. Morgan freeman’s role in movie was funny he was a consulting magician which i thought was hilarious. How did they get the heist done uh magic duh. The end of this movie is really stupid kind of took me away from the movie.

In the end this movie had good cast, heist was fun, and who dosen’t like magic tricks. I say Now You See Me is worth seeing in theaters.

Have you seen Now You See Me if have comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and also the follow button to stay up to date with the latest review. Thanks for reading.


American Hustle Review


Man December been a good month of movies probably the best month of movies this year course that’s not saying much. Lets talk about American Hustle.

American Hustle was a good movie. The director David O Russel the one who directed Silver Linnings Playbook and The Fighter. The tone of the movie felt very good, though you could feel this was a David O Russel movie by just watching it. But in no way is this as good as either Fighter or Silver Linning Playbook. Movie is about Christian Bale and Amy Adams characters their hustlers they take peoples money. But Christian Bale character loves Amy Adams character they love each other, only 1 problem with that. Bale is married to Lawrence. But their scamming money from people where they get caught by Bradley Cooper’s character who works for the FBI. He offers them a deal if they help take down 4 white collar crime people then we will let you go free. Also we get Jeremy Renner’s character. To be honest i enjoyed his character the best. He portrays a Mayor of New Jersey who is trying to rebuild the economy of state but needs help so he gets money from bale not knowing he works for the feds. Also you Louis C.K in it he is the guy Cooper works for. Also Robert D. Niro as a mafia boss only in movie once but was good the one time he was in movie.

To be honest i was kinda of dissapointed with this movie. It was funny yes but i felt a lot of the actors over acted in this movie. I felt Russel wanted each actor awesome in the movie that it wasn’t well balanced at all. Still great job by all actors like Jennifer Lawrence. Comparing her roles here and Hunger Games so different just once again shows her range as a actor.

In end American Hustle was good movie, felt a bit dissapointed but still a good time. I say American Hustle is worth seeing in theaters. Funny movie, defiantly get your money worth’s.

Have you seen American Hustle if have comment below tell me what you thought. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and click that follow button. Thanks for reading.

The Hunger Games: Catching Fire Review

The Hunger Games Catching Fire

How did i feel after watching this well i felt hungry so afterward time for me play my own version of the hunger games. Lets review 2nd part of the hunger games movies.

Takes place about year after the first games. Katness is suffering from PDS seeing faces of people who were in the last hunger games. She still has to keep up the front that her and peter are still in love. Then we have the emperor or President Snow telling Katness to play nice or its not going to end well. Her and Peter go throughout the 12 districts and rebellion is on the verge. So to shut them up they have 1 more hunger games this time made from all champions. Some the champions are pretty familiar. Guy from District 1 was in Blue Mountain State, girl from revolution, girl from Iron Man 3 i think, also famous black guy i remember from casino royal. One who i liked was the guy who played Finnick. Tell you what i think he make a awesome aqua man if they make a aqua man movie.

Movie was good a lot better than the last movie. Also a big cliffhanger at end for winter is coming to the districts.

In end was a good movie had its flaws but still a good movie. I say Hunger Games: Catching Fire is worth seeing in theaters.

Have you seen Hunger Games 2 if have comment below let me know. Did you like what you read if so click that like button and follow the channel. Thanks for reading.

Gravity Review


Been a while since a movie review but hey lets talk about gravity.

Gravity is a decent movie, a little overrated absolutely but still a very good movie. It stars Sandra Bulock and George Clooney. Their out in space any something goes wrong the ship they were in gets destroyed so you have Sandra and Georges character trying not to die and to make it back home. Visually speaking the way earth looks is beautiful, and love how there is no sound in space reminds me of Firefly of how they have no sound. Also reminds me of Mass Effect 2 at the beginning when the Normandy is getting destroyed and your walking to obtain joker it felt like that the whole movie.

Some problems i had in this movie were quite a bit. One i didn’t like the forced character story, at moment of the movie their going to one of the abandoned space station and she said she used to be a mom, i felt like they tried to forced that upon us. Reminds me of the Hunger games when you have the little black girl who is dying and their trying make you care but i just didn’t it didn’t give me a reason to care so i didn’t. Another thing is why are there all these abandoned space stations at the most convenient locations. Movie is founded in how real it would be but don’t think there would be all these space stations and them all being abandoned. Now im going talk about a spoiler so if have not seen Gravity click away right now. I didn’t like George Cloony dying. He gave us humor, the old veteran i actually liked his character when he died i was like yay we have that 1 girl.

In end was Gravity good? Yes. Was it best movie i have seen this year? Hell No. In end i say Gravity is worth seeing in theaters.

Have you seen Gravity if you have comment below let me know. Also did you like what you read; if so click that follow button or like this page to keep updated on the latest of andrewfist blogs. Thanks for Reading.

2 Guns Review

2 Guns

Went to see this movie Sunday but have been busy with playing a video game that i will be reviewing in a few days. But for now lets talk 2 Guns.

2 Guns stars Denzel Washington and Mark Wahlberg. Main premise of the movie is that both characters in the movie are in a undercover operation. Denzel character is undercover in the D.A, while Mark character is undercover in the Navy. What each are trying to do is to take down the Mexican cartel or whatever gang they are. These 2 characters decide to rob the bank they believe the cartel has the money in but they rob the wrong people and we have our movie. The acting in this movie was really good. Denzel was good but hey usually everything he is in its good. He have advertisement about toilet paper and be awesome. Now Wahlberg, he was good to. Here’s the thing about Markie Mark when he’s good he is good. He did a great job in movie. When talking about movie you also have to talk about the chemistry between their characters. They have insanely awesome chemistry together. There was this running gag in movie where Denzel promising to shoot mark back.

Now the villains of the movie were a bit cartoony you had corrupt CIA agent, the corrupt Navy guy. Whoa a lot of  corrupt characters in this movie. But my favorite was the Mexican  cartel leader Edward James the first thing i have seen him in since Battlestar Galactica ended. He was good in it he did have bad facial hair which also made him a little cartoony but hey oh well.

Also the action was pretty good in this movie.

In end 2 guns was good movie, good actors, and good action. Villains a little cartoony but still a good movie. I’ll Say 2 guns is worth seeing in Theaters.

Have you seen 2 guns if have comment below let me know. And as always like this review or follow me on twitter for more reviews and legendary tweets. @andrewfist02

Andrew blog

World War Z Review

World War Z

When Zombies invade now time to tell you what i thought.

World War Z first surprised this movie came out at all. Had problems finding money few years ago but im so glad it came out. I own book by Max Brooks but have not got around too reading it been procrastinating on that but i have read about a quarter of the book. Some people did not like them diverging from Book but i like it for there is no way that it could of been a good movie. In book  Brad Pitts character interviews people who were at the Zombie Invasion and telling their story trying to trace how it began. Now in books the zombies are traditional zombies the zombies you see in the walking dead and most zombie movies. But i think reason they went with fast zombies is because they didn’t want to be compared to the walking dead. They wanted to be their own thing now lets talk about the movie and stop talking about comparison between book and movie.

First we see that Brad Pitt’s Character had quit his job at the U.N to be able to spend more time with his family. The problem with the movie is that it follows a simple formula. Brad Pitt goes somewhere thinking their safe, then everything goes wrong, then having to escape trouble and follow that formula throughout the movie. Another thing wrong with the movie is that it really didn’t know where they wanted to go. The movie was written by 3 different people so did not know what direction the movie wanted to go. Another thing i didn’t like was the family. If the family was not in the movie then it would of change the movie in no fashion. But no i guess wanted Brad Pitt to have something to fight for.  What i really hated was the Zombie Ladder i was like NO bad movie no ladders. Just stupid.

Now i told you what i didn’t like now lets talk about what i liked. First Brad Pitt. Brad Pitt is probably my favorite actor just like Morgan freeman no matter what their in their going to kill it in their roles. And Brad Pitt nails if anybody else was lead it probably would not have been as good. The Zombies was interesting it was cool seeing something different. They were actually a threat not like in most zombie stories where their slow. I also like how Brad Pitt trying to figure out how to survive putting all the puzzle pieces together and finding way to survive the zombies. Also cool is every zombie movie the world is ended were just trying to make a life out of it. Uh no not this one their still trying to save the world and its awesome.

In end of day cool movie things i didn’t like about it but the positive defiantly outweighs the negative. I say this movie is worth seeing in Theaters/ a rent. Though that’s my rating I’m probably going to be buying this movie on DVD cause i enjoyed so much

Have you seen World War Z if you have comment below tell me what you thought.

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Iron Man 3 Review


Little late actually saw this the beginning of summer but been busy but hey better than never.

What we have with Iron Man III is a decent iron man movie. In my own opinion i think Iron Man 3 is the best Iron man yet. The problem i had with Iron Man 2 was that i felt Iron Man was never going to lose other wise known as superman syndrome. But this one we don’t see that. Tony he’s not doing that hot. It shows that the events of the Avengers has left an impact on him. He’s going through PDS which makes him freak out. What i like about this movie mostly was that we had more Tony Stark and less Iron Man. I know a lot of people’s main gripe about this series was too much tony not enough Iron man cool seeing for tony for we actually saw that yeah he’s a genius and shows it proud.

Now im going talk a little about spoilers so if you have not seen this movie and don’t want to be spoiled then click away right now. I like the idea of the Mandarin how it was just a conspiracy thing give a terrorist a face and people won’t actually look at the actual enemy hope no organization actually uses that. Now what really pisses me off was the ending. There is a moment when Peppers falls im like i hope she dies. I knew she didn’t die when she fell but i was hoping she was going to die. It just a stupid i mean it’s superhero movie yes so nobody is going die but just once i wish it would happen. Maybe I’ve gone crazy since watching Game Of Thrones and always expecting characters to die but hey a man can dream.

In the end of day Iron man 3 was a great movie, great sequel to post Avenger 1 era. My rating for this movie is worth seeing it in Theaters or a rent. I will go over my rating system in next post.

For more reviews check out my twitter @andrewfist02.