Category Archives: It was ok only worth watching if it came out on tv

Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit Review

Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit

So in the month of January we had a lot of bad movies but usually you can find something worth watching.

Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit is the reboot of the Jack Ryan series. Jack Ryan i don’t really know much about. All i have heard is that Jack Ryan is pretty much the American version of James Bond. May have to watch the other Jack Ryan movies learn more about character. Now this movie one thing i liked was first 10 or so minutes. Cause it dealt with the origins of Jack Ryan. I love origin stories. Now i had plenty of problems with this movie. One was Keira Knightly. First she did okay in movie. But she’s British and she did a american accent it was weird. I have never heard her with a american accent. Something i don’t really want to see again. Also the villian was terrible. He was too cartoony. I like what they were doing trying to destroy the markets and try to start another great depression. That was a cool storyline. Also both Chris Pine and Kevin Costner were pretty good in the movie.

In end Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit was a decent flick is it as good as Borne or James Bond no. But if bored one night and got nothing better to do then can click this and be good time. I say Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit It was okay but only worth watching if it came out on T.V.

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