Category Archives: Legendary

Nightcrawler Review


What a movie it just creeped me out which is something awesome.

Nightcrawler. Alright so Nightcrawler is movie staring Jake Gyllenhaal. And i will go into prediction mode he will be nominated for a Oscar if not the academy has something wrong with them. Movie is pretty much his character can’t get a job till he learns about freelance filming and he turns out to be real good at it. What is great is Jake Gyllenhaal you don’t see him once this entire movie he becomes this roll. Now only gripe i can say about this movie is that the supporting cast was a little weak. But you go into this movie to see how crazy his character is.

In end Nightcrawler was a great movie. Had great camera work, acting was great, oscar nom for Gyllenhaal. And Nightcrawler is Legendary. 

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Boyhood Review


A movie that took 12 years to make don’t worry it won’t take me 12 years to write this review.

Boyhood. Alright so Boyhood is moving staring well that’s the thing. I’m not really familiar with either the actors, or the director of the movie. That being said this movie is really well done. What this movie is about a guy called Mason Jr who is a kid in Texas and his family who must deal with life. Your probably thinking to yourself I’ve seen this before. You have but not like this. Whats awesome about this movie is that they started to film this movie back in 2002. Lets think about this i was 11 when they started making this movie. Like its cool to see what was in and what boys liked. Like when movie starts he has Dragon Ball Z sheets and watching DBZ. To later having conversations about star wars. What puts this movie great is each scene of the movie the actors have changed. By getting older where their look is completely different each scene. Which i think makes this movie brilliant. The message of this movie is great. Whole point is people live their lives for the big moments you know carpe dium what Robin Williams taught us. But really life is a moment and we have to live it.

In end Boyhood is a great movie. It has great acting, its not a typical family movie, shot great. And Boyhood is Legendary.

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Fury Review


So we got a new world war 2 movie lets talk about it.

Fury. So Fury is movie staring Brad Pitt, Shila LeBeouf, and bunch of other guys. This was a awesome movie. The premise of the movie is America is on the last stretch of war on the Europe front.  First off the cast to this movie is awesome. Everyone is great. I think one of the best performance is Shila Lebeouf yeah he is not great guy but he is great actor. Also guy who played Shane from walking dead was great. What was cool also terrible was this crew they were not good guys. Course you can get how they turned out this way. They been fighting ever since Africa and war changes man. What this movie does i think it shows you the ugly part of war its not glorious it sucks. One thing i really liked was the tank battles. I never realized there was such strategy when it came to tanks.

In end Fury is a awesome movie. It has great action, all the acting in this movie is great, the message of just how ugly war is does great job. And Fury is Legendary.

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Gone Girl Review

Gone Girl

Oscar season is here.

Gone Girl. Alright so Gone Girl is a movie directed by David Fincher staring Ben Affleck and Rosamund Pike. And guys this movie was awesome. The basic premise of this movie is that Ben Affleck wife goes missing and they all thought he killed her. At first a simple plot but as the movie goes on it gets more awesome. The acting in this movie is incredible. First Affleck is great anyone worried about him being Batman i’ll tell you know don’t worry he is going be great. But the person who stole the show was Rosamund Pike she was the best part of this movie. I will be shocked if she does not get nominated for a Oscar for this movie. Also the supporting cast was good. Tyler Perry was good that’s something i wasn’t expecting. NPH i felt was miscasted. Another person i think who stole the show was the sister. The sister is in the show of Leftovers and she is great in that as well. Also movie has great message about the media where the media goes on these witch hunts. I like how fincher did that with showing people don’t form opinion based on what people tell you form your own.

In end great movie. Great acting, a great story, only problem i had was the ending. And Gone Girl is Legendary.

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Locke Review


Its not about the destination Jack its about the journey.

Locke is a smaller movie that came out earlier this year. The question is what is this movie. Well pretty much movie is Tom Hardy’s character is a construction or a cement worker whatever that is anyways he’s a manger. Well something happens and he has to drive somewhere. Thats the movie. Don’t want to say why he is driving cause don’t want to spoil the movie. If someone told you basic plot of this movie. Its tom hardy, a car, and he’s making telephone calls with his fancy car phone it sounds pretty boring. Well that’s just wrong. This movie is freaking awesome. First Tom Hardy. This guy is one of the best actors today. And this is pretty much a one man show. It wasn’t really a movie it was more of a play. For they shot this movie all at once and then shot couple more times. This was cool movie.

So Locke was a great movie. It had great dialogue, it had great character of Locke who must deal with this situation. And Locke is Legendary.

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Guardians of the Galaxy Review

Guardians of the Galaxy

Marvels phase 2 concludes with Guardians of the Galaxy lets talk about this awesome movie.

Guardians of the Galaxy. This was a awesome movie. Movie stars these characters Star Lord, the green assassin, groot, Drax, Groot, and Rocket. They are misfits their team similar to the avengers in that way but that’s when the similarities end. The Avengers are the best of the best heroes of earth. Guardians are just these guys that all are psychopaths that have come together for a single goal money. Now lets talk about some of the characters. Star Lord was awesome in the movie. He reminds me of a mix between Han Solo and Jim Kirk. Which was something i love. He was cocky like Kirk but really all he wanted was the money. But the character who stole the show was Rocket. When i heard about Guardians i was like what is that. Heard about a raccoon and thought that is the dumbest i have ever heard. But then seeing it i completely change my opinion of that. Also we green chick she was cool too. Also it was cool to see Thanos to actually see him. Think this movie and probably along with the next guardians is going to set up Avengers 3. Cause we know the collector has one infinity stone, the asgard people have a stone, now this republic city has stone. So pretty much this movie will have no effect over the avengers 2. But this was such a fun movie.

This was a awesome movie. It had great humor, great action, and awesome characters. Also while seeing it; it reminded me so much of Star Wars especially the final act in the movie. This is a perfect mix between Star Trek and Star Wars. And Guardians of the Galaxy is Legendary.

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Dawn of the Planet of the Apes Review

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes

Summer 2014 continues with APES ON HORSES.

Dawn of the Planet of the Apes. This was a awesome movie. A sequel to the 2011 Rise of the Planet of the Apes. Takes place 10 years after last movie. Love how the movie begins with showing how the disease spread throughout the world. Story of the movie is the humans find the apes and their trying to get power to San Francisco. One great thing about this movie is what you are expecting where this movie to go it goes the opposite direction. The cast of the movie was great. Humans were good but the apes are awesome. Andy Serkis does a great job as Caesar. One thing i have to say bad about this movie is that didn’t really need Gary Oldman in the movie. He wasn’t used that much probably could of gotten anyone.

A great movie, had great cast, good story. Looking forward to the next one. I say Dawn of the Planet of the Apes is Legendary.

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How to Train Your Dragon 2 Review

How to Train Your Dragon 2

This has been one of the best weekend of movies i can remember.

How to Train Your Dragon 2. Once again a awesome movie. You know usually with specially with animated sequels they aren’t as good. Think about it Shrek 2 not that good, Lion King 2 it was ok. But this is the best animated sequel since Toy Story 2. One thing i like about this movie is its not the same movie. Usually with sequels they try to do the exact same thing. It still had the same feel to it but it was not same movie or with the same story. This one takes place 5 years after the events of the first movie. The town is really Dragon friendly. One thing i like is main guy who has batman wings where he can glide that was cool. Dragons were cool. Once again the music was amazing. Its stuck in my head I’ll probably add the soundtrack on my spotify playlist. Also you have Jonah Hill and Jon Snow voice people in this movie. Also movie is good not just for kids but for Adults. It had a lot good themes which i love.

How to Train Your Dragon 2 was a great movie. It had a good story, cool dragons, along with some voices you may remember. And How to Train Your Dragon is Legendary. 

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Edge of Tomorrow Review

Edge of Tomorrow

Summer 2014 is legendary.

Edge of Tomorrow. Edge of Tomorrow is a movie staring Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt. This movie is a futuristic world war 2. The humans are fighting these aliens who have taken over all of Europe except Russia. The humans are planing a invasion of France to turn the tide of the war. Its a lot like World War 2 with the battle of Normandy but instead of Nazis their fighting aliens. And let me say i enjoyed the hell out of this movie. First Tom Cruise people give him crap calling him crazy but man can he act. He was great. I loved his role for he was the traditional Tom Cruise character. Also Emily Blunt she is such a great actor. She did a awesome job. Also the supporting cast was great as well. Movie is you combined Groundhog day with Terminator. This was such a great surprise. For i did not think this movie would be good but then i saw reviews from youtubers like schmoes know, Chris Stuckman, and Jeremy Jahns saying they all loved it. And i say i loved it. Another thing the Director. This one of the few movies that makes shaky cam actually pretty good. Cause usually i hate shaky cam but the way the guy does it is well done.

In end loved this movie. Had a great cast, good directing, the action was awesome. Also give credit to Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt they do all the action no stunt doubles. This is the reason i love summer. And Edge of Tomorrow is Legendary. One problem with movie at least box office wise is not going do well with Fault in the stars along with last Tom Cruise movie Oblivion not being that good,

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X Men Days of Future Past Review

X-Men Days of Future Past

Movies like his are why i love summer movie season.

X Men Days of Future Past. Was this movie good? No. It was freaking awesome that’s not even enough to say. Movie does soo many things right. So movie is about a sequel to X men 3 and First Class. What i love about this movie it felt as a blended movie of X2 and First Class. Story of this movie is World sucks. The opening scene to this movie is awesome it does such a great job of setting up this world. Now we learn Kitty has power to send people conscious back in time as that’s how they been staying alive against the sentinels. The Sentinels were awesome. You had both future Sentinels and classic. The cast this movie was great. First off Jenefier Lawerence i didn’t see Jenefier Lawerence i saw Mystique. She was awesome. First class was the first movie i ever saw her in now she playing in this. I like her way better in this movie then the hunger games. Michael Fassbender he is a awesome villian. Also like parallel of both him and Ian mckelling. Where older magneto is more of hero where fassbender’s magneto is a villian. Also when i saw the scene when both Patrick Stuarts and James Mcavoy Professor X talking to each other i kinda loss it; it was so incredible. Also Peter Dinklage role as Trask was awesome as well. I liked it because Trask in comics isn’t a dwarf he’s normal guy where Bryan Singer like no i want Peter Dinklage one of best actors out there.

Also the story in this movie is good. You know usually when you deal with time traveling it gets really confusing its like what the doctor says in Doctor Who. Time Travel is all timey whiny. But i did not feel lost once in this movie. This was not just a great Superhero movie this was also a great science fiction movie all together one of best movies this year.

So X Men Days of Future past was awesome. It had great cast, 3 great villians proving you can have more than one villian and movie be awesome, great story. And X Men Days of Future Past is Legendary. This movie is probally my favorite superhero movie of all time, also best x men movie yet good job Fox and good to have Bryan Singer back as good director.

Have you seen X Men Days of Future past and what are your thoughts about it. Comment below tell me what you think. Did you like what you read well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.