Category Archives: Worth Buying on DVD

22 Jump Street Review

22 Jump Street

Their not 21 anymore and neither am i. I’m also 22.

22 Jump Street. Is a great comedy. The movie is a great sequel. First off love how the movie starts previously on 21 Jump Street. Showing yeah this was a t.v show back in the day. First the comedy in this movie. By the end of this movie my throat was hurting from laughing too much. The chemistry between both Hill and Tatum is just awesome. Also love all the satire elements of the sequel jokes. Also back to performances i felt Tatum stole the show. I’ve given him crap but he’s a great actor. Also the action scenes are a lot better in this one. I now feel confident that Tatum  can do Gambit. Also Ice Cube was awesome. There’s moment where Ice Cube loses it it was soo awesome. Only problem was villain being controlled by his daughter was stupid but really don’t care about the story.

22 Jump Street was a great movie. I liked the first one better mainly cause it was such a surprise but action was really improved. I say 22 Jump Street Is Worth Owning On DVD. 

Have you seen 22 Jump Street and what were your thoughts. Comment below tell me what you think. Did you like what you read? Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


Godzilla Review


Monsters attack the world and there is only one person to call… Heisenberg.

Okay we have the new movie Godzilla. Was Godzilla good. Uh yes so Godzilla is back. The story of this movie is that humans have known there were some kind of monsters in world for about since the 50s. I like when movies use history to advance the story. Saying all those nuclear test in the pacific they were not test they were nuking monsters like Godzilla. I don’t want spoil anything but movie does real good job. If your going into this movie expecting monsters fight then your seeing the wrong movie. Godzilla is in the movie really the last 15 minutes. The fights at the end of the movie was a billion times better than what we saw in Pacific Rim last year. The acting in this movie is also really well done. Bryan Cranston in this movie is awesome. He talks like he does in Breaking Bad. He is trying prove monsters like Godzilla exist. I’m going talk SPOILER right now. One of the major problems i had with Godzilla was that Bryan Cranston was in movie for not long. His character gets Boba Fetted meaning a character getting killed off in a stupid way. Now acting is good. Aaron Taylor Johnson is great i usually call him Kickass cause that’s really the only movie i have ever seen him in. Then there is Emily Olsen she was great she brought a human element to the movie. Also you have the Japanese guy don’t know his name even if i did i would not be able to spell or say it right. He’s got one of those awesome voices. Moment he says Let them fight.

So end Godzilla was a great reboot for Godzilla franchise after the movie back in 98 kind killed Godzilla. It has great action, love how it relates to modern day. Also liked seeing how actually realistic it is. I say Godzilla Is Worth Buying on DVD.

Did you see Godzilla and what are your thoughts about it. Comment below tell me what you thought. Did you like what you read. Well click that like button and while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.


The Amazing Spider Man 2 Review

The Amazing Spider Man 2

Alright Summer begins with another chapter to the spider man saga lets go.

The Amazing Spider Man 2. Alright this movie had soooooo many trailers and comericals and advertisement. Too much for this movie. I heard it was ok not as good as hoping to be. But going to see this i completly disagree from what i heard. I loved this movie. Movie takes who knows year or so after the events of the first spider man. Peter is just loving being spider man. There are a lot of things i liked about this movie. First i loved Andrew Garfield as Spider Man. He does a great job as spidey. The thing about spider man is he’s awesome. Spiderman is my favorite marvel superhero. Why is spiderman awesome is because he is so relatable to us.

Now lets talk about what i hate then i will talk about what i liked. Okay really there is one thing i wish was not in the movie. That was Rhino. He was terrible. He was soo cartoonie i understood why he was in the movie it was all to set up the Sinister 6 movie which i really am looking forward to that now. Here lets talk about the Sinster 6 movie. I have said this before but i don’t like Marvel villains that much. But i love Spider Man villains. And not just that. Setting a movie around bad guys sounds awesome. It be such a different kind of movie if the bad guys are protagonist. But hated the Rhino. Also i did not like Electro. Okay scratch that i liked Electro i hated Max. He being Spider Man stalker and everything was weird. By end i liked Electro.

Now what i loved about this movie is quite a bit. The acting was awesome in this movie. You had Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Jamie Fox, Sally Fields the guy who played Harry. One thing i loved was the relationship between Peter and Gwen it was such a good relationship between the 2. I liked the slow motion in film. What i liked was slow motion was way for us as viewers to look through the eyes of spider man to see what he has seen.

In end The Amazing Spider Man 2 was a great movie. It had great action, the humor was hilarious loved it, had great acting, and good villains. I say The Amzing Spider Man 2 Is Worth Owning on DVD.

Have you seen The Amazing Spider Man 2 if have comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read well click that like button then while your at it click that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.