Andrewfist T.V Recap March 2nd – March 6th

Welcome to March, now time for TV recap.

-March 2nd

True Detective Season 1 Episode 7 After You’ve Gone

True Detective

This was another awesome episode. This episode doesn’t deal with flashback ok there are a few flashbacks but for the most we are in the present or present of this show. Rust tells Cole that we owe a debt we didn’t catch the killer. Also learn what they have been doing. Cole started a private investigation company and rust spends most time drinking. Liked the episode it showed a role reversal. Each character has become the other character pretty cool seeing that transition. Also finally see the killer at the end of the episode. Its going be sad seeing this season coming to end but it was a great ride. I give this episode a 4.5.

The Walking Dead Season 4 Episode 12 Still

The Walking Dead

This was a great episode. It was slow episode but it was still a good episode. I think mainly it was good was how it shows good character growth of both Daryl and Beth. I have given crap about Beth’s character but she did really good this episode. To be honest i like her character more than Maggie. Also shows what kind of person Daryl is and where he came from. I give this episode a 4.6.

-March 3rd

How I Met Your Mother Season 9 Episode 19 Vesuvius


Ok episode. This episode has Wedding Bride 2 continuation of the firstĀ  wedding bride jokes also adding Marshall character of harshall or something like that also brought back Swarly a season 2 joke. Also had Barney suiting up for the most important time. Also brought back Robins sister. Episode i give a 3.4.

Almost Human Season 1 Episode 13 Straw Man

Almost Human

This was a really good episode and apparently the season finale okay. So episode dealt with a serial killer called straw man which was a case that Kennix dad was working before he was killed. Cool seeing also having Dorian’s review board to see if he stays on. He does episode ends in no dramatic way just guys hanging out at the noodle place when a call comes so back to work. Good episode i will do review of the season. But for this episode i give a 4.5.

Castle Season 6 Episode 17 In the Belly of the Beast


This was a legendary episode. We have all things you want out of a castle episode. You get the undercoverness with Beckett going in disguises. You hear a sexy Russian accent haven’t heard that since like season 2 or 3 but loved it then love it now. Also by end you learn that Bracken is Lazarus. I have always said that Castle is really good when focus on episodes like this now Bracken is running for president sad though cause i think this is the only episode we are going get out of him all season. But I’m going high for this episode i give this episode a perfect score a 5.0.

-March 4th

Agents of shield Season 1 Episode 14 T.A.H.I.T.I

Agents of Shield

Alright good episode. This episode we had the team go to Tahiti a magical place. Well Sky’s on life support so they go tahitti to save her. Also looks like colson was cloned or something who knows. Episode ends with some kind of alien next alien lady stiff from Thor is going make a appearance. Looking forward to that. I give this episode a 4.5.

Person of Interest Season 3 Episode 16 RAM

Person of Interest

Alright a awesome episode. This week we went back into the past. Episode dealt with Finch’s former partner it was kind of cool they went with the old intro to make it feel more of classic person of interest. But really it was a prequel of what makes person of interest person of interest. You had Shaw at end, Reese and his partner learning who really set them up. Decima already working. Also end episode guy that was the person of interest now is going be working for root or the machine. I give this episode a 4.6.

-March 5th

Survivor Brawn vs Brain vs Beauty Episode 2 Cops-R-Us

Survivor Brain vs Brawn vs Beauty

Alright we have good episode have decent tribe go to tribal council and also have rainfall going on. Okay episode was monsoon season episode. Always like these episodes. For when these people are stupid they get rained on by the survivor gods. Episode has brain tribe being stupid but some how winning the challenge or getting 2nd place. Brawn tribe won and the cops Sarah and Tony are in a aliance called Cops R Us which made the title of the episode. Beauty tribe lost challenge and someone i don’t like goes home. Thank you there is hope for this season after all. Also L.J found the idol all is looking good for him. Overall strategy was good love seeing survivors be miserbal. I’ll give this episode a 4.1.

Revolution Season 2 EpisodeĀ  15 Dreamcatcher


Alright cool episode or different episode. To his episode reminded me a mix between the matrix and Inception 2 great movies. Reminds me more of Inception for the nano are trying to get information show they do a dream within a dream within another dream. One moment like yeah screw you nano but then they get what they want and its over. So back to Texas. Also kinda of cheered when Charlie got shot i was YEAH. Give this episode 4.3.

-March 6th

The Big Bang Theory Season 7 Episode 17 The Friendship Turbulence

The Big Bang Theory

Decent episode. Sheldon and Howard became closer friends maybe a little too close, Amy stole girl from Raj, and Leonard bought Penny a car. Also funny reference to the check engine light finally turning off. Give episode a 3.4.

Elementary Season 2 Episode 17 Ears to You


Hear no crime see no crime ha get it cause the episode deals with ears. It was ok case, but more interesting was with Lestrade of him trying to become a detective again. I give this episode a 3.4.

Another week of T.V. The best episode of the week goes to Castle. Thats rights its first win but it was great episode finally returning to the Bracken case unfortunately i think that’s the only episode we are going get all season with him. Next week will be sad week with True Detective Season or Series finale who knows if there will be another season but i will watch and enjoy.

Have you seen any shows this week and what was favorite show of the week comment below tell me your thoughts. Did you like what you read hear then click that like button then that follow button to stay up to date with the latest reviews. Thanks for reading.



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